Literary Notes

Dr. "W. T. Barnard has the lead !n the September 'Popular Science Monthly," ind opens an able and elabórale diseussion on "The Relatlon of Railway Managers and Employees." Dr. W. Q. Thompson cooriden "The Present Aspect of Medical Ediication," and gives many valuable suggestlons. The "Insect Fertillzatinn of Flowers" is an IntorMtlog llustnited article by the Germun botanist Behrens. No man in this country- perhaps no man of this age - ia better qnalilied than Professor E. D. Cope to treat of the "Origin of Man aml the other Vertebrntes." Dr. Mary Putnam-Jiicobi concludes her essay, "An Experiment in Priniary Educatión,'1 in the present number. "The Fauna of the Sea-shore," by Mosley; Dr. Brehm's " Sil)eria and the Exiles ; " are readable articles; whlle that by Professor Iani!ey, on " Sunlight and the Earth's Atmosplicrc," is a brilliont and strikinof peiformance. Dr. Ray Lankestcr Olftket report on " The Recent Piogress in Biolgy i ' ant' Mascan contributes a mo9t interestins: article on " The Physioloy of Colors." A sketch and portrait are ivpn of tho celebratd African explorcr, Dr. Gutav Nachtij;al. New York : D. Appleton & Company. Fifty cents a nuinber, gö a year.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News