
Sliurt iiilvorUsemenU not to exceed tliroe Unes, of Lost anu Kound, Houses for Sale or Heul, Wants, etc, Inuertod Uiree weeks for SIS ¦. nis. sit nul Idiih wantod, free. IM'IÏNITURE- Qood bargalnslo bed room f stut, tieildliiB, etc, at the CoUkick olüce. Amirsio mul lot for sale very cheop on Klrsi stn'ct naar Iluron. Located where 11 wlll alwMvs nnt. Apply to Muttiicw's Keal Aürncy, Anu Arbor, Mlch. 6-' AKi'w fine llolsi.'ln Calves for sale by Mills B rottier, Ann Arbor, Mlch. ;i .) wanled ato per cent. on good real ÚiÜuU eiUlK Kccurlty. Those desirlng Ki lian or luirrow raouey should cali at my offloe. l. L. Miittbews, Att'y, Anu Arbor, Mlohlgan. I' OST, bagcontalnlng a tent. Finder wlll j !,¦ revarUed by leavlug thera at 49 E. Liberty 8t. 8 AU, WAR CLAIMS promptly attended to. Miiiiy pi 'iisioni'iN art' i'iiiltled to Increasa mul oan divo lt by maklng appllcatlon to o 'vit the case properly. No fee unless sucoeuful. Apply to.O. L. Multliews, Pension Aj;enl, Ann Arbi)r, Mtcb. A GENTS To canvaas northern liHlf if Wnshtennw County, for Oen. Untnt's Mtiiiohs. Apply to Jus. 11. Bacb, Ann Arbor. Feu; SAI, K- House, Bírn and out building wnh j 1,1.1, ciu-up. dr win geil the buildings wlth ouu lot. liiims Cale, No. 6 M.i ynurd st., A mi Arbor, Mlch. 1OR SAIiK- House and taru acre of land two Miili-K wt'st of Wliltmore Lake. Kor MUIS 1 IK 1 11 1 at IMi'Illl.M-S Of Krill'sl (iCKl. (TjiVOOOto loan on best real estáte securlty, ?J und lu araounlH of $5(10 or more. J Q. A. Seulouo, Nutloiial Bank lilock, Ann Arbor, Mlch. FOR 8 ALK- A Farm of 94 acrei cholee land, line fruits, and (ood IiuíUIImcn. ( iooiI view of city, filtuated about two miles Scniihui UnlVemty. Kor termg, enqulre at farm of Chlpmun Smilli. FOR .sa LIO or Kxcliange for city property, ii Aerea oí land abouione mile from tbe Uourt House. Address P. O. Box JOiU. THE i: Mi ia HOMESTEAD FOB SALE. The R. J. BAURY Bometttad, on Fourth Street i now offered Jor tale, whote or in part, centrally locaUd-, convenlent to the Univertity, Public Schools, Mtxrkel and the whole (My. For Abstract of Wie, Ttrmt and other inormatlon, aJJnss ü. A. liarry, Jackeon, Mkh., or J. Q. At SesstOMS, Ann Arbor. T OANINO- Money to loan on flrst-elasB I i Real Estáte Mortgage ftt Current ratea of Interest. Sutlsfaclory arrangementa made Wlth capitalista deMrlng snch lnvestmenta. Kvery conveyance and transactlon In abBtraota of tltlescarefully examloed as to let(al i-M., t. Z. V. KINU. Anu Arbor.
Ann Arbor Courier
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