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The Cheyenuos were on tli Mtli said to be leaving their reservati m in largo squads, scatterlng in all directions. Dispatches received at Fort Omaha stated Minino furtber danger was npprtlniidd. A FIRE in Liberty utrcet, New York, on tho 14th was caused by an explosión of alcohol in the basement, by whi.h live men were shockinly burned. Many persons in the upper stories narrowly escaped with their lives. Albert Ros, a business man of Jeffersouville, lnd. , who luid beeu murried two weeks, shot and fatally Woa&ded li is wife on the 14th and then Ulied blmieti, Jealousy cnused the tragodv. Mus. Susie Williams, of Baxley, Ga., looked her three children up tho other day while she went to the field to work. Uu her return she found the house and cbildren burned up. The strike among workmen at Bay City, Mich., and other points had assumed such a threatening attitudo on tho Ittli t hit Governor Alger called out the militia to protect lives and property. Owinq todull times the great coal -field in the vicinity of Corning, O., were pruotically (loser ted on tho llth, lmudreds pf ininers having removed to otber pointe. David G. Teppkr, aged thirty-nine years, one of the editors of tho Milhr's Journal, at New York, shot himselfdead on the 14th hecause of a loss of money. A storm of wind, rain, hall and lightuing swept through the Alleghouy Valley on tho uight of the 13th, working havóc from Pittsburgh to Titusville. In the t' I - tr.ipli olHce at Harmaravillo JTatnea M. - Fuetera as killed by aa electrlc ihock. Uailway tracks were subraerged at maiiy (iluc-e8, vinages amt uiallUlaclorles I' and crops ruiued. The aggregate losses were enormous. As TUK rrsult of a quatri'l ;i leu il;i ago at Pittsburgh Edward Bulger and lu wife were uiortally wounded by Willlam Wilbart, who clubbed tbem with a liall bat. A. H. Rose, un extensive farmer of California, liled a pptition of insolveucy at Uakland on the löth, with llabilitiea of $8nO,0b0 nu. 1 asie s nominal. Skvkn ihmiiiki) l'ulisli and Boharalan strikers attacked the plate-mill in Newburg, uear Cleveland, O., ou the 15th. They were mot by filty puliceineii, and a tight eusued in whtch two policemen were hit with stuurs aüd flfty strikers badly cluLbed, ono perhaps fatally. It was reported on the lüth tliat'the dry goods inarket at New York was improviug daily, tbere being a brisk demaud for fall speeialties. KHii, 1 tn waru, wh-} -eturned to Fort Ornaba (rom Hult Lafce city ou the l.'ith, said tho situation of affalrs at that place was very threateuiug, and a serious collision between the Mor mooi and Gentiles was liabln to occur at any moment. Joski'H Talmer (colored) washangedat Cincinnati on the 13 th (or the mnrder of WUliani il. Kirk op December M, l.s.s;. WiUlam Berner, btsassociate in the crime, is s rving a twenty-year sentence in the Ohio Penitent ary, the verdict of manslauhter in his case having boon the exciting cause of the Rieat riot of Marcu, 1884. CmcAijo advices of tho ljth stnto that the present season i i without a precedent in the liistory of the lake marine. Froights were completely dem irtiüzed, and there was no ImmeHlate prospect of any improvement. Thk 'ledii-ation ceremonies at Niágara Kalls l'ark ou tlio l.'ith were attended !y Iwenty-flve thousanil people. Ex-Lieutenaut Governor Dorsbeimer, President of the commi sion, made the presentation addresif tíove nor Hill formally accopting the resirvatioii on behalf of the people of the State of New York. Atehhikic linil-sto m passed over the section of country from Niágara to Keynoldg, in D.ik.jta, ou the 15th, utterly dehtroving all tho jrrain in one of the best iii-giiiiB Tig mi iuo .uiuinn. The los covers 10,003 acres, Inróïving 900,000 bushels of grain. While atteudiug tlie celebration at Niagara Falls on the l'ith Mis. Jones, of Weiland, Can., feil mto tbu river and was carried ovei" the Amcric:in falls. A a RÍEN rose blooming among others of the usual tints was discovered on the 15th at Otterbein, lnd. A botanist said that it was a marvel of nature. iNDHATioNs on the löth were that the coming erop of oats in Illinois would be the luimest in tbe history of the State. The prospecto for graiti in tbe Northwest were said to bo improving, and tbe crops promised to be much larger tban anticipatod three weeks ago. The cloth-printing works of J. T. Martin & Co., of l'hiladolphia, were burued a few days ago. Loss, $L60,000 Up to