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G. A. R. Resolutions

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At a special meeting of Welcli l'osi, No. 137, departinent of Michigan, Q. A. R, beid ou the evenlng of AugOlt 8d, 1885, the fullowing preamblc and resolutlons were adopted: Whkkea, On ihe mom Ing of July 28, 1885i U. 8. Oraut, our H11-.1 rious oomrade and beloved commander, after a long and lllnens quletly passed to lus eteraal tvsi; and Wiiiueas, We havliiK had the honor to serve our country uudn liis oomnuuxd, deslre to expresa our lovc and respect for the mem ory of our great coimuander, and our sorrow and sympathy for hls wlduw and fiimily lu tlilH tbelr huurol greut bcrcavvuieut; Iherefore, Itesotved, That In the death of U. S. Grant, tl nai 11 in has lontone 01 lts greut csl oltizeni, ltH ablest Holdler, tlie (iruod Ariny ol the Itepubllc lts most lüuslrlous comrade. Resolved, That while we bow in deep sorrow for the los of ilils lllustrlous uitlzen and snldler, we are griileful to the glvcr of all good for ralslug up U. S.Cirant to defend and 111:1111! 1:111 the perpetulty of our beloved union. Jiesolved, That hls Hfe fnrntshes au oxample of sterling lntegrity and patrlotlsm that wil! matte hls name Immortal. Rtsoled, That we tender our heartfell sympalty to Mrs. Urant and the meiubera of her iumlly In tliis thelr hour of uu-al sorrow. Renolved, That a copy of these resolutlons slgned by the offleers of the Post, be pubUshed In each of our city papers, and u copy thcreof be transmltted lo Mrs.Uranl. COL. H. S. DEAN, Com. ('A1T. C. II. MAXLÏ, AüJ'T. ïhero is a great tlcal of complalnt ¦ atuong ourcitizens who live in the different business blocks down street, of tlic uoise and racket nights of drunken rowdies, especially on Main Street. These orgies hold out quite often until 011e and two o'clock in the niorning, and it is alleged 110 eSbit is made to put a stop to them. Manager Keech of tlie tclephone Co. informs U8 that some twenty polesof that line were struck and deslroyed uear Pinckney during the storms of Sntmday and 8ncc, and a man has been sent out there to rcplace them. llow about the conditioii of the sinds where tlie water pipes have been luid? Are the streets in as rood condition as found? Is the street committce satisfied with theconditlon dovv? Tlie water company has given bonds, of course, tor the proper restoration of the streets, as the contract cal led for ! Mrs. Wade McCormick, residinj; on the old Pontiac road in Nortlifield township, a daughter of Josepü Pray, dled tlüs a. ni., after a lingering illness.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News