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Water Rates

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The contract made by the cily l Aim Arbor wltli thc;Ann Arbor Water Co., urovUU's thai the ratel to prívate consumera shall be llio same ns charged by water coiupnalee 1d otbcr clties sinllarly situatcil. WhRt constnictiou ia to bo placed upoo the worde "milarly Bltuntcd," is perhapt a little indefinite, but of ooune the company wilt construe it in a reasonable way, as it wlll be for tlicir inlcrest to do so, f tliey intcinl to continue SUpplylng water to the iiilialiitanta of this city. Tliat the people may have some idea of charges made in other places, wc have taken some pains to secure the printed ratcs from a few eities n the state, and will jiivcthem to the public, together with the ratos for this city, as tliey have been given out by the Ann Arbor Water Coinpaflj : ANN AUBOR KATES. Hanks tlO.OO Uarber shops, oue chulr 5.U0 Kuch BddUlonal clialr 3.00 liiilhtub 4. IX) I'.acli addltlonal tub lm) BlackMiiiih shops, ono flre h aob addlllonal flra' 2.00 Building purpoaaa, itont work per perdí H llrlck wurk, per tliousaml In IMiisierliig, per huQdreü yards ÜH Hiilcli er shops $10.00 to 12.1)0 ChurohM s.oo to 10. ou Dwellnms- Oecupied by one fainlly wllh nol more tban Ihree rooms 5.00 Kiicli addüloual room 75 Kounuiln lo be used 4 Uours per day, 6 itioiitlia In theyear, 1-ltitli IuoIiJbI.. 10.00 Ooe-elglith Inch Jet 20.00 kt'Yulvlug lawn oprinklers, used as iiiiove 10.00 Hydranls for sprlnkllng yards, aud lawns, liicluillnu the right In ¦ li Windows, blli ds, porches, etc., $3 to 10.00 Spnnkliiij; hydrant.s for corner lots. .. 6 Oi) spriiikiiiig bydrunts for stores 5.00 I.ivcry Niables, each horae up to ten 3.00 Over leu, lor each additional hors ... 1.00 1iJ mi t ik ütikKInu .kun tiitr.u '. (Ut Kuch uddlllonnnl norse á... 2.00 entices and private rooms $" lo 1U.0O Saloons umi resuiurauU $10.00 to 'l'i. 00 bod t PouoUklui 5 00 Btorm $8.oo to lS.oo Bteam boilers per horse power, 10 hours aday 2.B0 Urinals, private 3 50 Water closels, private 'i 50 Workshops, 10 hours aday 5.00 Meter Itate: Per tliousaml. ]. css Ihan 1.000 gallons per day t 86 ï.ooo to " " " W t,M0 lo 6,000 " " " 2.1 5.00U lo 10,000 " ' " 20 Over ló.OOil " " " 15 No meter rates at less than f40 per year. ADRIÁN 11ATES. Banks, lncludlng one wash bosl $10.00 Darber shops, one ehalr 5.00 Each ndditioi al chalr 3.00 Hath room, private, per tub -1 00 lilacksmlth shop. one lire 3.00 Each additlonal nre 1.60 Butcher shops 84.00 to 8.00 Dwelllng house, not exceedlng 4 rooms S.UO Kach addlllonal room 100 Fouutul ns llowlng not excecdl ng 6 hou rs per day during the scason : Oneelghth Inch orlflee . : 5.00 'I hree-slxtecnlhs Inch orlflee '2 00 One-lourlh inch orífice B.OO Kive-sixteenths och orlflee 45.00 Hou for slreet sprinkllng, lncludlng wasblng and Bprlukllng sldewulks, 50 ieet or less ü.00 Kach addltlonal foot 10 II "... ior spriukiing lawns, per 1000 square feel or less. and not over 8,000 feet 8.00 Hose forsprlnklng lawns 3,000 feet and not over 5.000 feet 10.00 Hose lor sprinkllng lawns, 5,000 feet and not over 10.00 feet 12.00 Making mollar, per perch of Wi cuble feet 05 Ofllces and sleeplog rooms, lncludlng wash basl u SS. 00 to 10.00 I'lasterliiK, per bu üme 98 Saloous 10.00 to .f!0.ü0 team engines nominal horse power, 10 bonra run to 10 horse power, ier horst power 5.00 Stores 8 to l.V'O Urlnals, private 3.00 Water-closet lu private houses, per bowl 5.00 Each additlonal bowl 3 00 Meter Bates 100 to 1,000 gallons per day, at the rate of 20 ceut per 1,000 gallons. 1,000 to 2 OOo gallons per day, at the rate of 15 c( uts per l,o0gallons. 