the lóth tlurteeu deaths had occtirrod in Ch.cago atuong boys ranging from flve to sevente n years of age, caused by wouuds from toy-pistols on the Fourth. In a shootiug afTray at Pittsburgh, Pa., ou tUo jóiiU ïivt? ptrnons were wounded, three fatally. Advices of the ICth say that a recent tornado wrecked fifteeu bouses at Highmore, D. T., and completely destroyed the town of Holabird. Property in the district 8uffered severely, and two men were killed. In Great South Bay, Long Island Sound, William Tichenor, John Hedden, and Agnes Roe were accldeutally knocked off a sailing yacht on the lUlh and drowued. John P. Miller, Isaac Ensey and a man named Weston were fatally overeóme by heat at Dayton, O., ou the Kith. The St. Joseph's Mothers' Home, a magnificeut tructure, looated at Delhi, six miles from Cincinnati, was destroyed by fire Ou the l(ith. Loss, !(100,0t)0. At Kassen, Brainerd and near St. Paul, Minn., terrific wind-storms did great damage on the 15th. Farm-houses, barns and fences were blown down, and wide-spread destruction was doDe to growing crops. No lives reported lost. Joseph F. Cothrinqe, ex-Treasurer of the Philadelphia Coal Transportation Company, was iudicted ou the lüth for embezzling $14."j,7iX. The total value of exports of bieadstuffs for the six montbs onded June 'M was JTO,107,0118, as compared wit!i 7,4!)3,281 for the correspondía period ol BTRAWBERRIEs ou which paris green had been blowu froin a neihboriug potato-field occasioned several cases of seriO11-- rl1M';-:i-i nñ ipar K mr.on Pi. Web worms appeared on the 16th in leveral cotton flelds near Dallas, Tex. Planters dread this worm more than any other. Only a few fltlds had been attacked thus far. The Philadelphia Rubber Works were destroyed by fire ou the Kith. Loss, $100,)O0. Several horses and niules perisbed in the flames. The Brightou cotton milis, near Chicago, were destroyed by flre on the löth. Loss, $135,000. General, Sheridan telegraphed the President from Fort Reno ou the lüth that no serioua Indian troubles need be apprelended. A building in Washington occuoied by the Post, the National liepnblican, the Critic and the ISunday Qazette was destroyed by fire on the lüth, causing a total oss of $150,000. Joseph Taylor, who, while an Inmate of the Easteru Peuitentiary, murdered Jichael F. Doran, one of the keepers, was ïanged at Pbiladelpbia on the l(ith. Tayor began his criminal career at the age of fteeu, and during the ten years preceedug the murder of Doran stabbed or shot orty-five persons. Frederick Burmeister, a wealthy German, of BaUimore, committed suicide on he löth. His brutal treatment of his wife nd daughter were said to have caused aeir self-destructiou buta shart time ago. David Hill and bis son Edgar, agod ixteen, were drowned on the lüth in Sient Lake, at Dora, Minn., while attempting to cross the lake in a poor boar. At Cleveland, O., large numbers of i strikers armad themselves with shot-guns I and musketg on the 16th and engaged in reeular military drüU In thair ta.-. i... emitió was in readiness to quoll aay disturbance. At llnv City, Micb., strikers burnel fifty thousand feet of lumber. David Acklks (colored) was haugeil on tho 17th at Helena, Ark., forthe murder of Frank Burrell and Felicia Flanagan, and Eaton Mills (colored) was executed at Halifax, N. CL, for the murder of Henry i Ponton. Fivk families who arrived at New York on the 17th from Itrenieu wero sent back as paupers. The dweiling of Joslah II. Evans, nenr Gralmmpton, I'a., was burned on the nlght of tho löth, slz of his children perishing in the flames. Evans, his wife and three other children nairowly escapod. Grasshoppers made their appearance on the 17th in the flelds of Dakota, near Fort Buford, and were doing cousiderable damage. Gknkrai. Howard, Conimander of the Department of the Platte, was on the 17th ordered by the President to make all possible preparations for any emergency that may urise in the near future in Utah. Joseph F. Cottinokr, oí Philadelpbla, a;ed sixty-efcjht yeara, on the lTtb pleaded guilty of embuzzlin;; $117,600 from the ( 'ontral Transportation Company, and was sentenced to four years' solitary confiuetnent. In the United States and Canada thre were 185 business failures during the sevon days ended on the 17th, against 1ÍM theprevious seven days. The distributiou was as follows: Middle States, 40; New Kngland States, 27; Western, 49; Southern, 33; Pacific States and Territories. 