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LETTING DOWN THE PRICES - JJT - I. F. SCI1IIEI1 Big Drive in Ladies Regular Made Hose. Flain Blacks and Solid Colors at 19 ets. a pair, worth 30 ets. Ladies Lisie Hose 85 cent quality now 50 ets. a pair500 Yards Wide Embroideries 40 and 50 cent Quality Cut to 25 ets. a Tard. 48 Single Wool Shawls $2.25 Quality now $1.00 each. 1 3 Fieces more of the 25 cent Quality All Wool Black Bunting now 12 1-2 ets 6 Pieces Doublé Fold Lace Bunting 12 1-2 ets. worth 25 ets. a Yard. One Case 5 cent Prints now 3 1-2 ets. One Case 10 cent Indigo Blue Prints now 6 1-2 ets100 Dozen Fancy Border Hdkfs. 3 for 10 ets., worth doublé. 10 Pieces $2.00 Quality Allover-Embrodiery Cut to $1.25 per Yard. 17 Pieces Wide Oriental Laces 35, 45 and 50 cent Quality now 25 ets. a Yard. 25 Doz. Corsets at 29 ets. a pair, worth 50 ets. 32 Pieces white India Linen, Checks, Plaids and Stripes worth 18 and 20 ets, Down to 12 1-2 ets. a Yard. One Case 7 cent Bleached Cotton now 5 ets, a Yard2 Bales 8 cent Quality Fine Broad Sheeting Cut to 6 ets. a YardBig Cut on JERSEYS at 59 ets., $100, $1.50 and $200. .A. OJIRD. The goods which we advertised in this announcement we guarantee cannot be duplicated in this city at the price at which we offer them. D. F. SCHAIRER. The Bancroft Advertlser seems to have a sliglit attuck of indigestión over the T., A. A. & N. M. R. K , we should judjte by the following quotations : The Toledo &: Aun Arbor rallroad folks are telling ifthey run lo Duraud tlmt th.y liave agreed wlth the Orand Trunk to run ouly llmltedor dead tralns between Duraud and Owosso. That Is, take nelther Irelghl uor passengere from those towns. How do you Uke that, Vernon, Coruuna, and Owosso? And this of the same issue: The Toledo 4 Ann Arbor rallroad corapany has announced that lt Is about to abandun the direct line norlh from Ann Arbor to OwosHo, and by so dolog fall to keep agreemeuts made wlth original utockuolderti at Toledo, Aun Arbor and Owosso. Some of the said lndlgnant stockboldem as well ascitlxens of those cltles are about to withdraw their support from Ihe so-called Toledo & Ann Arbor road and take up with a new seríeme proposed to them by a wealthy rail road corapany which Is now uslng the T. & A. to get Irom Michigan to Toledo. The plan Is to bulld a road direct citber irom Ann Arbor or Dexter, to Owosso vla Howell and Uancroft, providlng the bonusesalready ruisfel wlll te turned over to the new company. Mnny of the tubscrlbers wlll glve addliional subscrlption and bonusen A large number of business men nnd farmers along the line are already at work, and the plan wlll soon come to llght. Rhcumatism Jt U an establUhed act that Hood's Sarsaparlll bas proven an inviluablc remedy in mauy serere cases of rheumatism, effectlag remarkable cures by lts powerful action In correctlng the acidlty of the blood, which is the cause of the dlsease, and purifying and enriching the rital fluid. lt i eertainly air to assume that what Hood'.i Sarsaparllla bas done for others lt ¦wlU do for you. Xherefore, U you suffer the palns and aches of rbeomatism, glve tbis potent remedy a fair trial. A Positivo Care. " I was troubled very mach wlth rheumatism In my bips, ankles, and wrists. I could bardly walk, and was conflned to my bed a good deal of the time. Belng recommended to try Hood's Sarsaparllla, I toolc four bottles and am perfectly well. I cbeerfully reconunend Hood's Sarsaparllla as one of the best blood pnrtflers In the world." W. F. Wood, Bloomlngton, III. For Twenty Years I bare been affllcted with rheumatism. Before 1883 I found no relief, but grew worie. 1 then began taking Hood's Sarsaparllla, and lt dld me more good than all the other medicine I ever had." H. T., Shlrley. Mass. " I suflered from what the doctors called muscular rbeumatlsm. I took Hood's Sarsaparllla and am entirely cured." J. V. A. Pboüdíoot, letter carrier, Chicago, 111. We sball be glad to send, free of charge, to all wbo may desire, abook containingmany additlonal statements of cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all dragglsts. 91 ; six for $5. Made only by U I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mas. IOO Doses One Dollar. WIÉLYPKT, For One Year and an Klegant and JLH'e-llke PORTRAIT OF GEi &RANT, In whur w rld-ramonx achleveiikiii all have m warm lulrrul, Hl be sent far l.OO. The PICTURE OF GEN. GRANT, Is on (Ine board, Slze llxl-4, nnltabl for framlne, and lt is naid ! thotic lio kin dim best to be ONE OF THE BEST PÜRTRAITS OF HIK EVER TAKEN. II wan taken junt prevloun to (¦¦- f il'rct a I IiIh latu llluess, and iliiTi'iurr. ronil Ilim the LATEST AND MOST SATISFACTORY I'lrtnre ot llic great ulillor. Addrean THE POST, ! DETROIT, MICHIGAN.


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