
A private school for chililren uniior 12 years of ajte, will be opened at No. 31 Jeffergon etreet, Momlay, Sept. 28. Wiv. E. W. Childs, Principal. Tuition, to pupils wlio remain in bcIiooI tlirougliout the yer.r, $28.00; tuition for single term, $10.00. The payment of abovc ratei will be expected dtirluj; the fint week of each term. No deduction will be m.-ulc for absence?, except in cases of protracted illness; or by special and previous arrangement. Instructions in Drawln?, Penmanship, Elocution Cnllstlicirics and Clacs lesBons in the rudiment of Mnsic, without extra charge. School Kitolons from 9 to 12. Mrs. Childs may be seen at her home, No. 31 Jefferson Street, af ter September Sth. A.9 the nuinber of pupila will be liniitod, early application is desirable. ReÜBrence is made to the following patrons, Mrs. Geo. S. Morris, Mis. II. C. Allen, Mrs. Wm. H. Pettee, also tu Jag. II. Wade, Sec'y of thi UniTeriity.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News