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Tflt LINeSELECTCDBYTÍHj.8.OCrVnr TO CARRY TH FA8T MAIL. It It the only line wlth lts own track trom CHICACO TO DENVER, Elther by way ol Omaha, Pacific June, St. Joseph, Atchlson or Kansas City. It connects In Union Depots wlth throuqh trains from NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON and all Eastern polnts. It Is the principal Une to SAN FRANCISCO, PORTLAND & CITY OF MEXICO It traverses all of the slx qrcat States of ILLINOIS, IOWA. MISSOURI. NEBRASKA. KANSAS. COLORADO with branch Unes to all thcir important cities and From CHICAGO, PEORÍA or ST. LOUIS. It runs evcry day In the year trom one to three elegantly equipped through trains over its own track between Chicago and Denver, Chicago and Omaha, Chicago and Councll Bluffs, Chicago and St. Joseph, Chicago and Atchison, Chicago and Kansas City, Chieago and Topeka, Chicago and Cedar Raplds, Chieago and Sloux City, Peoría and Councll Bluffs, Peoría and Kansas City, St. Louis and Omaha, St. Louis and St. Paul, Kansas City and Denver, Kansas City and St. Paul, Kansas City and Omaha, For all points In Northwest, West and Southwcs'. lts equipment is complete and first class tn every particular, and at all important points Intcrlockinq Switches and Signáis are used, thus insuring comfort and satety. For Tickets, Rates, General Information, etc, regardlnq the Burlington Route, cali on any Ticket Agent in the United States or Canada, or address T. J. POTTER 1st V.P. & Gf.. Mon., Chicaoo. HENRY B. STONE, Asst. Gen. Mor., Chicaoo. PERCEVAL LOWELL, Gen. Pass. Aqt., ChicaoO. Cliancery Notlce. rpiie Circuit Cciurt for the County of Wash X lenaw, 111 Chancery. Dennis .1. Kockwell :ind David Kookwell, CiiiiiplatiiiinlK, vh. Elizahitli Twltebell, Danlal Twltchel, Aun ('ase. Kranklli) B Cuínlullijs, .1 nanita Cummlngs ainl tlie uuki.own hrhs ui Junas Twitcheil, decieased, Defendant. Atasesslon of said court, tield at tlie city of Ann Arbor, Micliig tn, on the 7th day of May A. D. 18S5. Prwent Hou. ('hanncy Joklin. Circuit Judga. Solt pending in theOlr cult court for the C'ounly oí W'ashienaw In chanccry, at Ann Atbor, Mlchiguu, on the 7tll day of May A. II. 1885. Il saiislactni ily a.pi-aiii)u' to thls court by the ailiilavü ol sail comptainant. liud in tuin court at the time of flllng the blll of complalnt In said cause, that i-aid Jonas Twltchell, deceased, dled leavlng heirs.whose itnnwi and places of rcsldence are unknown ! j Haiil iiiltanis In said uffldavit, and itfurther apiieariiii to the Batlsfactlon r thla court that Kuch uiikiiuwn lu-iis are neet saiy partleH to thls uit, thereiore it is ordered Iliat saul unknown helrH of 8ald Jonas TwLlchell, di'ceuKi'il, cause their appearanci to be entered In salii snit on or beiorc Frlday, the 101 li day ol November A. I). lsXi, hik! In (¦;(¦ !' Ifaelr appcarance tltey causr tlu-n an¦wen to Ihe complalnnnt'8 Bill of complalnt 10 be liled, and a oopv t linrcof lr bc ierV6d on complaiuant's sollcltor, wlthin twen ty day a alter service on thent of a copy of snid bi'll, and notice of thls order ; and l liat in d.-laull thereof, íaid blll be taken as oonfMMd bj the said ooknown heln. And It is furtherortlercd. that wl( hln t went y davs ulier tlie date hfii'of, tin' said oomplainant canse anotloe ol this order to be published In the Ann Ai - bor CoruiKK. a newapaper prlnled, publlshed and olroulatfng in said county. and i bat liicb piiblicutioii be ooDtlnaad tberelo at leaal once in caclt wi-t-k, tor .six weeks In sucecsHion. Hat.'d Ann Arbor, Mlch., May 7. A. !., 1886, 0. JOS1.YN, KawvkkA KWOWLTON. Circuit Judge. soiiciiuis for Complalnants, Real Rítate lor Sale. STATK ()K MICHIGAN, (ounty of WasliU-naw. ss. ín tiiu matter of the attata of Minute c. Henlry, Mioor, Ñutiré is hereby given, that i 1 1 pursuance of an order uranteil Iqthe undersigned mi:inli;in, tf tlic Etetote f sald minor, by the Hou. Judge of Probate for the County of Washtenaw, on the S8th diiy of May, A. IJ. 1888, there wlll be sold at public vi-ndue, to tlie hlghest bidder, at thi front door of 'the Oourt House in the city of Anti Arbor, in the County of Wn.sbten;iw in said State, on Salurday, ttie eigliteenth day of July, A. Ii. 1886, at. 10 o'clock in the foredood of that day (subject to all 'ncumbninoaa by morlKaKeor otherwise exisiing at the tima of tbe saie), all the riglit. tltle aml intnruut ni aadd minor, thp fi lïowinjE desArlbed Real Estáte, to-wll : Loi nnmlx-r fonr on Kloek number two, according to the reoorded plat of the Viliage of Uelhl, Waabtanaw County, in MloblgaD, JOHNSON V. KNIGHT, Uuardlau. Dated MaySSth, 188V Jiotiee to Trcilifors. STATE OF MIClllUAN.County of Nolice ia liereby givt-n, that by au ordT ot thi' Probate Court for the C'ounty of Washtenuw, made ou the twi-iity-io-cind day Dl June.A. L). 