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AY YOU TO GO TO DETROIT " AND HAVE YOUB EXA.MTNED AND FITTEDWITH 8PECTACLE3 OR EYE GLASSES ROEHM WRIGHT'S, 1MPOHTEBS, JEWELEKS AND ¦ TICIANS, 140 WOODWARD AVE. I THEY MAKE NO CHARGE FOrI TE8TINO EYE8, AND SELDOmI FAIL TO GIVE RELIEPi ECZEMA! And Eren Species of Etehlsg and Burnin Diseascs l'osithely Curcd. ÍV V. SM A, or Salt Hhfum, with its a?onizing itch'j iih ind hurninif. intaoly relievul by a warm bat'i with ('uTicuRA Soap, and a alucie application of l'rniTiiA, tlie ri-at skin Cure. This repeated düily, with twn or thr.H doses oí' CüTICURA IÍK soLvtNT, the New Blood I'urifier, to keep the blood cool, tbe perspiratton pure and unirrttatin;,', Ihfl boyreli op-'n, the liver and kidneys activo, will ¦piedtly care Eczema, Tettan Ringworm, Psoriali-, Lichen, Pruritus, Scaltl llcinl. Oandrnfl'. and t'v.-ry npeclet of Itcii nir, Soaly aod Pimply tlumors of the Scalp and Skin, wheu the best phytticiaug and all knort u remedhs rail. Wlll lli'ltmi'.ild. 3542 Dci.rborn st.. Chicago, írrati I' illy nckuowlc-direa a cure of Eczema or Salt Rheum oq head, ucck, face, arma and leg-' lor Beveuteen vean ; n-it abtti to w ilk excêpf on hands and knees for one year ; not able lo help himelf foreight yean ; tried hundrcds of retneitic ; doctore pronounced hls ca-' ; permaneutly manently cured cared by Cütici'ha Kesolvent (blood pnriflei)interuaily,aDil i'uticuha and Cuiicura Soat (the gruat kiQ curei) eiieriially. Charles Iloiighton, lNq., la w ver, 28 State Stri-ct. Boston, recorto a casu oi alt Hheum under bU obterratloD tor len vi'ars. whlch eorerod the patleut'e body and llmtM, aml to whicn all known raethoda of tnatntanl bad beun appllu.l withimt beiu'flt, wh'ch was completely curud ulely by the Cuticura Hb-mediks, leavij g a clean and healthy klu. Mr. John Thlcl, Wllkc-iharre. r.i., v.rile: "I have suffured Irom S.ilt Hbcum förover oigBt yeaif, at tlme eio bui tbat I could n'tatiatidto my buaineís f r woekt :it a tim?. Thrce boren of l uticuka and finir bottles of Kksoi.vkst hiveeutlrely cured uiü of thlfl druadful dieabo." Sold hy a!l clrngiiffs. Price: CrmcriiK, 50 C 8.; Rebolvknt, 11; Soap, SSoto. Prepared by the Potter Ditnn and Chekical Co., Bortón, Ma's. T3TT A TTTI!''Y tbl' Complexión and Skin by JjIjiiU nsinjj lbo Cuiicuka .Soai1. "TIRED ASD ACllIXO MUSCLES, crvinR 8hroui,'ii comitleM dwttm lor r'ii and reliet -, - _ Llke inannn to the chüdren of Isra-1 WUjJm iB the Cu i "icüKA Pl.ASTKR lo the 3Ê1 tiri-d. oviTwuikt-d, achine musclu. . tbm I not deny youi-Helf the cotntort 'Z' tr& allorded l)y thiö nt-w, Oflffina] and éíé&.'tf -peed an'ldote to pain and inftimmaUou. At UruUKlils, 25 ctt.i live for $1.00. Mailed fre!'. 