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Tri skeletons of nlne adults and flve children, supposed to have beon Indiana, wero unearthed on the ISth by workmen who were excavating in Dorchestr, a Boston suburb. Three men were killed and ono seriously injured by a stroke ot Ughtning uu tho 18th (hile fishing in tho IUiuois Kiver, near Peoria. The Executive Board of the Kuights of Labor on the 18th ordered a strike of all merabers of the organization employed by the U-ouUl Unes west of the MUslisgtppi. Mr.s. Miliï Paud, of Lawreuco, Mass., who began to fast a inonth ago because ol lier suis, was buried on the 18th. From Jauuary 1 to the 18tli inst. the arrivals of immigrante at Castlo Carden were thirty thousand fewer thuu during the corresponding period of 1M. BTue cabin of Patrick, James and Robert Kegan, three brothers, was hlown up with dynamite at Meeker, Wy. T., a few nilits ago by unknown persons. Jamos umi J'atrick were instantly killed, while Kobert miraculously escaped. Varióos points iu Illinois, lowa and Wiscousin were visited by sovere storms on the night of tho lTth, many hoaci of live stock being killed and buildings destroyed by lightniug, and mucli damage iiifiictod upon standing crops by hail uud wind. At Grand Rápida, Mich., on the 18th, iu the matter of D. C. & H. C. Reed & Co., paténteos of the spring-tooth harrow, vs. Chase, Taylor & Co. et al., for Infringement of patent, tried iu the United States Court, Justice Stanley Matthews found for the plaintiffs. Tho case had been before the courts soveral yeais. By this decisión every farmer using and evory concern making any sort of an iufiiugement will have to pay a royalty. The caso is one of the most important ever decided in this country. Thrke children of Ernile Lirett, of Llttle Caillon, Tenebonne I'urish, La., were nstantly killed, the mother fatally burned nd the father and two other children seriously injured by the accidental explosión of guupowder a few days ago. It was announcod at Washington on the 18th ttiatthe demand for sil ver dollars all over the country was coustantly increasing, and that the issue averaged about .f 100,000 a week more than the saine period last year. Three brothers named Truby, of Martin's Valley, Pa., met with violent deaths recently within twelve hours of each other, and the shock so prostrated their mother that her life was despaired of. ÜFFICERS of the Paciflc Mail steamer Rio Janeiro, which sai led on the ISth from San Francisco for Yokohama and Hong Kong, refused to receive United St&tet mails. Rei'Orts covering the whole South from Virgiuia to Texas showed on the 19th that the prospect for the ;crops and the outlook for business in that section were remarkably good. Trnc Httle towu of Ileath, Mass., celebrated its lOOth anntversary on tho l!)tü. Tiikiik are one hundrod and niuety persous serving life-sentences ;in the priaous of New York State, thirtven of wbom nre women, all for murdor in different degrees. The population of Albany, tho Capital of New York State, according to the revised census, is 96,88& By a collision on the 19th on a railroad near Charlestowu, W. Va., four men were killed and several others injured. A case of yellow fever was reported from New York on the lOtb.l The victim is a sailor who rocently arrived in port. Investioatioií established the fact on the lilth that the recent explosión on the steamer Felton at Philadelphia was the work of dyuamiters. Tuk doath of John Nichols, Vica-President of the City National Bank at Fort WortK, Tex.,occurred recently, and on the J'Jth lt was rtiscovered that he was a defaulter in the suin of 180,000. la Watauga County, N. C., several on the 19th, greatly frijjliteuin the inhabitants. The eighth annual meeting of tho American Bar Assoclation couvenod at Saratoga Springs, N. Y., on the 19th. Betwkkn six and soven huudred raon and boys employed in a colliery at Shenandoah, Pa., struek on the lDth agninst a ten per cent. reduction in wages, and assaulted theHungariaus and Poles working about the miae, who repulseil tliom after an hour's battlo, tjn or twelve men being badly hurt. 1t was stated at Washington on the 19th that the scarcity of one and two dollar notes was due to the fact that the Treasury had suspended the printiug of those deuominations, and since August 12 no small notes had been paid out by the Treasury. In lieu of these small notes the Treasurer was