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Short .ulvi'iUst'nieuU not to exceed tbree lima ot Loatand Found, Houses for Sale or Kent, Wjiuts, etc, lnserted three weeks for .l oantt. sltuallous wanted, free. X OST- On e'ther Uadlton State, Ann, N. XI Thayer or Kust ('ntharlne streets, ou l-ïhiiiv last, a itrlped Uasnmer shawl. The Vinder will be naltaMy rewarded by leavlng M IK'1 OOÜI Itl It OKKII'H. WANTKIi BITUATION -In niiiiiII family t. do genera! bousework. Address p. o. Box nri I7X)R salí-: or Exohange forolty property. Hl it' ! iant hIiiiiu od6 inile froru the (mui House. AddreoH P. O. Box IStíl. Tusr Between No. I Uaynard rtreet i and M. E Charoh, mi KMBBOIUKRED'K KHAWL, Klmlvr will be rewarded by (in; i ¦¦' aine al Coukiku olüce or No. 7 Maynniil si rei i. THE BARItY HOMESTEAD FOR SALE. Tli. Il J. liAURY BOMHtMt. on f.urlh S' i" ' s nif tf'Ted or nol, wtioie or in pari, U'i Iceated convrnient to the University Public SehtioU, Murkels aml the whnie VUy. tur Abttrad of Ti'le Ttnnt and other inforvuttlon, ttddntt 0. A Jliny, JacAson, Muh., or J. Q. A. #, Ann Arbur. HIOHE8T prlce pald for live Poullry, at No. n Klflli Street, butwocu Uutharlue and Aun street. F'OR SALE OR RENT- The R. J. Bnrry resideiiie on it street Is for sale on reaBonableterm,tb Ilulbertresldenceou norih east corner of stute and North Univ. islty avenue Is for rent. The Farrand resldenca on North sireet, near Cathollc church is for sale or rent. alao larga brick house on east slde of Thompson street near Jefl'erson street, and knowu as the Caldwell House is for rent Apply to J. Q A. Sesslons, National Bank' Bloek, Aun Arbor. rm-o aalt Pork to sell at M A 1 Smith, E st Unlverslty Avenue, 2nd block south of Campus. F'ILTERS Repacked at reasonable rates, to use up my 8lock of Material, also ew aud te. ontl hand one. Also some Bee Hlves aml Box es for Comb Honey. N. A. I'ruddeu No. 30 N. state street, Anu Arbor. Mlch. F'R SALE-A Platform Spring Wagon witli top Price $40.00 If sold wlthln two weeks. (J. W. Waguer, 21 8. Main street, Arm Arbor. WANTED- Au agent In every city and town to sollclt orders foran Bklucational i.idopediaauil Polyglot Family Kible for casll orou the Installment plan. Address K H Wheeler, Aun Arbor, Mich. ' FOR Fine farm of 160 acres in town Webster, well-wooded aud watered. Ap piy toO. I.. Matihews, Heal Estale Ageuey, Aun Arbor, Mlcb. 'i-üvi BOARD WITH ROOM. $3.50 per week. 75 iints per day or 25 cents per meal. and 2o cents for lodglng. at Walker' Brardini; House, Ci.rner of First and Catherlne Street, Anu Arbor, Mlch. F OANIXQ-Money to loau on flrst-class J Real Estáte Mortgage at Current rates of Iuterest. Satisfactory arrangeinents made wllli rapltalists de.slrinjf sucb lnvestmenls Every conveyance and transactlon In austructs of tltles carefully examlned as to legal Z K KINU. Aun Arbo.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News