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TMK LINE 8ELECTED BV THE U. 8. OOVT TO CARRY THE FAST MAIL. II is li.e only line with lts own track trom CHICACO TO DENVER, Either by way of Omaha. Pacific June, St. Joseph, Atchison or Kansas City. It connects tn Union Deoots wiih throunh tralns from NEW YORK, PHILAOELPHIA. BOSTON and all Eastern poinls. It II the principal line to SAN FRANCISCO, PORTLAND & CITY OF MEXICO It traversos all of the six Qreat States of ILLINOIS. IOWA, MISSOURI, NEUfUSKA. KANSAS. C9LORADO with branch lines to all tlieir Important citics and FroSm CHICAGO, TEORÍA or ST LOUÍS. it runs every day In the year from one to thrce e'cqantly equipped through trains over its own tracks between Chicago and Denver, Chicago and Omaha, Chicago and Council Bluffs, Chicago and St. Joseph, Chicago and Atchison, Chicago and Kansas City, Chicago and Topeka, Chicago and Cedar Fiaplds, Chicago and Sioux City, Peoría and Council Bluffs, Peoría and Kansas City, St. Louis and Omaha, St. Louis and St. Paul, Kansas City and Denver, Kansas City and St. Paul, Kansas City and Omahn, For til points in Northwest. West and Southwest. ltsequipment Is complete and Srst class in cvery particular and at all important points Interlocking Switches and Signáis are used. insuring comfort and safety. , , ,, For Tickets. Rates. General Information, etc, reqarding the Burlinnton Route, cali on any Ticket Agent in the Uniled States or Canada, or address T J. POTTER 1t V.P. d. Gru. Man., Chicago. HENRY B. STONE, A88T. Gen. Mor., Chicago. PERCEVAL LOWELL, GcN. Pass. Agt., Chicago. Estalo of íMiiiiiili H. Cate. STATE OP MIC1IK.., CountJ el V...-hliti;iw, Mli At ii andalón o f rhe ¦ 'ir' u.r Ihc gunry 01 Waantenaw, holden l i ie Proh ite Ofllce, lu the clt ol Aon Arbor, oo Mondey, the iwenty-eTenib rtay 01 .lu' the year ohe thouaand eleht hun il'ed nil eiühiy Uve. l'iv-t:ni. VVilliuiu 1) Ilnrii inuii, ! ildffe "i Pruliíite. I n the iiirtttei "f tii" eetate ol Hannah M i deeeeted. Kofni Cate cxecntor f the Ih lll aad trntament ol astd dce ised, comes ïnto c tri 'uní representa Ut he la nnw prepared lo rendot hi final acomnt as pu -h executor. Tlii-n-iumii ii li ordered, mu Stnrdy, tlic ni- teenth dayof Aaguít next, at 10 o'cluck in the forauoon, hf Mslnm tor FXamtning and allnwlni; aach account añil UMI the al Ibm al aid d and all other persona Interenti '1 i" ld estáte, are reqolted lo appenrai a leutoA ofuM coirt, then t beholdcn ai ti' Probata Office, in th city of Aun sairt countyaiidsho csuae.ll anj there he, why the said account ehould uot be altowed. And it Ís furiher ordircd, tlmt Mtd oxecntor f;ive notlce lo the DbnoDj iiürre-M-'l ln ttíA Bátate, f the peod ency oí aald account, and tbe hearfns í c ¦ copy of this order t" te unbllehed In the Aun Arbor Courin, a oewspaper prii ted and circaiatini: in eaid county.two uc anlrc waeki i reioni' to lid day ol hearinir. lA true rouy.) WIL1.IAM 1). IlAlíKlMA.N. Jndeeof rrohip. WM. G. DOTY. Pro bate Begietffir. 1S67-1Í60 Eslate ef (jeiirge Kinsf. QTATEOF MICHIGAN. C'ouutj "i W At a sension oftha Probate Ooori tot (he Oomnty ot Waehtenuw holdt-ii al the Probate Office, n thü clty of Aun Arlior, on Tnesday, thO twentyelKlith dayol July, n ihe jenr une tbouaand rihi bimdrcd and el[kiy-fiT8. Preaent, WiHlam D. Harriinau, Judjf' ot l'iohate. In ihf matter ol tbe wtate of Qeorge K!iií dereaauil. Oeorfrn w. Billey, (he eirtbtDi of [he IMI '11 and teatamem "I ald deceaaed, come? into court and representa tbai be ii no preparad to rradet his ttnal account as euch ex nitor. Therennon it i ordered, tlnit Tnesduy, tbe twenty-fllth day of Aogoal oext, at ten o'clock in the rorenooB, be Maigned tot examtnfng and all.iwinn uch accoaut, and thai tiiu d' iegateea. Hnd héln at law ol -ni-l dece -¦!. and all olher penoni Inttfreated m aaU estáte, are renuired toaj)ptarit a aecaion ol satd '.'ourt.tlien tu be holdeu ai ibe Probóte Ufllee. Inthe clty ol Aun Arbor. in eaid coonty, and how cauae, Ifanj be, why ibe -aid acoonni Bboald ooi be allowed. And it ie iiirthir ordered, tbal aald exec tor give notlce to the persona Interceted in Kairi estáte, of ilie paadcnc; ol asid acconnt, and the hearing thereof, hy raoslng a copy ol thla order to be pubíiKhed Inthe átuí Ar'im ¦'.