paying out silver dollars and fractional coins. The National Associatlon of ex -Union Prisoners of War held its twelfth annual session on the 19th at Philadelphia. An old man named Willis Roach, who was attacked a few days ago by four robbers noar Frankfort, Ky., was rescued by bis young son, who shot and killed two of the desperadoes and fatally woundod a third. Five employés of a wholesaleshoe-housa at Pitlsburgh, Pa., were arrestod on tha 19th, charged with Btealing $15,000 worth of goods from the firm during the past three years. A thundbr-storm broke over Erie, Pa., early on the morning of the l'Jth, and a bolt struek the electric light plant, demolishing thejdynamo and plunging the business part of the city into darknuss. A d welling-house was wrecked, and its occupants found unconscious in the debris. Barns, with crops and horses,were burned, and vineyards were destroyed. The harvest of small graim in Southwest Dakota and the adjoining eounties of Nebraska and Iowa was on the 20th said to be the largest ever known. Corn was well advanced, and the yield would be immense. Richard Williams & Co.'s worsted milis, at Camdeu, N. J., were partlally destroyed by fire on the 20th. Loss, $100,000. Courtney and Conley on the 20th defeated Hosmer and Gaudaur in a doublescull race on the Hudson, between Troy and Albany. The distance was three miles with a turn, and the time 17:57-', the fastest on record John Morris, the Sheriff of Reevna County, Tex., was shot dead on the 20th, after killiug one inanand woundinganother who attempted to arrest him for drunkenness. The British ahlp Haddingtonshire was lost on the 20th off Ban Francisco, and of the twenty persons on board all wer lost except ono sailor and a cabin boy. By an overwhelming majority the Cleveland rolling -mili gtrikers votedon the 20th to stand up for the wages flxed by the Amalgamated Association scale. By a runaway accident at Ionia, Pa., on the20th Jacob Group was fatally injured and nis wife and two graudchildreu seriously hurt. Lynd n Center, Vt., a village of threa hundred inhabitants and about one hundred years old, had its flrst flre on the 20th. The loss was small. Fordce Maha.v, aged thirteen, was running in the yard of his father's house near Versailles, Ky., on the 20th, with his littlo three-year-old sister on his back, when ha accidentally ran into a well which had been left uncovered, and both were drowned. Laiioe foreet flres were raging on the 20th near Helena, M. T. The official census recently completed gives Dakota a population of 413,759, against 135,177 in 1880. A freioht train ran off the track near Cheyenne, Wy. T., on the 20th, killing three trarnps who were stealiug a ride, and doing damage to the extent of $75,01)0. Three men were drowned in tho rivcr at Cleveland, O., on the 20th by the upsetting of a boat. They were fishiug to get food fc fthAlr ƒ"¦"¦--- The body of a richly-dressed and boautiful girl, about twolvo yoars old, was found floíiting la llio Odio Kiver near Iiouisville on the üUth.4 A towel was bonnd aroand the boud, with the ends drawu througn the teeth and fastened into tho mouth. There was no clew to the girl's ideutity. Franz Joskf Pktmkkky, a Prussian, was hanged at Auburu, N. Y., ou the 21st for the murder of Mrs. Pauline Froitzbuim June I, 1883. A sjcvF.HK thuuder-storm provailed in Southern Wisoonsin ou the 21st. Several buildings were destroyed by lightning, numerous cattle and sneep killed, and crops were greatly damaged. Pbnsion-monky aggregating $11,730,000 was sent from Washington to various portions of the United States on the 2 lst. Three members of one family at Speneervillo, O., were poisoned ou the 21st by drinking inipure water. Two of them were dead, and tho third was in a critical condition. Oberne, Hosick & Co. 