39; Canada, 14. A CENSUS just taken of Nebraska shows that the population of the State is over 700,000, as against 402,000 in 1880. The population of Omaha was increased froni 30,(m2 in 1880 to (1,835. At present there are 327 distilleries in operation in the United States, producing dnlly 1U1, 1U1 aliono of oplritw. John A. Armstkono and Alexander Coen, steamboat-owners and lumber-dealers of Wheeliug, W. Va., have assigned, with liabilities of $230,000. The 17th was the 'aottest of the season in New York City, the thermometer registeriug uiuety-nine. There were eight deaths from sunstroke in Hudson County, N. J, The general trade situation throughout the country as reported by special telegram to Bradttreet'i showed no improvement du ing the s-ven days ended on the ITtli, aiul ihe industrial situation was less satisfactory, strikes and suspensions havinr increased. It was discoveredon the 17th that Frank B. Keesle, secretary of the Rock City Saviugs Association at Nashville, Tenn., was a defaulter in the gum of $28,000. At the Cleveland milis notices were posted on the 17th announcing that operations would not be resumetl untll the men were willing to return to work. The Btrlken were said to be drilling and further violent outlireaks were apprehended. ¦ & Genkrals Sheridajj and Miles reached Fort Reno on the 17th, where General Sheridan would remain several days, making au investiation iuto the Indlan troubles. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Mary Clme.vs, aged 103 years, two montas, died on the Hth at Youngstown, Ohio. Her father and mother lived to the age of 10(1 and 110 respectively. A SKNSATioi was creatad in Washington on the 14th by an anuouncement by Brick Pomeroy that he would receive subscriptious for the erection of a monument to Mrs. Surrnt, who was execnted as a conspirator in the assassination of President Lincoln. James G. Wintkrsmith, doorkeeper of the National House of Representativos, died at Louisville on the 14th, aged thirtysix yeara. La iixEU B. Harrison, President of the First National Bank of Cinclnnati, bas been appointed a Government Director of the Union Pacific Road, vice General Noyes, resigned. Tuk Repuhlicans of Virginia met in StntBTruirontinii nl lii.-l ... . i, ,. i-,k A platform was adopted afnYmmg fidelity to the policy of protectiou for American labor; opposing taniperiug with the tariff, and demauding a free baliot, free schoolt and the enforeemeut of the Readjusters' settlement of the State debt. Clement Bates, who had been. sexton at Plymouth, Mass. , for fifty-four years, was buriedon the löth,. He was ninetythree years old, and had buried nearly four tbousand persons. The Chicago Mayoralty contest case carne up before Judge Preudergast on the 166b. Counsel fbr Carter Harrison demanded time, and the Judge allowed t hem forty days in which to prepare an auswer. The Virginia Republican Convention at Richmond on the 16th nominated John S. Wise for Governor and H. Clinton Wood for Lieutenant-Goveraor. ResolutonsJ oí sympathy with General Grant were adopted. (xeoroe R. Petit, a former wealthy cltizen of Chicago, who was ruined by the great fire, and his son, Wilber F. Petlt, wer on the lGth adjiideed insaae in Judge Pi-endergast's coort. It was announced on the 17th that General Grant's enforced idleness was becoming irksome and his physician was seeking some means to divert the raind of the sufferer. His general condition had not materially changed within the last two or three days. FOREIGN. ' Edward Withirs, a clerk in %b Halifax (N. C.) Custom-house, shot his stepdaughter on the 14th and theu himself. Both were dead. Withers was believed to have been demented. The Munster Bank of Cork and Dublin failed on the 14th with liabilities of $8,730,000. The majority of the stockholders were ladies who were dependent solely upon the bank's dividends for their support. Louis J. Jbnxinqs, formerly editor of the New York JVwes, will contest a borough in England at the coming general election, in the Tory interest. The troops under command of General Middleton were enthusiastically received at Winnipeg on the löth on their return from the campaign against the Nurthwest Indiansaud half-breeils. Violent earthquake shocks were feit on the lfilh at Smyrna and at Chesme, in Asia Miner. Rumors that the Russians had advanced in f. ree lo Zulflcar Pass, and that they were treating Persian territory as their on, caused great excitement in London on the 