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POWDER Absolutely Pure. This pnwder never varios. A marvel of purlty.streDgthaod wholesomeness. Alore econnmlcal [han tlie onilimry klncls, and cannot b i ild in competltlon witli the mullltude ol low ! si, aho't weight, alum or phnsphate pnwders. Hold only In oana Royal Bmiko Powdj K Cu., 108 Wall SI. N. Y. ÉCZpTA] Anl ErsrySpDclea of Hcliing1 and Burní 11 Discases l'ositivcly ('urcd. 1' ". CMA, or Salí Itheum, wiihitsaïonlzinr Itchj i -md burolDL, Intcanilv reliewi by a warm iiaui witli COticura Soai, and a single applicatiou of Crrui-K, the ffreat kin Core. Tbix repeated daily, wlth two or (hree 'loses or Cütictra Re aoLYKNT, tbe Row Bluod Puriiler, lo keep tbe blood cool, the peraplration pure and unirrltating, the bowela open, the llvèr and kidneva active, will speedily cure K. ¦.¦m , Tetu-r. Ringworm, Psoriasis Llenen, Prnritu-, Scald llead, Dandruft". ard evrj -pcclesof luh ni, Smly and Plmply lluinor of the Scaifi and tíkin, when the best pbyBícmns and all kiiuvu rt-inudits litil. IVill llcllonuld. 9542 1) irlrorn st., Chicago, i illy nci.nowkles a cura of Kczema or balt Hbeum oa ík. id, oeck, fart.-, arme aad les for Beventeen yearé; not able to walk except on hand and koeee lor on yeur ; not able lo help himelf ht yi'.ir.-: tried hundred f remedien ; docturn pronooueód M cast; ; pLTmanenrly manentlj cord cured hv CVrictmi Kküolvbmt (blood ii.niüiM i iiii riiii ly.and i'uticuka and CuticuitA BoF (the great kin cure) exterually. Ctomrlea HungBIDni i;i., lawycr, . iii Street, BoetOD, e porta cui ol -alt Ktaeum nuder bis obSfTTftilon fr ien vi'ars, wbich covered the patfenl'u body and inntip. and to whicb all known melbodt of iru.ument had been applled without bom 11', whicb was completslj curird sulely by the Cuticura líEMEiíii.-, leavlLg a clean and bealthy skin. Mr. John Thiel, Wilkisbarre, Pa., writes : "I have nufftired frora galt Kbeum for over '!j] y. .i -, al rl u - - i bd that I could nu attoud to mv ba-iiK'ss fr weeks ut a lime. Three boxea of CcnciJR and four boules of Kkkolvknt have entïrly c;ircd me of tni dreadfa] diáeaae," Síilil by all ctrncelsti, Price: Cdticur, 50 C's.; Rkolvint, II; Soat, 2.jcts. Prepared hy the PoTTEK UKUO AND CllBdlCAI. Co., BojtOIl, MaB. T3T?ATTI1KV ""' 'tiiiil.-xion nnd Skin by JJlJXlU usiii-; the (TricUKA Soap. "WK EO A.D ACHINO MU8CLE3, crying 8hron_'N coanilese nérvea for rest and relief." f-r-jn u Llke nianiirt to the chidren of Israel 4dBF io the C'uiirUKA 1'i.a.stkk to tbe Ki tirt-d. ovtTwoi ked, aciiine muscles. T)o nit duny yourself the comfort $ W& Hütirded by this new, original and &&., Áfi -peed airid'fte to pain and inñimmaii. .n. At ii.iii.'i-'. -"' t-.; live fcir ïl.00. Mailed lr!.'. l'dl'IKR 1)H1 il AM) ClIKMICAI. COMpany. Boston, Mi. SÁNDFORD'S RADICAL CURE - tor - CATARRH, Vlt h-llafl, 1 me riran l'iiu-, Canada I'ir, 'liuiolil, ('lover B)onom, Aeinsledose of Nanturd'H ltadlral Cure lnBtanily relieves the moat violent Sneezing or Beud C'old, cleare the h !ad as by miglc, Btops watory discharges froin the Nose and Kyes, prevenu RlnKng NoUealn the head, cureê Ne rvon HetdKhe, and aubduos Chtlls and Kevers. In Cbronic t ain u ti it clua;ic8 tha naal passages of foul macus, restorQJI the senses of maull, taste, and i id, frees thu bead, throat, and broncliial tuni;s of nrTanive mitter, sweetens and pnriflea the Incaili, stops the coa;h, and arrests the progTOM of Ca arrh toward- O inHiimption. One bottle Uadlral Cure, one box Catarrhal Solvent mford's inhalcr, all la one packagc, of all drugforl. A-k foi - ¦. id B wii. m. ciuk. Potter lruK umi 4'liemlral I o.. BoHton. rtl I Itln For the relief and pnvention QUUL.IlV in,. IllMtHIlt it ÍH illllii-ll, yVOLTAIO ui l(h'iimatiam, Neuralgia, ttdN--ll JsV ""'¦"¦ Congh, Colil?, Wenk luick, yV '"rfe-SlDiniicli, and Iiowele, Shooling v Paine, Nunibnci-, Ilypieria, Fe--rC'..yv- male Paine, I'alpiration, Dyepep '¦ VSSS)) ' pi. l-iv"T Oomi.laint, Hlillon yyriSy Frver, Malaria and Epidémica, ,'"SQ, WoetriO Hattry comblned ASTER wltha oro Plater) aud laujib at pain. 'Z5c. uverywhere. RINSEY & SEABOLT'S IKEIlttNEII' AND Flour and Feed Store. We keep conetantly on hand, ItKEAJ), CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, For and Retall Trndc. We ehall ul.o héajp a tupp)y of SW ' I FT Sc DKUBKL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! Oriiii Flour, Kyc i lom, Riu-kxi heul Flour, C'orn Mcul, lr'ccl, EU'., At Wliilcsale and Retall. A gcDeral stock of GROCERIES and PROTISIONS Constantly on hand, which wlll he sold on as Mvma iis at any other ui the city. Cat IiaWi for DUTTKH, KC(-, and COUNTRY PRODfJCB generally. (ooiln dellvered to anj p irt of Iht' city wil In -ut extra charge. RIXSEY&SEABOLT. EVERY LIVE MERCHANT 1% V AKKOR. Sliould advertise in THE COURIER.


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