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Aujrust is tlie rroat out of-doors month, and St. Nicliolas for August is a great outof-doon namber. The flnt ory, Iliug. trated by m beatitiful fiontispiece picture by R. 13. Blreb, is entitled '-Linie Dame Fortune," aiul teil liow a IHtle gM who wandered aivay out-of-dooisand made au ariist's fortune Helen Gray Cone roes wiih ag into tlie woods and singa about "AStrlngof Birds' Eggs;"' Mrs Frank M. liregory up among tlie Catskills expluiii? liow M'ine obildreii there revered tlie seasons and went " in August;" Laura E. Kichaids takes us for "A l'leasant Walk" iu the lields, and Grace F. Pen uy pack er poetlcully interpreta to U9" Wliat the FlowersSnld " Tbeu Mary Hallock Foote gives ua a whiffof lalt air In "A 'Coastituiional ' on the Beach," where we can watch the üight nr "The malté 'v,VYiU-r -Vini-í-iüfí 'imVC-r1 'fhVOÏrection of G. E. Channing, or go in bathing with "The Brownies at the Sea-side.1' The niidsummer holiday nuuiber of the Century npenswith a lively, anrcdotal account, by Henry Eckford, otlifeat "Camp Grindstone," the sumtner meeting-place, for games and races, of the American Canoe Association, in the Thousind Islands. It isprofusely illustrated by VV. A. Rokers, who is a follower of the sport which he spiritedly depicta. W. D. Hoivells in his pivturesquc series on Italiau eities writes of his walks througli siena, Illuitrnted trom Pennell'a etcUngt and pen-and-ink sketches, some of them of full-pare gize. A portrait of Vm. Lloyd Gairiscm, engraved by T. Jobnaon (roma liie siziphotograpb in tne potaewlon of the Q irrUoo fauiily, is the frontliplece of the number; tbere is also an iiitt'it-stintr groap iiortrait of Garrison, Wendell Phillips, and George Thompson. His birthplace and other places of interest are shown iu the plctures which aecomnany the text. llisson Wendell Phillips (jarrison describes the oriKin of th great antislavery advocate, and 1 1 is son Francia Jacksou Qarrison recounts his boyhood. These papers are fntroduced by Thomas Wentworth Hig;inson, who characterizes Ihe agita (ion which preceded the Civil War, and gives bis views of Garrison's personal qualities. Harper's Magazine for August, is a brillianl midsuminer number. It opcns with a delightful frontispiect" picture by E. A. Abbey. illustrating a quaint poini by Austin Dobson, entitled "A Low; Song." Very bnght and seasonable is Mrs. Sandham's article, "A Trip on the Ottawa," which is beautifully illustrated by her husband. Mr. J. C. Beard's " Decorative Sentiment in Birds '' is not only a handsomely illustratrd arlicle - cfntaining seven plctures in Mr. Beard's best style - but full of curious information. Edwin A. Curley contributes a timtly article on the "Social Deinociats in the Keichstajr," which shows the recent reinaikable development of socialism in Gertnany, and is illustrated with portrait of the most prominent parliamentary leaders of the movement - Bebel, Liebknecbt, Vollmar Aner, Hasenclever, and Viereck. The article on English and American raihvays is very entertaining, alfording cbaracteristic subjects for some very effective pictures by Hemhart, McCutcheon, and Allrid I'arMiii-, Among the sumnierartieles besides thosc lready mentlrtned isa brijfht and attractive paper by A. A. llaves, entitled "A New Bngland Colony in New York," treating the llnmptons of Long I.sland with some chafnlng illustrations by W. T. Smediey. Horace Greeley is credited wilh saying: "Ifyou want to keep a town from thriving don't build any more houses than you can couveniently occupy yourself. If you should accidendy h;.ve an empty house and any one should want to rent t ask tliree times the value of it. Demand a Sbylock price for every toot of ground thiit God bas given you stewardship over. Turn a cold shoulder to every méchame and business man who seeks to makc a home witli you. Look at every new comer with a scowl Kun down the work ot new workmeu. Go abroad for wares rather than scek to do business in your inlilsi. Fail to advertise or in any way support your town newspaper, that people abroad may not know whether business is going on or not. Wrap yourself in a coat of inipervious selfisbnes. There is no more elfectual wny to retard the growth of a town than those above enumerated."


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News