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Rágulax inniitlily meotlng Mónday erenfug. All present excepl Alda. 1 1 m 1Bon and Qiscook. Regular ordi r r basiDeu -et aaide to allow Dr. Breakey t pietent an ordlnanee icl.ilhi! ln (lulics ol tlic of health nul tlic general abeyance of musancos. The 8;iino wiis reoelved and referred to comralttee comUting öf Alds. Lawrence, Martin aod Helnzman. TJw Doctor iilsn addrecsed Uio couucil ín relation to the ulary of Ihe Health offlcer. l'l.l 11 lONS AMi c oMMl N1CAÏI0N8. Of Richard Eearns asklng perintselon to erect frame dwelllng on casi itde of Main Bt., betwccii Catbarine and .Nmili te. (!i-nii(l. )t' John Pflsterer, and íour otben, asktng for sido walk on north sklo of W. William ,-l. lioni Main to W . Thlrd st. Granted. Of F red. Ií. Belsor and four others, klng for sidewalk on eajt nde of S. Thayer si. and v-t end of lot córner S. Thayer and 11 II sis. Granted, oí' I). Cramer, a iiitorney for Wtn. Burke, n.-k n tr councU to appoint a coinmittM lo CÓrtfot uilli liim n-hilvc: tudamages Bustained t y hlm becausé ol' the city's negligence i draining the Btreet paal the premlsea at the south west corner of División and Jefferson si. Referred to ítreet oommittee, nEI'OUTS OP COMMITTEKS. The following expendltarea were reportud by Ihe (nance and general funU eoniMiittees for tlie month of July: lt ward s 7!i 1" u-i - 3(i " 8 fl 4th " ïlll " l!l (I (ieueral itreel mnd _ k 78 General tumi un gg Contingent íuuU 35 87 Total $ 1,7'ZJ 07 AM. Ivearns from street coinniittee reported as folio ws: Toar oommlttee on itreeti to whom was referre i the matter ol opening Churoh street in theSlxtn wiini, woiii.t respeotrally report tbal iln-y bavetne matter ander oonalderaihiü and tnal tbey deeni H incxpedicnt to open llie same at the. present time. Also B l'ill Ol $0 of Geo. Miller & Sun for dam ages to a lioise mul c&rriige by reason ol a defectlve culvert In 4th ward, wliicli was allowèdi AK1. Martin from ildswalk oommlttea reported the iollovini walks to bo built or repalred : On north slde of Jeffcrson st., lot of Jlary Ann, t.i be built. On weet (lde of Maynard st„on lotsof John B. Aüi-n, tu uu repalred. On urne .streel. W. K. Cliilüs aud Ella Stevensoo to be built. (in Miutn sld cr Anu st., on lot of Lucy V 8. Morgan, built. mi nortb Ide Liberty st., lot of Lyman i. James, lepane I. 'in eaal shle DlvUlon st., lot of A.DeKorest, huilt. On north sile of AVllliam st., lot of Ezra D. Lay, huilt. On north sido of Mndison si., from corner Thompson to ineut wullt ulrouily conslructed, built. On east slde Thayer st.. Iota OÍ K.lward D. .short and Etebeooa Uepew, built. On west slde of Thompson st., lot of Julia E. Krapf, imiit. On nortb Mde f Jcfferson st., lotof A. DeCorest, and lot of Caroline Qwlaner, imllt. On east side of I'ourth st.. lol of Beglna Haehnle, and lol of Lyman D. James, huilt. On weel -u]e of Fourtb st., lot oi Kst. Bamuei HutoblnsoD, built. On east sido of west Seoond si., lot of KrausnTannlog Co., built and lui f l''r'ilk. l!. Soblelcker, repalred. Ou WM1 si.le oí west Sccond st., lot of I i;inklJii i. Parker, built. Commirtee also reported favorablyon the petitlon of Guo. Walker and five othen for walk on west sKle. of Fiftli st., from Packard to Madhong sts. Also on petitlon .f W. A. ToloWd, Koht. Campbell and (iihers f. r ji wnlb " ilmt njjt of rmnover square ly'ng on (lic c;ist sïilo of Packard st. On mot on of Aid. Lawrenee the report of the committee was adopted. On motion of Aid. Helnzman the City Marshal wu dlrected to serve the proper uotlcea upon lot owners. Aid. Helnzman from pólice committee reqaested tbat regular pólice wblatlei be furnished the pólice Coree, and on motion the lame wwe ordered purebased. AM. Bendergon from fire committee asked instruotion in referenoe to an old liose cart for which there was no storage room, and on motion of Aid. Heinzmin, the committee was Instruoled to dispose of the same to the best advantage pnssible. MOTIONS, ETC. Aid. Blgga movod that Wm. C'leavcr be appointed janltor of the 8th ward englne house. Car ried. un niotion ot Aid. Martin, the Balary of Wm. Cleaver as janitor was referred to lire eoniínilteo. Mayor Kipp aonoanced that lie liad substitiited Alil. Hendenon apon thesidewalfc commlttee In platíe of Aid. Hudson. AU). Lawrence repoitcd favorably on the liquor bond of W. Frod Sclilaiuleiur, and tin' Hme wm approted. Aid. Btgga gave the couiicil a temperance addresa, and lu bis way said severa! tilinga tbat tbere wm more tmtli tban poetry in. Aid. Martin offere'd tbe followlng: Jtesolved, Tliat the City Marshal be in¦truoted I enlorce all cuy oidiuances as lar M wiUiiii lils power. City Treasurer Watts' report for the immth endlug Juiy 8tst abowed the foltowing reoelpU, ezpaodlturea and balances: Recelved j 8i)3 59 MONETS DI8BÜBSXD. Contingent fnnd $7X3(26 Oenera] ¦ Ut wardfand 117 M ;,' " .„....„ 248 7 ;',. ; au s Í' ' " 241) 7 ,'," : " ms 8fh " 689 8 111.] i;ii 7 Total $10,:iíi2 tí B M.AM I . ConliiiKPiit fuml _ f RJM W Genera] iiuni 347 40 General atreel itimi 1 116 88 lKt wat.l Itlliil (dg 1,7 ;d " - 628 60 "1 '" 824 H J' ' " " ma 117 ¦!' ' "¦ " 111; 80 ()tl' " " SO 69 1 iiy Csmetery rd, overdnut "1 .S7 Do lux rand iihi 1.11 nelinquenl tax, overdrail .. SM ;i Water rotki lux i.oeu UO Total 118,888 70 UV6rdrawu s;:i jj City Marshal Fall'a report fortlie ni'.nlli : :-!') w;1"' $ IS 7 ¦?,., ., 88 08 " .. M M ;' .. 8 ''"' 172 Total $ 120 78 The City Reoorder reportad the folltiwIng balanoei lor Hic montfa : Contingent rand, on hand $ 7078 18 General rund. overdraft 'sott 111 1 lene al streel fund. on hand 1 21 li rard 1 u na on hand S [ '' " " 688 BI 'Ui " on luuid ] 5f!; ,'.' ;; ;; n ñ ''h il ' ju . City oeraetery fund, overdrafl -27 14 POK lax 011 hand jy,, y, DeUnquenlTax, overdrat . v,i 1 watet Worki iooo 10 Council then ad}ourned.


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