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Oats In and about Dexter wre ¦ good erop. TheG A. K. of Saline has a metnbership of 1."). Saline had its first Sunday excursión Sunday. The average Dexter citizens find carbuncles quite numeroug. Don't forget the farmer1 picnic at Whitmore Lake next Satunlay. W. 15. Thompson, of Worden, had ten sheep killed by lightnlng recently. Tbe 3d reunión of the lst Mlcb, OTilry is to be held at Chelsea, Sept. 17. A. P. Ferguson, of Dexter, has calis for lis road carts from away down in Florida.
Misses Bertha Scaddin and Nellie Queal of Webster, are visiting friends in Benzie Co.
The Southern Washtenaw Farmers' ilub metts Bept. 1, at M. D. Blower! resdence. To-day the Salem Sunday Schools will excurt to Detroit, and have a ride down lie river. The Saline cornet band go to Monroe o-morrow, to help the Monroe band on a iltle "toot." Jacob Rehrii of Dexter, whose accident we gpoke "f In the last Igsue, died from the effects thereof. The house Judge Joslyn was burned out ot last Wed nesday, is one he lus occupied for 30 years. red on -.i needte recently, nl had to ir.ivo he sanie cut out with a sui-geou's knifti. Miss Kemp of the stone school house, Xoithliclil, held a picnic in Chas. Lockwood's woods, Huleui, last Friday, for her nipüs. Wheat s-tacks lasóme portions of the county were bidly soaked by the r.iins ecently, many of which had to be taken lown to dry, The Dexter Leader quotes eggs at lo cetitfand butter at 0 cents. Those figures touDd ell to Ann Arbor-ites - and only en miles away. Mis. Matilda Case has a hydrangea vhicli has now 44 blossouis on and is budled for more. It is a beautiful tlower.- %ranchester Enterprise. Have we a vlllage ordinance respectingr closing places of business on the Sabbath day? Will some one furo Isfa us with a copy of it?- Clul-ca llnald. Obstructions were llaced on the Central rack near the city the other night for the mrpose of wrecking the nlght exiress. lappily discovered in time to prevent a atastiophe - Ypsi. Commercial. A new $320 cistern ll).28 ft., and 13 ft. deep is being put down at Saline for fire Mirposes, and when it is complcted the ibserver thinks no other town in the tatewill be as well protected from tire. Hon. E. 1'. Allen, of Ypsilanti.Kevs. D. Shier, D. B. Munger, and (!. 11. WalUce I .Manchester, will address the Manhester farmers at thcir 14th annual barvest picnic, Thursday Aug. 20th, to take )lace at Rose's grove. Remember the 7tli annual picnic of the armen of Waantenaw, Livingston, Oakaml and Wayne oouutlet, to be held at Vhitmore Lake next Saturday. Hon.Win. tal], of Hamburg, will dellver the address f welconie. The occasion will be a great ne. Wheat, so tar, threshed in this vicinity will average near forty bushels per acre. At OU cents per basket, tonmn can make more money out of whe at witli this yielil iian can be made at any otlier legitímate mtlnSM pursiiits. Tlic larjre erop of wheat i t h is viclnily should rerlainly make nances R llttle casler.- Saline Observer. The fellow wlio tfets tin-d of walking ad borrowt a team to take blm on hls ourney, hfilped liimseif to the horso. and Wggy of (Jeo. A. Peters, of Scio, wliile iit hed on Main tl, Ann Arbor, last Vednesday, and the sume was not found DtU the next mornlht;, between here and ció. The conductor of the tree excursión t Peters' expense had vanished. Wedneaday last the resldencc of Judgc oslyn, at rpailantl, cauirht lire, and the re department cune out and, as w.issupmsed, extinguished tlie ñames. A few ïours afterwards the II i nies burst out new, and did ireat damage, nearly deHoving the building, the loss belns ihiccd a! $1,600. The Judge's sonin-law, le'ent Chat. 11 Whitman, also realded in ie bouse. What tire dhi not burn up ater damngeé; makuig a serious loss for ie families. .Mr Jerome Allen has a re-produoUoaof lé wall paper edition of the Vicksbnr(f )aily Citizen, datad July 2, 1863, when lant was befOn that city. Two days Uer, July 4th, the (lege eiuicd. and (iraiit ntered and look poawuion of the city; ie office of thé Daily Citizen wastakeu n charge by Union soldier-printers, wlio ook the tonus then set, uith a note ot xplanatinn, workcd oflf th la-t cditlon u wall iiapcr, tlic only material the Con'edcrates had liad for sonic time on wjiich .o print. It is an Intereatltlg relie. - Mian Leader. VVhitmore Lake Sun : "The Sunday xciusions froni Jackson to tliis place are ot only an injuiy to Whitniore Lake but re also a disfrace to Jackson. All the mlis and lower classes