1885, six mouths frotn thaL date were allowed forcreditora to prt'sent their clitime a-aiimt the tárate of John G. Davig, late f taid county, rti.-ei-a?ccl, nnd that all creditore of sald deceaaed aru reqnired to prewent their clrtiniH tt eaid l'robaic Court, at the Probate Otlicc, in tlie city of Aun Arbor.for examinatinn and allowance, on or before tlie 2Jd dav of December nest, and that tuch claim will lic lii-ant before eaid cnurt, tu Tiu-day, the 2iitl day of September and on Tueaday, '22ii day ol lt-ci"inbt'r, next, at ten o'clock In the foruuouu ui' each of ald days. Dated, Aun Arhor, June'-Sd, A. D. 188S. WILLIAM V. HAKKI.MAN, 1252-1255 Judac ol PfobMO. AYER'SV Agüe Cure eontalns an antidoto for all malarlal disorders wbich, so far aa kuown, is used In do other remedy. lt couiains no Quinine, nor any mineral uor di-:elorious eubstance wliatTer, and cousequeuily produces no injuriou effect upon tbo constitution, but leaves lh ¦yiteni ai healthy as it was bofore llie uitack. WE WAEEANT ATEK'S AGÜE CUKE to cure every case of Fever and Agno, Intcrmlttent or Cblll Ferer, Remfltnt FeTer, Dnmb Agüe, Bilious Fevnr, and Livor Complalnt catued by malaria. ín case oí fuilure, Kfterdus trial, dealers aro autlmrized, byour circular dated July lst, US2, to refond tha nioney. Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.,Lov.e!!,P.1ass. Bold by uil Druegisu. í UPTU 3EL El „ EQAH'B IMPERIAL TRUS8. 9 B ntw nlM "" tytrol iprino aml aatnuÍM "n:i' i-RBninj( ; vit-ldí to avery moiii.n. rvtuinloir J ule hernilwvi. Wornáay nrf iuAí wiüi ,-om¦B f"rl. Snt on Trial. Kocln MUmi, for CircuUr l'".i In Unlv.r.lty tloiiilMU. f OWS IHPERHL TRUSS CO., Bot 22SS, Ann Arbor, Hteh. Office, Ilnmilton Ulock. Aun Arl)nr. DrCLARKE ESSSSSïï lhc regular old established ByZBnSiillyíiciaa and 8urRen DK. Itf Ak-Sulf [ICLARXE, at the ofd number Ml M Hm iacont'nues t0 treat with hit usual RL XJL ngTeit skiU "" private, UAllchronio, nervous and special StH KlldiseascB. DE CLABKEUthe ¦¦HaHIBBoldcst Adverlising Physician, as niei ol l"ptrs show and all old Residcnu Icnow Age and experienoe Important. & Kervoni Diseatea (with or without dreamj ) or debüity and lost of nerve power treated icicn"""X "X new method with ncver failing ucccis ík l mik'if J10 diffcrencc What you have takeo or Wno has failcd to cure you. "Toung men and middle-aged men and all Who luffer should consult the eelebrated Dr Clark, at onc. -The terriblípoiíoni of ali bad blood and skin diaeasea ol evcry kind nme and nature completcly eradicatcd. Remem0r, tnat one horrible diteaie, if neglected or unproperljr troatcd, OUraei the present and comine fnerat,oni. S-Di,ea,ed disohargea cured promptly without hindrance to business. Both sexes eomult oonfldentially. lf in trouble, eall or f?'th ?i'y " Frooraitination m the thief of time." A written warraaty of ure given in every oase undertaken. iv. fendMtwo "mpi for oelebrated woik on Chronio, Nenrom and Delicate IJiseasfi You fcave an exhauitive ymptomatology by which to study your OWÏ Cales. Consultation, personaily or by letter, free. Coruult the old Dootor Thouiandioured. Offioesandpari0ri private You seo no one but the Doctor. Before Eonfidine on" COn'Ult -AEK. A írody !,? ÍJ ,a y iav! ,future ffing and hame, and add golden yearttolife. Medicines sent eyerywhere secure from expoiüre. Hourt, 8 to 8 ; Sunday 9 to ti. Address letters: F. . CLARKü! . ¦, Herrill Blok, Cor. Woodward and Je&,DETBOTT, MICH. $60.5 TON WAGON SCALES. Hi-Hin Box. Tar Ht-ain IMfftt Pald. l'nr ',-,, i ,., l.'viT.v S,. adOres JOMIS OF 8IH9SAJIT0N,


Ann Arbor Courier
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