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The Dexter Band of Hope lives in falth iiow until further notice. It is amusing to ee liow some ofour county ex's try to explain how the weat lier is hotter tlian staeol. S. T. Wheeler of Webster lias ttnught the famous Poland-China boar "Black Bill," on theOhlo ïecord. The secoiul annual picnic of the Freedom singlng society will be held one day next month, in that township. During the storm on Sunday eveatag 11 sneep belonging to Geo. Stockford, a short distance south of this rlllage, were struck by lighming.- Dexter Leader. As a party of horsebaek riders were ooming froiu Ann Arbor to thelake UttMflnday a young man was throwu froni his horse and quite badly injurcd.- W. L Sun. A Sharon farmer was in town on Tuesday with four young blrds in a cage, which he claimed were young cao-les The boys called them man-h hawks.- Enterprise. The old signs "A. E. Hewett, Luw Office ' and " E. U. Norris, Lhw Office," still swing in front of an Exchange Place block, yet neither of those gentlemen have been here in several months.- fJnterprise. In the announccment made of the state teachers' associations for the season there is one down für Washtenaw county, to be held at Ypsilanti, commencing Augut 17 The local committee is E. C. Warnerconductor, Jos. Estabrook; instructors, F. A. Barbour and R. W. Putnaiu. The Brighton Argus clips Items from 'm .."'i-i'1'1 credlta trm to the Picket. tiièni Int o ünntbër man's coop.- Sun. Hul isirt, that better tUan to have the fellow wlni stole the chickens keephem himself? That's the way a few papers i i the Co. serve their ex's. G. J. Nlssly is still in the egg business and since the lirst of June has shioped' from this point and Milan, over 400crafe of eggs, 30 dozen to the crate, in all 12,000 dozens or 144,000 eggs He has also purchased the product of the Mooreville creamery for this season and is doing a big butter business.- Saline Observer. R. C. Auld's addition to his AberdeenAnjrus cattle are now in quarantine in New "i ork bay. Among them are Exima trica and Princess Sixih, costing each $2,000. With the addition of these two cows the herd is the most complete in the world, originatingas It does from theverv fountain liead of the breed in Scotland - Dexter Leader. So Soon.- Chelpea has worn out the novelty of roller skating, and is converting her rink :nto a theater, to be seat ed with 1500 chaira, umi "nronnsea .t lOilst three shows per week." Couldn't you sav lecture, in place of show, now and then - Ypsllantian. Has notoflr down stream contemporary got liolil of the wrong place? It must be the Ann Arbor rink that Is referred to. They sny tlie mowing machine is death on snakes. When the reptlle raises its head to see wliat is the matter it is instantly sliced off. We fear the machine is also death to the innocent quail. filany a time we have spared a tuft of grass, likc an Indian'Rscalp lock, In the meadow, to shelter "Bob White" untilshecould bring olT her brood; but the deadly machine probably knows no pity, and cuts down all before it.- Ypsilanti SentfneL Lost, a Wife.- Mr. F. L. Clawson, whose wife rather abruptly disappeared several weeks afo, offers a reward of flfty dollar8fir information that will lead to the discovery of her whereabouts. Mr. Clawson professes to belleve, so we are Informed, that hls wife is sojourning tli distant and to him uuknowu refatlves Various opinions are held hy the neijdibois and forrner friends of Mrs. Clawson, oily this beiny the unanlmous opinión- that she had gone to her fi iends and muy not choose to return - Ypsilantian. David Forshee, of S'iüne, aged 75years, died Sunday evening of last week. Tlir Observer says Ihll of him : "He has been a resident of this vicinity many years, acRUtojuIatlng considerable property, and has always borne the reputation of belug h good citizon. He nevermarried.although he was twice betrothed, the lady in eacli case dymsr, one upon the day appointed for the ceremony, and the othcr wan buricd upon the day she was to have taken the iivirriage vow. Mr. F. had no relatives here. The funeral occurred Tuesdiiy afternoon." Ypsilanti s offered a signal service at a verysniall est. The expense beinjt $'25 fr flags, staff, etc. and a sinall imount foi the care aml elevation of the same every day. The Telephone Co. offers to Riva u the sigiláis tree every dny. Tiie question is hall we have this service? It is certainly a very genereus offer on the part of the Telephone Coinpany and one of which we think we ought to take advautage. The llags are six feet square, (there are seven of them) and the design of each fl ir is such that it is very easy to nscertain :it a great distance wliat it is, and its