2,000 lo 4,000 gallons per day, al the rate of 12 cents per l,(M0 galloui. Over 4,000 gallons per day, at the rate of 10 e. uts per 1,000 gallon. Minimum rates per year $10.00. EAST HAGINAW RATES. Barber shops, one or twochairs f 5.00 Kach addiiional chalr over two 1.00 ltulh lubs. private dwelllng for four persous 00 Kacli addiiional person 50 l'.lucksmuli shops, one flre 5 00 Eaob addltlonal flre ü.00 Uulldlug purposes, each 1,000 brlck 10 Eaob ouolo yard of slone 05 Kach Uto yards plasterln, two coatv. LI) Kach 100 yard plasterlug, three coats .10 Churches. $10 lo 20.00 Fountulns, lawn, one-sixteenth Inch jet running 10 hours a day tol ü moutlis 10.00 Larger sized Jets special rates. Wheu allowed t o run over 10 hours per day, or for over slx months, to be assessed pro rala for 0X06M. Houses- -Uwelllug, 2 persous, wlth 1 or 2 rooms, occupied oy one famlly 4.00 Dwelling, 3 persous, 5 rooms, occupied byoneiamily 5.00Dwelllng. 4 persons, 6 rooms, occupied by one famlly 6.00 Dweiling, 5 persons, 7 rooms, occupied by one famlly 7.00 Dwelllng, ü persons, 8 rooms, occupied byoneiamily 8.00 Dwelllng, 7 or 8 persons, 10 rooms, occupied by one famlly 9.00 Dwelllng 9 or 10 persons, 12 rooms, occupied by onefarolly 10.00 Each additlonal room 50 Lawn hotte, lliree-sixt'enth inch nozzle 2 hoors a day lor each lot. MOX120, or less, sprlukllng insideonly 3.00 Offices, three persons (ir less 3.00 Eacb addiiional persou 60 Saloons 10. U0 ötores - These rates are for washlng fronls, floors.drlnkiug and ordlnary store uses. Dry goods, hardware, boots and slioes, clothlng. and other similar stores, each 21 Ieet front Sito 10.00 Soda fountalns 5 to 10.00 ötaliles- Private, each horae 2.00 Private-, eaob cow 1.00 st am eugiue meter rates. Urlnals, self-closlng 3.00 Constant running 1-32 inch opening... 10.00 Water closets. self-closlng, private 3.00 Hotels, boardlng houses and public balldtnga,'eaob 5.O0 Sell-closlng, stores and offices, (occupanut use't onlyl each 3.0C Buoom and manuraclurlng establlshmen ts. each 5 . 00 Meter Ratee : Per thousaud. For a daily average of 5,000 uallous or less 12 For a Uaily average of 5000 to 2.3,000 gallons or loss 10 For a dally average of 5,000 to 50,000 gallons or less.. 8 For a dally average of 50.000 or more. . 6 l-LINT 1ÍATKS. Barber hops. one chai r 3 4.00 Kim-Ii mldltionnl chalr 2.00 Batli tab, private tub lu families of six persoim or les 2 00 Blacksmlth shops, for flrst fl re 4.00 lvi-:i addltlonal firc 2.) Bulidlnii parpuaa, exch percti of sione, 04 Baoh iiiniisiml brick 10 Plttterlng, emmh bushel of lime Churehes, in lie BMeued $3 to 10 01 COWS. WOb OOW 100 Dwelllutf lionses. for families of ix persons ur less, wltli not more lliau slx rooms 5.00 For eneli addltloual room II For each addiUonal person 50 KiianlniK Ihmim's ivlil li.' charged the Kami rutes us ordlnary tlwelling houses. Fouiitains, 10 hours per day, 7 mouths n ycar, 1-1(1 Inch no..lo 8.00 10 hour per day, 7 months In year, % Inch uozzle 12.00 10 hours per day, 7 inonths in ytar, Y. lch nozzle 24. UO Hevolvingor movoablc sprinklers at the rate as fountalns. Saloons and llqoor stores, for each Imr 10.00 Stores - Dry gonds, hardware, boots and shoffs and clothlng $5 to 10.00 ïiocerles and provisión 5 to 10.00 More front, 22 feet or less 3.00 .store corner o. 00 Lawns and gnrdens Inclmling streel sprlnkling to middle ol street, window wasliini;, etc, one lot 4.00 Kvery additlonallot 2.00 Hoda fountHlns Jó to 1U.00 tibies, livery orsale Includlng carrlage washlng, each horse 1.50 Private, 1 horse, with carrlago wash Ing 2.00 I'rlvate, each addit tonal horse 1.00 Uriimls, private house each 2.iKt .stores, banks, offlcles, factories ,.00 OtBcos. stores, etc Mtttr Rates: Per Ihousaud. Less tluin 1,000 gallons per day 50 1.000 to 8,000 " " " 40 3,000 to 5.000 ' ;.. 