1'OITKB DRUG l.Vl) C'IIKMICAL C'OMpany, Boaton, Man. SÁNDFORD'S RADICAL CURE FOE CATARRH, Wltcli-Hazpl, Anierican l'lnt', Canada Ftr, ïaariiiold, ('luver K okhoiii. A single dose of Hantord'a Radical ure Instantly relieves tlic most violent Sneezing or Head Cold', cleara the head as by magie, stopa watery discharges from the Nose and fiyee, prevents Riniiing NoUes in the head, curea Nervous Headache, and suhdues Cbills and Kevers. In Chronic (ataarn it dOMUM th-j nasal p issages of foul muens, restores tbe aensua of irneU, taaie, and hearing when aflic;t.;d, froea tho beid, throat, and bronchial tabes of ofTeojive mitter, sweetens and purifles the breath, stop the coa;h, and arreste the progresa of Caarrh towarda Consamptlon. One bottle Radical Cure, one box Catarrhal Solvrnt and Sanford's Itihalor. all In one package, of all drugglats for II. Aak for Sanford's Radical Ccrk. Potter Drug and Chemical o., Bottton. aM I IIIm. For the relief and prevenilon CUL.L lV inplant i iHapplied, VOLTAIO of Rh. nmatiem, Neilraltfla, hciSXAiJy "tica. CWghs, Cojdt, Wenkback, NsX Stomach, and. iioweU, ShMtinf Ch_ '-: Painp, Nnmbncsh, Ilyeleria, Fe'-rtr.,vVv- male PhIds, I'alpiiation, DyspepS vSio 1"ia' Liv'T c.ODiria1"'. millón 7ft{($ Fever, Malaria and Epldcmlcs, fifVtiuA nie ColllnH' PlaBters (an , ' 'S 1 vLe Batfiy comb'jMd ASTER with a l'oruna Planter) and laugh at pain. Ü5c. everywhere. WORTHT: Of Confldence.' AVCD'C Srsaparl!lafsmedlclncthat, M I tin O durlt nearly 40 years. In all parta of the world, bas proved lts efflcacy aa the bent blooU alteratlve known to medical science. SABSAPARILLA Üfi&tFZ genuino Honduras Sarsaparilla) Ís lts base, and lts powers ara enhanced bv tho extracts of Yellow Doek and Stillingia, tho Iodides of Potasslum au4 Iron, and other potent liieTtiltente. IC your blood vitlatcd by deraugements IO of the dlmcHya and asslmilatoryfunctionx? Ia It talnted by Scrofula? or does It contaia the polson of Mercury or Contafiiuus Diseuse? TLJC lAf')ln6 physiclan of the United I il C ,stn( -s, Who know tho composftion of Aybr's Sausaparilla, say that nothing else o (,'ood for the purification of the blood la wlthin the rauge of phurraacy. w HUI V b-v th0 usc of tllls rcme"y !s ' UriLT pbs.slblo for a prrson who ha corrupted blood to attain sound health and prevent tranmnlasion of the destructivo tuint to posterity. TUnonilPUI V i-HV-tiverenovtlon InUnUUunLY ()f the Bystem must lnvludo not only the removal of corruptlon from tho blood, but lts onrVament and tho strcnstkealns of Gia vital organs. Dri iini vrltnrsses, all over tn nLLIAbLL world, tcstlfr that this work isbettor accompllühedby Aykb'S Sarsapaku-la thau by any other remedy. Í Dl nnn'lliat )s corrupt0'1 throtigh dTbLUUU ,:Lse U made pure, and blood weakened througb. diminution of the red corpuscles Is mado itrong, by AYKU'8 SARSAPARrLLA. nnniruiUP tho l'looJ nd building PURIFYINu up th ytm riulro time In seriou canes, but bonefit wlll be derived irom the usa of Ayer' Sarsaparilla moro peedlly tüan from anythtai? else. urniPiur for whlch like effecU ara MEDICINE, fataely clalraed, la abnnduut in the market . under many naraen, but the only prcparatloil that ha stoflO the test of time, and proved wortny ol tho world's confldence, U Ayers Sarsaparillaï PRKPAKKD BT Dr. J. C. Ayer A. Co., Lowelt, Mata. Sold by all Drnggists: Price 1 V .. Slx bottlea tot Í6. A


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