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Mis. J. S. Nowland is visiting friends in Adrián. W. S. and H W. Hicks Icft the ciiy yestenlav for Boston. Dr. Norton, of Fort Worth, Texas, is Ib tbeciiv for tbesammer. Mi.-s Minute Hender Isvteltlng re'atives in Newark, Gratiot county, MlW Emily Gundert is visiting her sister i n North AinluTst. Ohio. Rev. J. Neunvui, wcni Monday nlght to Petoskey, takinj? bla wife and fainily. Will Worden ntid Ei). Dygert went to Wliiiuiore yesterday for a week'á flahlng. Col. H. S. Dean returned frora tlie Mtt, and Mrs. Dean froin Detroit, Uuring the week. O. B. Churcli, foreman of the Cqdbibb news room, eelebratea his 65th birthday today. Miss Carric WiHiani?, of Bay Citv, formerly a resident here was in the city Monday. Miss Belle McLaren has taken the position as book-keeper for the Star Miuing Company. Evart Scott and wtfe, and J. C. Knowlton and wlfe, exeurted to Whitinore yesterday. Miss üussie Ilildnerof Detroit, is visiting her únele (i. Josenhans aod faraily for a few weeks. Ex-Lieut. Win. Kuy and wife, of Toledo, spent Sunclay in the city with Mrs. K.'s purents. -Mrs. A. Tomlinson, of State st., left the city Monday to visit her grand-diiugliter living in Illinois. Mrs. lïaymond C. Davis left the city yesterday for a stay of a few weeks at Cape Cod, Mata. Ed. Vogel, Geo. Keek, Con. Hlldner and Alfred Huss are spending the week at Whltmore Lake. JudgeHarriman reiiirned f rom hiseastern visit last Tlmrsday, lookinj rejuvenated and rcfreshcd. Malcolm Gunn of Chicago, son ot Dr. Giinn of Rush Medical College, is preparing for college in the city. E. B. Lewis, wife .¦nul daughter went to Detroit lat Friday, nnd the latter wil) rematn for a time visiting friend?. Miss My Whedon left fnr Petoskey Mondny pvenlnsr. Sbe experts to visit friends at Sault Ste. Marie before returning. Alex. W. Haniiltnn went over to Clinrlotte vestcrdav, in eompany witb Mr. Goodhue, to talk up water works for tliat city. Mrs. Dr F. A. SpnuWinsr of Detroit, is enendinsr a eoimle of weeks vitli lier friend, Mrs. L. R. Wright, on N Thayer street. Miss Hattie Kerr, of Lodi, the returned mtKlnnnry, gos to Clifton Sprints. N. Y., next week, for the bene6t of her healtli. Mrs. L Kelly, nf O r:nd Rnpids, is visiting Mrs C. R Remiok. Mrs Kellv is 80 venrsof age, hut retalm her vigor wonderf til ly. Mrs Lewis H. Clark and M ary , ofSodti. N. Y , sister and nieoe respeetivcly of K. Kittredge, anivid in the eity laat eveninr. Mrs. A. H. OiHmtt, of St. Louis, lias re tiirned tr lier bnraP nfter n three weeks' vi-it to Mr. JaS. R B,.,ci) an(] other friends in th city Miss Nettie Grege, who is spending a few days at Whltmore Lnke. reports havine eai'tnred the largest bass taken from tlie lake tliis seasnn. Misses M:itie Monre. nnd Enima Lumsden. have gnne to Charlotte to spend a eouple ot' weeks with the former's sister, Mrs. W. H. Rand S. A. Moran, Princi] a' of Steno'Tapliic Instituto, expecis to altend the International Congress of Shorthand Writer?, at Bnfl'alo. in AuL'iwt. Mrs. Nellie Hemmingway expects to lenve nextTeusdav for Ann Arhor, which place she will make lier home in the future. - Flint Citizen, Julv 18. Prof. W. H. Chute and family have been detained from visitinif Mis. C.'s home in Ontaiio by a run of wtiooplnjrcough, butexpectto start during the coming week. ; L. W. Carman was latei; nppointed principal of the Ovvos=o High Sehool. During the past year Mr Carinan liad charge of the politica! science rooms, in the library. Mrs. II. W. Rogers gave a lawn party Friday evening last. in honor of the new reetor, Rev. Samuel Earp, to meet and beeome acquainted with the members of liis oongregation. Tuesday a party consisting of Louis Taylor, E. B. Abel, Dr. Sewall, Malcolm Ounn of Chicago, and Misses Steele, Heakes, Lord, Doty, Swatlul and Bmirgesie went to Whitmore Lake for a short stay. Mr. Bom ham, of the flrm of Kandall & Burnham, ïetnnuil Saturday eveninir from Buffalo, N. Y., where he had been in attendance at the National Photographer'8 Cnnvention. He reports a very pleasunt time. Misses Emma and Maggfa Bower left the city yesterday for a stay of sevcral weeks in the Lake Superior country, in the hope of bencfiting the healtli of the latter. They were aceompanied by their brother Frank, of Detroit. Will Becker, who has been with B. F Watts for ihe past four 3'ears, Jias gone to Brighton to vlsit friends, nnd from there will go to Detioit to tnke instruction in engravinsr with .1. J. Berger, Detroit. He will return in September. Mr. Showennan, brother-in-law of Bron, the State street grocer, who has been in the store with him during tlie past year, bas decided to return to bis old Rome and tnde. and will enter iliejeweler business in Ypsilanti in tlie ncar future. Ray S. Hathawi.y, now of the Detroit Sunilay Sun, the reporter who gnt into trouble at Norwalk, Ohio, while wrltlnu for the Toledo DemcnU, WU In the city Saturdav. He lmsentered snit in tlicsuni of $25.000 for flamaL'cs to his character and clothes that eventful niL'ht. Mondar evcning Rev. R. B. Pope took the .r:30 train west, and his wife and family took the 5:30 train east on the M. C. R. R., and both met tlw unie nicht, at Howard Oity, aboot 100 miles nortli ot' here, and j'nuneyed thfl njst of the way togi'ther to Pi-tokcy. So yon can't judge of a persoifs destination liy tlie direction they niav tak ulicu llicy tart out. Among the pleasant cal Iers at the COÜRIEK office the past week u as Jean A Wetmore, general manager of tlie business of Tlie Ofconlte Co , manufacturen of insulated wires and cables, New York city. Mr. Wetmore la a gradúate of the university, clas Of '81, tnkliiL' post gradúate degree in 'S2, and many fl'lendï here will lie pleased to learn that he is protpering fiuely in bunlneM There being so much talk aboat tram pi overrunning the city that Monday night the oflicers of the law organized a general raid upon the places wheiein tranips were reported to hold forth, i. e., the old breweries at tlie foot of Sute st., and the old HUÍ homotrad III the Olh ward. Eight people were "run iu" butonly two could be proven tramps. So the offleers concluded from this that there was more talk than truth n the tramp scare. lt is j-oBsible that the trampa scented tiie raid in the air and liied theinselves to other haunts, bat it is more than probable that the reports about their being so plentiful are exaggerated. That there are or have been tr.iiupsin the city i.s certain, or elie there is " urganized gaug ot loafers iu the city who support themselves by begglng food, etc.