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A Safeguard. Tlio fntnl rnpklity witli nhlch sllght ('olds nul ('onjílis frequently JeveTop into tlic gravesl maladies of the tliroat aml luugx, i-i a coD8Ídcra1 mi which should finpel everv prudent perron to koe at band, as u houHeholO reuicd1 . b butilo of AYi:i;'S( iii;üi:y PK roltAL. Nothlng elae givea Kuch Iminedlate relief and wurkn o suro n m ¦ In all affecdons n[ tlii cía. Tha( einlncnt pbvBician. Trof. 1'. .'¦wcriri'. of the Uuiuu .Medical School, BruuHVt ick, 51e., Hny; - "Milii:il k i f prndlicrd in othor nnod_iM- expi I i R'a i'uERRT l'hïoiui. Ii Invaluabla ir Uímíiwl-0 of th Ihrost and unl:-." Tlie iame opinión Is rxpresed by the vcll-l.imwii Dr. 1...I. A.Udlson, of Chicago, 111., who 13 1 1 - "I havo nivcr found, in tMrty-flv jettê of conti minus study and practl medlcliM, any ptopmntton ofj lt;ii vnlueaaATXB'sCHXBST 1'ectoiíai., for trentnwnt of dieai of tho throat and lunifp. It not only breaki ui) colds and cun'8 severe couglis, bnt is more t-ffectiva than anytliinif elsc in relicvlDf even tho most Mrioua UaCnchlAl a:id ]ulinouary uflctious." AYER'S Cherry Pectoral Is not n new chUmnnt for popalar oonfidence. luit a inedit'iil6 whlch Ifl to-tlay eavint.' tbe lives of the third generatlon who have eome Into belng siuce it was lit offered to the inilili'. There is not :i houaehold In whlch this InvaliKibli: lenicdy Ims once been introduced wbere in u-e Lus ever been tbandoned, nnd there i-i not i person i-li-t 1,... n4vAH ! tl lil'klulP i ïï 'i 1 ior any tliroat or lung dlsease mscept hl.' oí ciiiv. whn Las ""' heen nuwlo wen nv i!. AYÉK'S CHEERT PECTORAX has, In tramborlera lustances, cored obstinato CMeaof chronlc Bronchitis, Karyngitls, nul even acute Pneumonía, and has Siivcd ïnnny patienta in the carller stages of l'iilnionary Consumptlon. It is a medicine thal only requlres to li taken in small il(is,.s, is pleaaant i tbc Caite, and is needed In every house where thero aro chlldren, as Ibero i- nothins so irood as AYKIi'St IIKÜKY l'li KiüAI.fortreatment of Croup and Wlioophif? Cough. These an; all plaln ím.'!, which can be verified by anybodv, and should bo remembereuby everybody. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, J PBZPABKD I1Y Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. ' Sold by all Druggista. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS Special attention iriven lo Collection of Rsnts and Uanangeaent of Real Estáte -Interests tur Non-Residents. Entlre Satisfaction to Owners Guaran teed. A. DEFOREST. FIRE INSURANCE! I ara agent for a Une of Oíd aml siaunoh Amencia and Fcreign Fire Insurance Comp's l.owest Rales, Honorable Agutínenla, and Loases Prompt ly raid. DEFOBEST. MICHIGAN FEMALE SEMINARY, KALA.HAZUO, TIK'II. Ín Moaot Hol.vnka plan. LooaMon dallenui. Board and Tultlon. 175 ier Snhool yr ( Ine Llbrary, Csblnel Pe esoope and Musical nstrurpenta. b'aii term beglna Sepl :uh iS5. íor catalogues address Prloolpal. TT. S. Grn.JJSTT'. Send for Special Terms to Agent, or secure To11;;,-""- - S VOBHUEB & me tKI, Clnolunatl, O. THOSE WISHING GOUD FUITÜBE CHEAP, ('AX (KT BED ROOM SETS, CARPETS, BEDDING, CROCKERY, STOVES, ETC, At rare Bárrela. Tbe fiirntur of the ST. JAMKS, but reoentlj new, is beiii? disposed or it prívate sale. Apli) at THE fOURIEB Ollicc irhere the (joods nre slimvn. gewMpOT Adv.-rtising Bureiw (10 Spruco ¦¦¦¦¦ - - llslnKcontractKiuuy HCIIf VlIDIv bo uuulo lur it uillLff lUIIIVa


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