's wool house in Chicago was struck by lightniug and burued on the -lst, causing a losa oí $150,000. Durino a severe storm on tho 21st near Now Orleaus flve men who had sought refuge under a tree were struck by lightniug and iustantly killu 1. A son of one of the victims was fatally injured. The storm was general throughout Southern Louisiaua umi Lnfiictod muchdamuge upon the rice erop. Tuere were 199 business fallures In tho United States and Canada during the seven days ended on the 21st, againsb 177 the previous seven days. Tho distributiou was as folio ws: Middle States, 41; New England States, 27; Western, 5S; Southern, 30; Paciflc States and Territorio, 24; Cunada, I!). A FIRE at Texarkana, Ark., the other ïnurning destroyed two squares of buildings, causiug a loss of $150,000. Foür Indians were drowued a few days ago while crossiug the Missouri River, fifty miles north of Bismarck, D. T., by the upsetting of a canoe. They belonged to the Sioux tribe. The oil uiarket at Bradford, Pa., on tho 21st touched $1.04, the highest point reached since 1883. An oil train rau off tbe track near Cleveland, O., on the 21st, took flre, and thirty cars were consumed by the ñames. Two tramp who were stealing a ride were burned to death. Advices of the 21st to Brad streef s reported the general trade situation throughout the country as encouraging. A KiitE, causing a losa of over $100,000, broke out on the 21st. on the steamer Colorado, off Pluin Beach, Long Island. The llames spread to the Minnesota, Susquehanna, Congres, South Caroliua, lowa, Lotta Grant and Fairplay, uil with tho exceptlon of the last two having formerly belonged to the United Statos navy, and they ware burned to the water's edgo and sunk. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Joh.v McCullougb, tho tragedian, novr iui inmate of au insano asylum, was on the 18th said to bö gradually passing into a condition of stupor, and no louger alluded to hls stage days. The New York Deniocrats will hold their State Convention at Saratoga Spring September i Í. Edoar K. Apoer, Deputy State Troas - urer of New York, dled at Albany on tho 18th. The real name of "Dr." Maxwell, iu jail at St. Louis charged with the murder of C. A. Preller, is now said to be H. M. Brooks. His father lives in Cheshire, Eng. He confessed before wituesses on the even ing of the 18th that he killed Preller, who was suffering from heart-disease, by administering accidentally an overdose of chloroform. Hon. Julius Converse, ex-Governor of Vermont, died at Woodstock on the lSth, aged eighty-six years. William Carleton, aged flfty-elght years, a well-known actor and playwright, coinmitted suicide at New York on the l'Jth by asphyxiation. Robert Lowrt, the present Governor of Mississippi, was renoniinated on the lith by the Democratie State Conveutiou which met at Jackson. Tuk Louisiana Prohibitlonists met iu State Conveutlon at Shreveport on the l'.Mh, appointed a Committee on llesolutions, elected a Stute Executive Committee, adopteil a leugthy platform of principies an 1 workiug rules, and adjourued. The lowa Democratie State Couvention, held at Cedar Rapids on the 19th, nominated Charles K. Whiting, of Monona C'ouuty, for Governor, and after a spirited debate on fusión, E. II. Gillette, of De Moiues, Greenbacker, was selocted for Governor. The platform demands therepeal of the Prohibitory Liquqr law and the onactnient of a license fee of ,%'." I, with power to increase the samo to $1,000. It is proposed to raise $1,000,000 for the rection of the Grant monument in New York. Only $40,932.35 .had up to the 20th bi'cn i)lodired Elias Doty, an Iowa Greenbacker, who repudiates tho fusión of his party with the Deniocrats, issued a cari on the 20th aunouncing hlniself as a candidato for Governor. At Philadelphla on the 20th John H. Longnecker, of Bedford, Pa., wa elected President of) the National Association of ex-Prisouers of War. The wife of B. GratzBrown, of Missouri, died from an apoplectic stroke at Lake Minnetonka, Mimi., on the ÏOth. The ühio Democrats met in State Convention at Columbus ou the ïOth. Governor Hoadly and Lieutenant-Governor Warwick were renoniinated by ncclamation, and resolutions wero adopted congratulating the country upon the eleetion. aud inauguration of a Democratie President and President; iudorsing the Administration; favoriug au amendmeut to the State Constitution authorizing the licensing of the liquor tralïic, and expressing regret at the death of General Grant. At the session of the American Bar Association in Saratoga Springs, N. Y., on the 21st, William Allen Bentley,of New York, wa elected President for the ensuing yoar. The body recontly discoverod ftoating in the Ohio River near Louisville was on tho 21st identided as that of Mrs. Annio Johnson, of Madison, Ind. Maxwelx, thealleged murderer of Prellor, will have his preliminary heariug at St Louis ou September 2. - - - - i FOREIGN. , The Mexican Govornrnent hos takeu measuresto suppress smuggling along the Rio Grande frontier. Senator