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Mjg IILRERVTTEHDEATSMTEWUÁfLCOVT It is the only line with ts own track from CHICACO TO DENVER, Either by way of Omaha. Pacific June, SI. Joseph, Atchlson or Kansas Cily. It connects in Union Depots with throuqh trainsfrom NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, 60ST0N and all Eastern points. It ir, the principal line to SAN FRANCISCO, PORTLAND . CITY OF MEXICO It traverses all of the six nreat States of ILLINOIS, IOWA, MISSOURI. NEBRASKA. KANSAS. COLORADO witli hranch lines to all thcir important citics and From CHICAGO, PEORÍA or ST LOUIS. It runs evcry lay in the year from one to threc elcqantly cqutpped through trains ov or tl s ow tracks between Chicago and Denver, Chicago and Omaha, Chicago and Councll Bluffs, Chicago and St. Joseph, Chicago and Atchison, Chicago and Kansas City, Chicago and Topeka, Chicago and Cedar Rapicls, Chicago and Sioux City, Peoria and Councü BlufTs, Peoría and Kansas City, St. Louis and Omaha, St. Louis and St. Paul, Kansas City and Denver, Kansas City and St. Paul, Kansas City and Omaha, For all points in Northwest. West and Scuthwest. Itsequipment is complete and first class in every particular, and at all important points Interlocklng Switches and Signáis are used, thus insuring comfort and safety. For Tickets. Rates. General Information, etc, regardlng the Burlinoton Route, cali on any Ticket Agent in the United States or Canada, or address T. J. POTTER 1st V.P. & Gfn. Mgb., Chicoo. HENRY B. STONE, Asst. Gen. Mgr,, Chiooo. PERCEVAL LOWELL, CiN. Pass. Aot., Chicago. Estáte of ff .iMiaii M. Ci'e. IJÏATÜ UK MICHIOAN, County of Wa-hi.O dmw, #. At u seasluu "f ihe 1'rohate Conrt 'or the ('ounty o w i-!!irnuw, holden il me Probate Office, in the ellj ol Ann Arnor, on M.jiiiliiy, the tw niy i-cventh rtny ot .Iu!y. in the year obe thousand elirhi hun dei! und eiLjhiy Bv. Present, Williuni IJ. Hurrl m 10, ¦) ttdm 'i Probate. In ihu matter oí Uw estáte "I Hnnnah M. Cate, dcoeAsod. ttafaf Cate, rxecutor of trie last wlli and testament o aid dteeased, 'Oma inio court mid ceprwenta ihu be l now prepared Lo render hu fltial account m m h cxecutor. TiurcuinMi it it oideicd, tli -t S.iturlay, The fift leoth d.iy il' Aufiuüt next, at 10 o'clock lu the; forenoou, bti osstffned tur examintnig and ¦llowtuic mioh uccuunt and tnai the heirt ut law dl said deo ased, and ttil uther péneos Imerestad In u:d estste, we renuired to appear al a sesión ol -aicl cuurt, Uien to te huillín al the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor. m Mld connty and tliou canse, It atiy there'tie, i, li ¦ au il iiccoii ui ahould uoi be aliowed. And it La fnrther ordered, tht aald ere vr du1 DOttcs io the ( rsooi Interested Id ald estáte, oí the in-mi pnej of saai account, and tbe baartas thereoi, by c asinf ' co ot tlu or let to be pabllshed ia the w,n Ai-bor ('inrit-r, a aewspsper Drinteri and cireilatlaK ia naid oounty.tivo pui: eebiv1 weekü ftv viun tu Hid Uhj ol hi'ti mi. (A irwti eoiry.J WILLIAM I). IIAKKIMAN. Jndfeof Pmhate. ')l (;. DOTY, Probate Beslster. [7-1258 Cliiiiit'crj' NotU'6. riMie Circuit l'iniil tof tlic CouDty Of Wash ifiniw, in feancerj . licnni.-. .1 Rockwell m l David Rockwell, ( 'om l!;il nalits, vs. KliSBbeth Twlt'hfll, Imnlel IwiU'hcl, Ann Caae, Inmkiin H Curamltigs, JtoaDÖa CainmiDM aud ankuowa belrs 61 .1. mus Twiieln-il, deseairad, ix-ti-rnllllllK jl a aesslon of aaid oourt, beid attbeolty ot Aun Aihor, Mloblg n. on Tth d:t of Maj .. l. 1885. rrusiiit llon. Cbaono] Jolin. Circuit Judge sint pending in iheCir colt oourt tor tbe Couoi] ol Vvashienaw In cbanoerjt al .Ann Aitior, Ulcblfcau, ou the Ttli iluy of May A. 1'. 188. U ailaiactorily appeartng to thl oourt by ibe affldavtl t .--ani eoroplalnanu ïiicii tn Itits oourt ut the time of minv: ihe bill of coniplaint m salil canst-, lliat nd -lonas Twltcbell,deeeaad, dled leavlng belra. wbnae Dames and piaces oi reaidence. we uükuowd U) sald iMiiiits in saiil allinavii. and illurthcr appearlns to ihf at.isfaotloii of tbls oourt Hint smli nuk im wn helm are n -SRary parttea to tliis mui, tberefore it is ordered tiiiit aald unknown helra ot sald .tonas Twltchell, deoeased, caase thelr appearanoe to 1 ciiicnd ín satd suit on or before Fr dy, ihiiuiii day ol November .i LHSiandfa cji. o! tbetr appearance they tbelr anBwers to the onihplaln nis bill of coinplalnt io ïiii-d, nul a otpv t lic i coi io gei ved on ...t. . "o' o Uv. (lHVH after aervlce on Lbem of a cop oí buIo Intl. aod of tnls order ; and ihal luderault t hei of. i-aitl bh! be laken as feesed by t lusaid nnkn wn hirs. And t la fttrluer ordered, t hat wii hi n t wt'nty daya afier the d ite lieiVOl", sant c 'tl: pi;, llia II t a .lotice of Uiis order tobe publUbed in Ibe Ann Arhor ('or Ki i-, - a newapaper prlnied publlnbed and ei reu lat Ing in sa hl oouuty, and that mk-Ii publlcatlou ooiitlnued hcrela ai Ipast onoe in eaoh week, foi six weeks in success on . Kat. .1 Arm Arlior. Mich., May 7. A. !.. 