15th. Cardinal Mannino stated on the 15th that the Pall Mali Guzette'B exposure of immorality in London was itrue, and that the extent of the evil now exposed had for a long time been suspected. THBtroublebetweeu England and Russia regarding the Afghan question oontinued a sourca of general alarm in Great Britain and on the Continent on the lüth. It was auuounced on the lCth that th famine prevaleut in Kordofau, África, was daily claiming hundrods of victims. In certain eireles at Cairo the reporUd death of the False Prophet was believed to be a fact. The people of Toronto desire that the adtnissionof Chinese into Canada berigidly restricted, if not wholly prohibited. A widespread conspiracy to overthrow the present Government was discovered on the lUth in Spain. One of the leaders had been sentenced to death. Advioes of the 17th from Northern India state that more earthquake shocks hal occurred in Cashmere. The decree divorcing the Marquis de Cuux from Mme. Patti was formally pronounced in Pari on the 17th. Neootiations for a commercial treaty between Spain and the United States have been revived at Madrid. By the upsettiug of a boat on the 17th at St. Alero des Mont, County Maskenonge, Quebec, three young mou aud a young woman wore drowned. M. de Lesseps is urging upon the Frenen , Minister of Public Works a schema fora canal, navigable by the largest iron-clads, i from Havre to Marseilles. I - n suman nowspapers atisertmlon tb 17th that the revival of war rumora ia England all emanated from a groitp of speculators having Berlín as a headquarters, butoperÜllg through agents on every bourse in Kurope. Á BES0U7TION oí t hank to the offiVers and men tngaged in theluppresnion of th half-breed rpliellion was adoptad on the ITth liy the Dominion Houie of Commong. Twenty thousand dollars were also voted to General Middleton. The number of cases of cholera reported in Spain on the ITth was 1,29, and th Duniber of deatbi 672. LATER NEWS. Duuno tbo twenty-four hours ended at lixp. in. on th l'Jth there wore 1,8S6 naw casei of cholera and 718 deatlis in Spain. The total nuraber of (ioatlis xinoe th outbreak of the icourgo wit said to le 18,W. The wenther was cool and cteur at Modnt McGregor on th l'.'vh, and a sligut improvement was noted in Qeneral Orant' ymptiniis. Tuere ws, howaver, no material rhange in his general condition. Advtceh of the li)th sey that over flfty persons lost their lives in the recent earthquakeg in India, and the daraage to property was great. Tuk inercury mnrkod ninety-eight degress in Chicago on the aftrnoon of the 19th. At McKeesport, Pa., on th 19tli Patrick Flaharty, while intoxicated, set his clothing on fire and was burnod to death. When bis wife saw her husband's lifeless body he screamed and feil dead. Five chtldren are left orphans. Sixtv men were orercome by foul air and smoke from the hlastingin theHouth Pennsylvania Railway Tunnel at Roxbury, Pa., on the 18tu. Two men were rtnad when rescued. Thï heat in New York City on the 18th was intense, the thermometer regltering 07 degrees at three p. m. Thirty cases oí sunstroke were reportod, and three on Long Island. The exchanges att twenty-sfx leadiug clearing-housfs iu tb United States during the week ended on the 18th aggregated $818,69,476. against $752,8!)7,H the previous week. As compared wltb th corresponding period of 1S84, the falling oft amounts to 17.7 per cent. The Uth was the hottest ilay of the season at Mt. Louis, the mercury marking 101 degrees in the shade at three p. m. Sereral persons were prostrated. (John Koach, the ship-lmilder, made an assignment at New York on the Wth, with preferences of about 122,001). Rev. Dr. S. Irekjcl'B Prime, since 1840 editor of the New York Observert died at Manchester, Vt., on the 18th, from a stioke of paralysis. Dr. Prime was born at Ballston Hpa, N. Y., November 4, 1812. He was the author of several sketches of foreign travel, and a devout and leadiug member of the Presbyterian Church. H leaves a wife, two sons and two daugbters. Three boys were drowned on the 19th at Cincinnati while bathing in the Ohio Kiver. Reports were received on the 18th at Fort Keogh, M. T., that th Northern Cheyennes were on the war-path, and erious trouble was apprehaudad. It was rumored that in a recent skirmish tlvo cowboys and seven Indians wer killod. Troops had been sent froin Fort Keogh to the scène of the disturbances.


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