¦¦ i. ¦, a nrwsinjcr piinted and circalatvd in aald coonty, iwn succeneive ffeekfl provloua t- naid da) ol n.arinp. (A trae .( WILLIAM I). HAKKIMA, Judce ol l'T'ii'at' . WM. a. DOTY. Probate Kesiater. ij AYER'S V Agne Cure contales an antidoto for all mnlnrlnl disorders which, so far us known, is used ín do otber remedy. lt opuiajna no Quiniue, nor any mineral Bol substance frhftfiever, and cons-.MU'm roduoei no injurious ifect upon tho constitutlon, but knves tlia iystem as aa t m tjfoie the alucie WE WARRANT AYER'S AGÜE CÜEB to cure every case nf l'ever and ,"e, Intcrmlttent or Chili Fever, Fv. r, Dumb Aguo, Bilious Fevor, aud l.iier Con plmlnt caused by malaria. In cae of lailure, af ter due trial, dealers are anthoHzed, by our circular dated July lst, M6Ï, to rofund the money. Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.,Lov.o:i,rúas3. Sold by all Ditoggüt. DrCLARKE KC ITIÏ l Established 1851 i Merrill CntüBrttarl IDETBOIT, MICH. i Block. gSj Sjïlf The regular old established IKyflwNSIlPhysician. and Surgepn DE. Ëïïf% YJ)nCLABKE. at the old number III vtjfluF flcontinucs to treat with his usual U ííf Jijgreat slrill all private, lk4Blchronic, nervous an.! special llSÉS Jldisea6e8. DE CLARKE is the ¦¦¦HS9BSSSfluest Advrtising Physician, as files of Fapers show and all old Rcsidents know. Age and Important. i"lïervou Dijeases (with or without dreams,) or debllity and loss of nerve power treated scientifically by new methodt wilh never faihng sucecss. .¦It makes no difference what y" cave takea or Who has failed to cure you. men and middle-aged men and all who suffer should consult the celebrated Dr. Clarke at once. -The terrible poisong of all bad blood and skin distases oí every kind name and nature completely eradicated. Remem br, that one horrible disease, if ntglected or improperly treated, ourees the present and coming generationi. - Diaeaaed discharge cured promptly without hindrance to business. Both sexes oomult oonfldentially. If in trouble, cali or rnle; Delayiaredangerous. "Procraitination u the thief of time." A written warranty oí cure given in every oase undertaken. _ " Send two stampi for oelebrated WOlki on Chronio, Nervous nd Delicate DUeases. You have an exhauttive ymptomatology by whkh to study your own Cases. Consullation, personally or by letter, Consult the old Doctor Tnouiaudí cured. Offices andparlorf private. You see no one but the Doctor. Before onnding your case consult Dr. CLAHKE. A friendly lettel L ijmay "v! fulure ""ng and shame, and add golden yearstolife. Medicines sent every where secure from Hours, 8 to 8 ; Sunday, 9 to 12. Address letters: F. H. CLIRKI!, ,-"' ¦ill Block, Cor. Woodward and Jefferson Avei. DEIBOIT, MICH. 7the best Eutkr Overshoes TO WKAR OVKU YODH W0OL I1OOTS, are thoso now made by thc"t:und-c"liubhET Co., expressly for llk!iigan tradc for the ecasoa oflSS5and6. EVERY PATH WÁkBAMTBDagalnitcomng apart in cither iele druppel and gnarantccd to give Batlsfaction in erory respect. Hado for Reputution, gtvlng the wearcr more 'or hls money than he can g t In any otlier mako ofgooda. OfBESÏHOOT sTOfli, aiuinotot ordinary overshoc stock. The eoles madu tho asme at Rubber Boot Soles havtng a thick ole and then a tap solo upon that. Th.U tap sok is thickenea in the mldille, and i DOUBLÉ TUIIK N '1'IIE HAI.I,. Thls s tho grent Mtfalg point. Th Doublo Thick Ball and the Boot Stock upper, give a shoe which wlll potltitdy ouiwear tny otiur ülioe in tho market even of tho vèry best brand. NO HICHER IN PRICE. Thonsands of dollars sared to Wool Boot wcarer this scason. Don't bo nfruiil of tlio quality. THE WARRANT SECURES YOU. Cali for the uCandee Doublé Thick Ball roodt." Warrant etamped on every tftot. Kor snip tu (be Ui (U liv K. & J. CÜM JIIM.SA: Vo, Detroit.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News