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IT WILI PAY YOU TO GO TO DETROIT m AND HAVE YOUR EXAMINED AND FITTÊb" WITII 8PECTACLE8 OR EYE GLASSES ROEHM &AWRIGHTS, 1MPOKTER3, JEWELERS AND H TICIAN8. 140 WOODWARD AVE. I THEY MAKE NO CHARGE FOR TESTINQ EYE8, AND SELDOMI PAIL TO GIVE RELIEF. KING'S EVIL "Was the name fortnerly glvea to Scrofula because of a suporstition that itcouldbo curcd by a king's touch. The world ia wipr now, and knows that SCROFULA canoniy be cured by a tliorough parification of the blood. If this is Boriected, the disease perpetiiates its taint tnroui 'i peneration after geucration. Amon; i' ¦ earliar sjinptomatic developmenta :i ¦ Kczema, Ciitaneous Kruptions, Tumors. Boils, Carbuncles, Krysiie"....., l'urulent Ulcers, N'ervous oiid Physical Collapse, etc. If (Ülowod !o ( ¦ tinue, Ktieumatism, Scrofuktis ( ; ¦ tarrh, Kidney and Liver Disease, Tubercular Consuinption, aml ai ¦ ousother dangeroua or latul Uiulaüie., :::. produced by it. Ayers Sarsaparilla In the onlypowerful nnd alfa'ji r lí blood-puriy ing medicine. It is mj i tt( i ;- ual an altèrative that it eradicatea ft-om the svstem Ilereditary gcrofñla, i .! the kmdred poisons of contagibus dis :i i aiid mercury. At the tima it onricbei and vitalizo the blood. restoring healthful actiou to the viiul oivum and rejuvenatiu the cutiré &yteiu. Thiagreut Regenerative Medicine I composed of the genuino Hnndurnn Snrsaparilla, wlth Yellow ) fc, fftttUngía, the lodideS of Potatalttm and ron, and otber ingrediënt! of prest ] ¦ - tency. tarefully and RuleDtlflciüly compouuded. lts formula is geuemlly known to tlie medical profession, and 'the beM pÍMician.1 cuu(uiiiij jn.5Liiiyc iXZKn I SAltüAPARILLA M aü Absolute Cure For all diseases causcd by the VltUtton of the lilood. It is concentratcd lo the hlghct practicable degree, far bevond n:iy other preparatlon for wliich Bke cflfecta are claimed, and i.s thrrefore tho cheapest, U well as the best blood purifyin medicine, in the world. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PRF.PARF.D BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. [Analytical Chemlsts.] Sold by all Dni?gists: Price $1; Six bottles for $.. LUMBER! LUMBER! LÏÏMBER! II yon contémplate bulliling, cali at FERDON Lililí lm! Comer Fourlh and Depot Stó., and ge our figures for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own -Lumber and guarantee AERY LOW PRICES grGivc us a cali and wc will make it to your interest, as our large and well graded stock iully sustains our assertion. Telephoae ConneUions with Olfice. T. J. KSKCH Supt. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop W. TREMAIN, GEKERAL [MAXCB JGjjlCjf! ;OITKICE : Oyer Casper Rinsey's Grocery Store, COR. HU KON AND FOURTH:.8T8., North British Insurance ICo., Of Lonclon and Edlnburg. Capital, $13,000,000, Gold. Detroit Fire and Marine Insurance Co., Caeh Asaet $600,000. Siirinfffleld Ins. Co. or Massac-hiiseU.s, Cash Aseets $1,800,000. HoTrard Ihs. Company of New York, Cah Aséete 11,000,000. Agrlcultural Ins. Co., Watertown, N.Y., Cah Anete $1.200.000. Lofses Llberally Adjnstect nd Promptly Pid. Mmorc moncy tban at anythlnpclie by ta ingan acency lor the beat clllDg honk uut. Beginner B'iccei-d Riandly. None MI. Terme Ire. Hallitt Book Co., Portland, Malne.


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