1885. i JOS VN. sawvkk a iCvowr.Tos' Cl roa II Judgc Solicitóla lor l'ouiplalnan ts. Xodff to ('redi oís. STATIC OF Mirill(i.N,(;.,uiiiv oi ':i-lrc i.- Nollce is hereb) glvcn, ibal by au ord-r ut tbe Probate Oourt for tbe Coonty ftf Waehtenaw, os the twentj-sccoDdÓJi) of Jnoe, A. six moDtbs from that 'late werp allowefl1 torcredllois to prveesl ttu-ir clabaf ;i...i:; ihe estáte ol' ¦John G. Dnis, late of a '1 county, leceased, and 'hat uil credtton of ;ail deceaaed are rcijiiired o nreseal tbelr clauna to ssld Probate Court, at tbe l'robatc OÖ thu cily of Ann Ar'nor.for examin ation an'1 allowsoce. on or the 25d clay of December nexi, and that smii claiiBSWIll be heard oefore said court, oa Toseda) , the 8M day of September a:.d on Tnesday, the 'J2 1 da ol Deoemrx r, next, al tuu o'cluck In the forenonn ol'each ol eatd days. Dated. Ann Arbor. June 2ii, A. D. 1886. WIU.IAM U. HAKKIMAN, rj'-j-iiVi .Tudi-c oi Probate. AYER'S Agüe Cure contalns an antidoto for all malarlal disorders whicli, so far as known, is used In no other remedy. lt contains no Quinlne, nor any mineral nor delcierious substaneo whatever, and consequcntly produces no injurious effect opon the cor.stitution, Lut lenres the (ystcm as healtUy as it was befoie tlio nitack. WE WARRANT ATER'3 AGÜE CCEE to cure every caso of Fevcr and A cue, Intermlttent or Chili Tevcr. Reniltteut rever, Dumb Ague, liilious Fever, and l.iver i' mplaint caused by malaria. Iirrase of fAllure, after due trial, dealer. aro aulliorixed, b) our circular dated July Ist, lts-, tu igluucj Ihe money. Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.,Lovv.:!,r."2ss. Sold by all Ui uj;.ii. DrCLARKE S,?1 . i EBtablished 1851 I Merrill ïïntilBattirl (DETROIT, MICH. i Block. SWajg-jBW Theregnlaroldestablished Vïïil PWtt?SJíPIiy8Ícia-ii and Surgeon DB. PVJÖjMvCLARKE at the 'd number lf J PMSF lllcontinucs to treat with his usual ï[ V LK llgreat skill ai' private, Ilk4iciironic, nervous and special HssjsBliJi'1l9r(ui'i8 DBCLAKKEiMhr baHSS9BHuldest Advcrtising Physician, as files of P.pers show and all old Rcsidcnts know. Age and experience ImportantiIfervoug Diseases (with or without dreams,) or debility and losi of nerve power treated icicntifically by new method with ncver failing success. 5"It makes no difference wh&t you have takea or who has failed to cure you. i9"Toungr men and middle-aged men and all who suffer should consult the celebrated Dr. Ciarte at once, J-The terrible poisom of all bad blood and skin distases oí evcry kind name and nature coinplrtcly eradicatcd. Remember, that one horrible disease, f negiceted or improperly treated, curses ihe present and coming generations. 49 DiieaiIC'd dischargoi curcd promptly without hindrance to business. Both sexes consult oonfidentially. If in trouble, cali or wnte. Delays are dangerous. "ProcraBtination is the thief of time." A written warranty of cure given in every case undertaken. i Send two stamps for celebrated works on Chronio, Nervous and Delicate Uiseascs. You have an exhamtive gymptomatology by which to smdy your own Caies, Consultation, personallyorby letter, free. Consult the old Doctor. Thousandg cured. Offices andparlon private. You see no one but the Doctor. Before confiding ! your case consult Dr. CLARKE. A Iriendly letter : or cali may save future iuffering and shame, and I add golden yearstolife. Medicines sent everywhere I secure from exposure. Hüurs, 8 to 8 ; Sunday, 9 to ii. Address letters: F. Ji. CI.AHKK, I UI. ., Merrill Block, Cor. Woodwaid and JeffersonAvei. DETBOIT, MICH. ffiSTfSHB i.yiTK' Anim mul SKI.T. .,.! t,r. VHIiy ihe tiuih Hl..jt Jom.s. l'iu ,.ur wLimjéBMUvi n'juu it BfililiKifM! ' 's "' VN-'A1 üeü $go i toïi fSvWI WAGON SCALE3. ¦ V U m 1 ft M l'niil. Vxv Pr .¦¦¦ - i-T JgoiUU ai,irsjoN2i:?3i;ísaiTOt i ..¦¦¦¦¦13 BÍNÜHAMTON,1Í. ï.


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