30 6,000 to 10,000 ' " ' 26 10,800 to 15,001 40 Over 10,000 15 KA LAMAZOO RAT KM. Barber shop flrst chalr s oii Each addltlonal chalr t.QB Bath tubs. private 2 00 Banks, includlngoni! wash bnsln 5.00 Blaokimltb ibopa, flrst Hre 3.00 Kach addltional nre 2 00 Butcber lbop, (lrst faucet , 7.00 Kach addltlonal faucet 3 00 llnilder's ratcs. per perob of stcne lald . . 2 l'er 1,000 brick lald 6 l'er 1 (KX) brick. weltl ng down ï Per Ki yards piaster Ing, one coat 12 l'er loo yards plasterlng, two or three coats 20 l'er lOOcubicfeet of groutlng!. ...'." Zr, Board ing house. Il te. 18 persons 7 00 Over 15. each addltlonal person 50 (.'burches, lncludlng two drlnklng fauceto 7.uo Dweiling liouses, for farully of flvo or leun 4.00 For famliy of 11 to 10 & 00 Kunnliiiiiü, 'KiitiliMi, '110 lucli Jet), for Masoll 7 50 (Garden, l-l Inoh jet,) forseasou 12.00 CouiiliT, 1-xtiiclijet, season 3.00 Oouuler. 3 18 Inch let, seasou ft. 00 . -etnbliv I H tneu jet, season 3.00 Vegetable, 3-16 Inoh Jot.neason 5 OU (írorciy t lores, il rat fuucet 7.00 liaildltlonul faucet ,1.00 Qardeim, season charge, 6,000 square fect or luwt 5.00 Reiisiin clmriie, over 0,000 feet to 10,1100.. 8.00 Offices, oooupiM ly four peisons or uu ili'i, liicmliiiK one wash bowl wlili sflf-closing fHiicet 5.00 Occupled by four persons or under, oblalnlng water from lui 1 1 3.00 I'nxiuraKO per eow- season May lst to ot.wt ï.oo Btablw, private, one horse, lncluding buiigy wanülng 3.00 I'nvule, each adltlonal horse S.OO l.ivi'iy and boardlng, each stall 1.00 Kaloiïös, for oue 1-2 Incti faucel 7.00 Kactiaddltlonal 1-2 inch faucet S.O0 Koila wuler louiitalns $6 to 7.00 Sprinklers, 1-1 Inch Jet, four rodn front or lees 4.00 Onc-lourlh inch, racli addilioual rod froutnge over four 60 stram bollera, for heallug balldlDgs for euch horse power 75 Bteam KngineH. over teu borse power, eacli horse power 1.00 Urinal, private, automatlc oloulng a.00 Private, flowlng, 1-16 lnc-lijet S.OO llolel, saloon, restaurant, boardlng house, eatlng hoase or public liall, flowlng, automntlc closlni; 3.00 Wasli liitnd baslns, private, self-closing faucet 2.00 Prívale, non-closlng faucet 4.00 WaiiT closet, private, pan or self-closIng 2.50 Private, doublé actlng val ve 4.00 Prívale, single actlng valve or flowlng 6.00 lrtr.r Jielft : Per tbousand. Ually coBKumptlon 500 gallons, per 1,OUÜ gallons 40 Daily consuinpMon over 500 to 1,000 KitlloiiH. per 1.000 gallons 85 Daily coDsumplion over 1,000 to 5,0W) KalloDH, per 1.000 gallons 82 Daily consuinptton over 6,000 to 10,003 gallons, per 1,000 gallons 31) Haily roiihuinpllon over 10,000 gallons, pi-r 1.0(10 gallons 25 For bullders, per 1,000 sallons '& If there is a deslro upon the part of iny reader to inspect tliese figures they 6U lind the painphlets at the Courieu sanctuin. These places located in different portions of the state ought to give a fair idea of what water rates are exacted elsewbeto. In makiiig c.omparisons take wliat will be used the most. For instance, dwellinrs will be the most important to private consumera. Water closets and urlnals will in time be of great importance, ulieu a system of sewerage shall be built. Alany of our cilizeus will be interested fu the charges for lawn sprinkIlny, and for use of hose In the barn in SDiiiikling yards, gardens, walks, streets, etc, etc. At anv rate, here is a chance to compare tigures all day, if one chooses to do so. From a very hasty comparison we sliould consider the Ann Arbor rates fullv as high on all of the important items, as any quoted.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News