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Pittsfleld kids are whooplng 'er up with the whooping cough. Old soldiere in and about Dexter are talking up a G. A. R. post. School com menees one week from next Mon.lay, Sept 7, ut Dexter. A clean 50 cents was made off of Saline's Simday school excursión receiitlv. Hauser !fc Clark, of Saline, have sold theiilivery barn iojohn A. Altier. Kev. Miss Ida Iliilton, of Alrona, Iowa, lias been vUltlng old frlends, at Saline. Thos. Dean s re-bullding his house burned at Pittsfleld Junctlon last spring. Om Sept. 9 the MethodUU are to hold a camp meeting In tlie grore oí V. 11. Hack, near Milan. Grasshoppers are so plentiful in some partt oi' the county tliat Ilie oat erop bal been slightly njuiod ly them. Last Monday Fred, Jerrjr and Isaac Scuddaby, of Saline lefl for atwomoutU's al)seuce in 'Hengland, on the 'liold sod. The teachers' instituto whieh elosed its sessions at Ypsüanti Friday, was one of the most suceessful meetings of the kii.d ever held iu the eoui.ty. Friday, the Sist, at Ypsilanti, Edwin A. Platt, one of the old rè&idenjta of that city, died. He was In his 8öth year, and had resided iu Michigan since 1833. The Dexter Leader thinks " ther'es mt 11 ons In it" the manufacture oftheFergiison road cart at that place, if people can be nduced to iuvest iu its manufacture. ii mere is ,uij ,.,,, uii,.g more leUiuua than another it is bavloglo wadethrouiih three columns of more of business local and quack reading notices to llnd a half dozen items of local news. The topic ftill appermoal in our mind is how to inake the Ëerald a success. - Chelsea Ilerald. About the best way Is to get from 1,600 to '2,000 pay in advance subscribers, then it will be asm All the employés of (be M. C. R. K. are uniforined how. In the excessive hot weather the dress is iincoinfortable. Nothing like gettlng usad to It, as the eel feit in being skinned.- Ypsi. (Jominercial. Dexter's curiosity, (Jen. Cárdenas, who is a second Tom Thumb (only a little more so), is folíMfng a tflro ucck's engagement at Cleveland, Ohio, trom whence he will go tci Indianapolis, Ind., for a short time. - Leader. According to the Washtenaw Post there is to be a new hotel built at Whitmore Iiftke ar.ross tlic uairi Iroin Uní presen! Ilutéis, aiul attheG.T. 1Í. K. itatioo. It will be a two story building with basement, and will cost when completed $7,000. Mr. Dunlap Imilds it. i; ist Milan is just now the scene of n spiritiialistic revival, and there is great excitement. The spirit who serHM to do the most of the talking or correaponding, i.that of a minister who lived there many years ago, and he communicates by means of the telegraphic code with ¦ bable as the instrument. At lirst the ]eople could nol oomrirehend the dotsand dashea, luit they finally "caught on " and sent for the Station operator, who kindly acts as leceiver and tianílator of the telejrraphic messages trom the other world. - Milan Journal. Conlidence games were worked at their full value during the races. In one instance a man wishlhg a ten dollar bill changed was met by a fakir, who was glad to do it,but found lie lacked a little of the amount. ¦' Nevcr Blind," his " lrieiid handy by" could. Tfie f riend happened to be amusing another ftellow with three cards, on which he had notsand to bet, though the ten dollar man could see exactly the winning card. His money went up, and the trickster " phanged it,'' into his own pocket. The vlctim when last seen was rushing round the stieets lookine for Palmer. If the fools were all dead


Ann Arbor Courier
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