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IT WILI PAY YOU Tü GO TO DETROIT AND HAVE YOUR EXA.MINED AND FITTE!)" WITII SPECTACLE3 OR EYE GLASSES ROEHM &, WRIGHT'S, IMPORTEUS, JEWELERS AND m TICIANS. 140 WOODWARD AVE. I THEY MAKE NO CHARGE FORl TESTINQ EYE8, AND 8ELDOMÍ FAIL TO GIVE RELIEF. DYSPEPSÍA. Sedentary hnbHs, menta] worry, tiervoua ezeltement, excessor liuprudence in eatingor drinUiiv', nnrf rarloue oi lier causes. Induce I on ttpatton followed by general der&ngemeut o tho llver, kidneys, aud stonKU'h. In whtch tbe disorder of eseh orgnn lacreases thelntirsiity of the others. Tito Imniodtate resnlts are Lonai Appettte, Ñausen, l'.ml Breuth, I leurt liimi.Klatulence, Dlxzlnea . Slok Headache, failuro of pbystcal and mental vigor, dNtressinjj sense of welgjitnnd fullncaa in (lic stomach, ¦ad iiuTcasod Cosüvebew, all oí wliich aro knowii om head as D.v-ix'psia. Ini'vcrv Instaneo wberetbudtseasedoea not origínate from norofuious taint in tho blood, Aykii's I'iit.h juay be confidcntly relied upon to effect i curo. Those casca not aiut'iiable to the iiirative influence of Ayür'8 I'.li.s alone will ii-rtainlv vleld if the Pills are alded by the poweriul bloodpurifyiug propertlea oí Ayf.u's Sahsapahili.a. Dyspeptics ihould know that thelonpror tnaturant if their malady is poatponed, the more diüicult of cure it beeouies. Ayer's Pills Never fail to roliovo iho bowols nnd proinote their healthful and regular actiou, and thus curé Dyspcpsia. Temporary palliativcs uil do pcnnaiK-nt liarm. The fitful Rctlvity lato wblch the enfeebled Btomaeh is spurreü by "bitters," tnd alcobolic fctiinulunts, is im itably iollowed by reaction th:il loaves the orgau weaker thau before. "Costlvencup, induced by my podontary habiu of tls, becune chrunic; Ater's affordrd me speedy relief. Tbdr oeoMtonol uu liaj iince bept m all lighï." Hermann Biunuuott, Ifaoark, ÏT. J"I was inducod to try ATEn's PtLU as a remedy for Indlxevttou, Coiuttpatlon nnd Headacho, ftoin whlcfa [ fad lont? been :i fiiifferer. I fotind their KOtlOD WMy. umi uhtaiucd prompt r'lii-f. Thy have tMOefitad me moro than aU tbe nwdleinei ew r before iried." 11. V. WatsÖn, 15-2 StttU St.t Cticago, ÏU. y - "They have ent i rei y OomnM llie coBtive habit, nnd anf]v Improred ray nseral hmltk " Ket. FhaN( is IJ. 11ai;uwe, Atlanta Ga. "The most oAettffl nnd tho ratticRt physic I have ever fuiind. One done vlll quickly inoo ray bowcU and frec my bcud from paiu." W. L rOE, liiehmond, Va. "A Buffcror from t.ïver Complalnt Dypepsia, and TsVuralgia for the laat Lwcnty years, Ayek's 1' liave bnnefited me more than any nwdldoa I tum ever takco." 1'. K. itouEits, Keedmoret Brown Co., Ind. "For Dyspepaia they are invaluablc." J. T. Hitbs, Mexia, Texas. AYER'S PILLS, PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Soldby all Drogglsts. " (LH ¦ Q o o The Secret of our great tr:ulii is that we keep the verv best stock and scll at the lowest prices. Our Perfumes and Toilet Ari ure of the vory finest kind, and we have ;i great varicty to select from. Clioice Wints anti Liquors for medicinal uses. The rtiiot sterk iI 5c aiul 10c eifjars aromatic and fragranl breath perfumes. DRUGS AND MEDICINES! Brio-a-brac - lultable fot presenta, for parlor, or general decoratlng. UV can furnlsh anythlng you wani in tliis line. Don't forgei to examine onr full lfne óf tancy goodi In Braw, J I u .-. 1 1 oods, ïnn-ic boxea, tatetts. Everythlng elegant and beauliful. f'all in ind examine pi ces. PfCscriptions accuratcly and carefully compounded Cali! NO. 7 S. MAIN ST. J. J. GOODYEAR. THE ANN AEBOR SAVINGS BANK, ANN AKBOK, MICHIGAN, Transacts General Banking Business, CAPITAL, $50,000. Orfffinized nnder the Qaooral ltanklnu' Law Ol thln Htate, the etocklioldoM tw Individmlly Iisble fur au udditlonal umount equal to tlir ttock tn-hl by them, therehy creutin a Ouarauten Fund lor ihr benefit of Depositara of $100,00.00. Threc per cent. Interest 1b allowed on uil s iv bfti Depoilts of one dotlar umi npwardi, agcordlnff to the rule ol the lïauk üthI lotorOBt comp itinded semi-anDnHlly. Kaney to loan on unincumbercd renl estáte and other Kood ecurüy. DIRBCT0R8: ClIIilSTIAN MAUK, Wil. 1). 11A HIUMAN, W. VV WINKS. DAN1KL UIHCOCE, WIM.IAM DKDBEL, WILLAKU B. 8MITQ. DAVID IUNSKY. OFFICE1ÍS: 0. MACK, Pree. W. W. WINES, Vice-Prcs. 0. E. niSCOCK.Oushier.


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