take advantafie I 'tlielow rales and time, to conie hcre nd drink, swcar and hurrah. On last SuBiv a very large oompafiy was hc re and 'M earricd hy ïncans ¦¦( Rteamboat and usses to the hotels, which won: hardly ble to accommodate (hem all. We do ot mean to say that only the rougher ai 's lake part in these excursión, but iat HiN clatt do not forget to come." (from the Ypsllnntl Sentlnel. VI'SII.AMI HAM'S. Wliv can't Ypsilanti have a band? is ie Inqnlry renewed for the tittietli time. She can. "The Queen City can." Slie - =3 has liad more bands, off and on sinoe üe was a viUajre than any otlier place in the state And the procedure In tacli case is the same, to-wit: A Qurobor of amateurs get band on the br.iiu and 01ganize l'hey piek up n ot of instru iients and practioe a wliile, when the cry nlMd: "Why don-t the city do v l thing.' It is a shame tlüit iWuntl don't najutaio a ffood band." The city not belng in the band business, a subscription is started, and citizens aro prensad to conti ibute. The band wants new instrumente. Nothing can be done with tlicir old badiy assorted honi-. l-'inallv Dew Instruments ure got. The bard mantffei tO raise uniforius, and make a brave sliow. All cause of outside complaint benig removed insubordination bi'i'iiis wltlnn. Several want to be It-aders Ir occasion ariees for a part of the hand each wnnts to be chosen, and kicks if he is not One grievance fbllowg another, and In less than six montlis alter the citizens have pooled in to lix out the band, or some liberal man has assumed the reresponsibility on fair proinises, up roes the whole concern; the ImtnuneiiU are scattered or stole, and each individual is tooting his own bazoo about vvho was in the fault. The band history of Ypsilanti, in detail, would be mterestiiiff, and we have in mind pretty clearly, the composition, and dlêtolution of the very first "Ypsilanti Band," whicli flourished forty-three ago, ia all glory of key-bugles, clarionete, French horns, trombones, opheclkle, and bau duim, and which buit up between here and baline, on Uie question of plaving for dancinfr. About every tive years Mnce has witnesst-d the rise and fall of :ui 'Ypailanti Band." DEATH OF FR. BLYENHBRGH. Rev. Aloysius F. Bleyenbergh, pastor of the Catholic churcb, at Dexter, dled ou Tuesilay of last week, of licmornire of the lungs. He was a native of Hol land, 53 yeara oíd, and caiue to Detroit in 1868, from 1869 to 1683 was pastor of Holy Tiinity cbiirch in that city. The following in reference to his lite is taken from the Detroit Evening News: Every Detroiter remetnherg the horror wblch spread thrnugh the city on the moruing of July 23, 1881, wlien the neivs ot the wreek ot the steam yacht Maiöia was eiiculated. Thirteen of Faiher Bleyeubergh's alcolytes went down wilh the yacht. They went on their am.ual cxeursion, and after a day of pleasure met their death. Father Blyenlwr-h sur'-¦ ¦ ¦ "¦ aun utT va a changed man. His health, oever strong, broke down until he became a confliined invalid. Durinx two years he atrujrgled ujramst fate In niiinaring the buxiiH-88 it lii? parish, and tinaliy, wlien tie Bcorm broke O7er his head, he was zhen a It-aveof absence by Bishop Bores.-. and the parish was placed in charge of Bev, Fr. Donan, Who lias sinoe done njuch to straijihten out the complieations which resulted from Fr. Blyenbcrgü's troubles. The end of the year faw Fr. Blyenberjfh a conflimt-d inyalid, yet auxions as evei to work, and he was iven charge of t lx: Catholic parish at Dexter Two months ago he was torced to announce that Imr one service will be held on Sundays, and during the past rnonth he had been confinad to his bed. His funeral will takcplace from Tiinity church, Detroil, the scènes of his labors, joys and reatest griefs, probably next Friday. Few men could boast of the extensivo education of Fatlier Bleyenbergh. Well educated in Europe, he at quired a thoroutrh Knglish education in ihis couniry, which was further supplemented by ctensive travels in Eurojie anti the Holy Land. As a scientist he was a patiënt experimenter, and a great nam oer of his acquaintances credit hiin with belhi; the real inventor of the Vandepoele eleclric liht. Certain it is, however, tiiat Ik g'Yen an interest iu the coinpany for his improvements in the light. His greatc-l care was education, and inuch oi his time before sickness and lief overeaine liim was devoted to his schools. Personally he was a very large hearted man, as many of the poor people of his former parish eau testify.