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sssgá-sa-r LADIES! ¦ t -i IQ Pnnupqi c PmiiDTTi . r' t Indorsed by Ptyicians 'a , v ;VB i ". A!L-C. It luiekly indure lllm.jíllltm nc ,„,,, renoTliic the AV oam ilint Produce T&C U}Mi-ila, Pile, lili Ijl ion-. Meadacne, Kir f - B) the iim of Hnnl'H II. uie.l) the NtouiHi'li and Bowel will r'ln thelr Htr ngth. and Ihe .i....- ,.-111 K _..- .#! nnrfttlid. It curen Veníale complalnts and by lts une monthly sickneas Ís rendered pataleas. It Is pnrely vegetable, and meen a want nevé lieforr nrnlabd to the public, ana the utmost re lluncc ín iy be pl tced in It. RELUBLE VORLDS. " He wtio Uves after iialure hall nevir be poor.' A Clergyman, Bev. Charles Pike, of Waterbury, Conn , ayí " I contracted a wcfcnrr8 of ihe kldneys. whu-l wan made worBe by driuLíng water iu Ihe diffcrcii places where I reaided. 1 suff red severely. purchaxed a boltle of Ui'síi [Kidncy and Liver Kbmedy, wiih the uamntee that it would belp me os It aiterward dld." " In an orderly honse, all la boou ready." A Crateful l,bI) . " ThlH la to ri-rtlfy that 1 Imve naed HoNt's [Kidney and l.tvr r] Hkaxdt lor tlie kldneys and oibei iruubles wlih very Baiiafactory rerulls, and would recommend the same lo thoae nftiicied aa I was Gratefully, Mra, tí. F. Peck, Ansuiita, tonn." " Out of debt out of danger." Jly IVíiVh'm nother. Mr. Charles W. Morrl. Ea?le offlee, Pittufl "Id, Mass., writes :- ' Mv wlfe' mother had buen lu a very ptecarluas coDdiiiou wlth dropsy.or Brlght's disease al tlie kldne}s Uvvt's [Kldney and Liver] Hkmkiit has worked a miracli: in her." Price 8125. Herid for illustrated Pamphlet to Ht'NT'S RKMEDY CX, Provldínce, R. I. C. K. I IIIITKT, General Azent, Netv l rk . Govenimonts wliich ilo not curb evils are elinrable witlt causing them. Large charity doth neTer soil, but only whitens sott, wliite hamls. A forcé that fights puccessfully against disease. A host in itself, is Ilunt's Hemedy. I caunot tell you whether títere Is any particular etiquette to be obeerved in adrnirjÍ8(eri)}r a kiss. the greiit beauty of a kiss lies in its inipulsiveiie, and in its mpressibility. Au I'iul to Hone Srrapin. Edward Shepherd, of Harrisbuijf, 111., aïs : "llavine r ceived ao much benefit hom Elrctric Bitters, I feel it my duty to let sufferiiiK liumanity know it. ííave liad a running soro on my e f(ir eiplit years; my doctors told me I would have to have the bone scraped or leg iimputütcd. I used, instead, three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxeg Bucklen's Árnica Salve, and my leff is now sound and wcll." Electric Bitters are oíd at flfty cents a bottle, and Bucklen's Árnica Salve at 250 per box by Eberbach &Son. It is a principie never to be forgotten, that it is not by absolute, but by relative m8j!overnraeiit, that mitions are rousud to madness. Just as Good. Many unscrupulous dealers inay tell you tliey have remedies for Couglis and Colds equal in merit and inevery respect just as trood ae the oíd reliable 1)t. Bosimko üough aiul Lung Syrup, unleNsyuu insiít upon lilis remedy mul w 1 1 1 take no other, you are lwble to b grently deceired. Price 50 cents awd $1.00. Sold by & Son. Temperance is healih ; intemperance is rather a disease tluin a crime; but the u ni Id exctisetli it not, and only dogs and angels pity. Every day adflstotlie great nmountofevidence as to the curative powers of Hood's Sarsapnrilla. Letters are oontinually being received fromull sectiousof the country, telling of benefits flerl ved from lliis great medicine. It 8 uceqoalled for fíeneral debility, and as a blood puiitier, expelllntr every trace of scrofula or other impurity. Now is the time to take it. Mude by C. I. Ilood & Co. Lowell, Mass. Sold by all drugíflsts. It is scarcely possible, it U said, to procure tnoist sugar wnich is not nfected with an animálculos of tlie iiearus Kenius, a most dlsgustjng claes of crentures. In ínany samples they swarm to that extent that the maas of sugar moves with tliem.


Ann Arbor Courier
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