Edmunds, who on the lStb returned from England, says tliat trade ia that country is very much depressed. Hu attributes this to overproduction. Advices of the 18th say that the Peruvian insurgents surprised the Govornment forces at camp, defeatiug theui iu a battle which lasted five hours. The losses ou both sidas were heavy. Confirmation was received at London on the 19th of the roport that fifty per cent of the European employés in the Congo región had died. John H. Aukdemonte, who robbed ttie Sub-Treasury at New Orlean9 of $-27,000 and fled to Mexico June 4, was arrested on the 20th near Monterey. Evidence gathered at Hyde, near Birminghani, Eng., supports the theory that the murderer of Preller at St. Louis is Hugh M. Brooks, son of a National schoolmaster of that town. The dcath of Admiral Kennedy, who served in the Civil War in America, occurred in London on the 20th. The Canadian Bank Note Cotnpauy mul Bell Telephone ofllces in Montrual were damaged by flre on the 20th to the eitent of $130,000. Vioilance socleties were on the 21ut boIng foruiel throughout Great Brltain to enforce the existiug laws against iraniorality, and to labor for the improvemeut of legislation designed to repress criminal vlce. Advices of the 21st report that the State liauk of Uusija, at !5t. Petersburg, had been robbed of $143,000. H ivas suppoSeíl tliat the robbery was roiiiinitted by minor i -irijiloyos if tlio bank. Uisi'ATCUKs of lliu Jlsl iinnuuuco that the Germán corvette Augusta, with a crew of 238 ofllcers and sailora, was lost in a cyclone in the Red Sea. The vessel was]valued at f 1,730,000. TiiROL'GHOüT Spain there were 5,104 new cases of cholera and 1,044 deaths on the 21st. A quarantine had been established at Gibraltar. Fifty deaths occurred at Marseilles, Frauce, and tba scourge was spreading. Therk were thirty-flye f resta cases o: small-pox reported at Montreal on th 21 st. Compulsory raccinatlon had ben ordired. LATER NEWS. Sinoe the outbreak of the cholera opldstnlo in Spain there have been 156,079 cases and 61,021 deaths from the dlsease throughmit the kingdum. On the 23(1 5,(17: new cases and 1,72a deaths were reported. Tiik dredgo Beaufort was lost in a hurricano off the Bermudas a few days ago und her crew of ten men perished. TWKNTY-FIVE THOÜSAND people witnessed the rowing-match between HanlaQ and Lee on the 22d at Rockaway Boach, N. Y., the former winning by a length and a half. Tuk London Standard of the 22d confinns the statement that Hussia hos abandonod her claims to Zullikar Pass, and says that peace is thus securod. TnE First l'resbyterian Church at IlicUmond, Ind., was iguited by a lightuingstroke on the 22d and totally destroyed. Tiik Current, a literary periodiealestablished in Chicago in 1883 by Edgar L. Wakeman, suspended pnblication on the asa. Gkorob Wilsoic, who was sent to the Wiscousiu Penitontiary for life twenty yoard ago, received a pardon on the 22d, having been proved innocent of the murder of which he was couvicted. A NEW Methodist Church costing !fr0, - 000 was dedicated at Lincoln, Nub., on the '23d. A tacht was run down a few days ago by a steamer and sunk olï Abou, Scotland, several persous being drowned, including the owner, Mr. Crossman, and wifc Dr. TAi.MAOE.of Brooklyn, preachod to over twenty thousand people at Edinburgh, Scotlaud, on the 2ö 1. A collision occurred on the 23d on the London Underground Railroad, one persou being killed and six others fatally injured. Sixce June 1 last $12,500,000 of gold coin has been transported from the San Francisco Sub-Treasury to the Now York SubTreasury. The exchanges at twenty-six leading clearing-houses in the United States during the week ended on the _'_;¦ 1 aggregatod $7tïS,C96,S0S, against $724,424,803 the previous week. As compared with the correspouding period of 1884, th increase amounts to 18.1 per cent. Forest flres which had alreody caused losses exceeding 1,000,000 francs were prevniling in Algeria on the 23d. The ofllcial Democratie majority in the recent electioa for State Treasurerof Kentucky was 67,597. In Chicago, on the 22d Mrs. Agnes Kledzek was murdered by somt unknowu person, and on the 23d Sarah A. Suyder and Kate O'Leary were shot on the prairie at Halsted and Sixtietb streets, the former boing iustantly killed and the other fatally wounded. A brother of Kate O'Leary was 8uspocted of the crime


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