Weekly News Summary

Ex-Treasürkr Adahs, of tho Framinghaiu (Mass.) Savlnga Bank, who resigned recently after the discovery of a shortago iu lm accounts, committed suicido on tho 24th by cuttine; his tliroat. Recent hoavv ralns have dono much daruage to tho New York hop erop. Hevkre frosts havo occurred in the extreino Northwost. At Minnedoaa, Northwest Torritory, the teinperaturo feil to 23 degreej on tho 24th. Frank P. Cass and A. P. Goodykountz, two prominent and wealtuy white citizen8 of Viuita, Ind. T., were murdered for thelr monoy while asleap iu camp a few nights ago, two miles trom the bac aud Fox Ageucy. A Nkw York servaut-girl recently stole a tin box containing $13,XX) in inoney and valuables from her employer and decamped. Sho had up to the 24th eluded the vigilanco of the pólice. The Southern Utes residing in Now Mexico were on the 24th said to be starving, and it was feared they would go on the warpath as a laat resort. Portions of Kalamazoo, Mica-, were flooded on the 23d, and the celery flelds about that city wero destroyed at an estimated loss of $100,000. John Purdix, of New Orleans, who lived ninety-one years, hanged himsolf in tht dty on the 24th. Dürino tho week ended on the 22d there were 513,197 silver dollars issued from the mints. A TERRiFic storm of wind and rain swept over Heilam Township, York County, Pa., on the 24th, wrecking buildings, uprooting trees and ruiuiu crops. The loss was heavy. Mrs. Mart A. Stuart, wife of Joscpli Stuart, a milliouaire bauker of New York, was instan ti y killed on the 24th at her suumier home at Ryo Beach by the accidental discharge of a gun which she was removing frum a closet. Orders were issued at Washington on the 2óth for tho immediate shipment of supplies to the famishing Utea of New Mexico. The trouble was ascribed to a defleiency in the appropriation for this purpose. At Washiugton on the 2öth John Brooks, tho Phlladelphla champion, rodoatwentymile bicycle race in 1:02:41, beating the best American record by Uve minutes and two seconds. By the capsizing of a sail-boat a few days ago on Lake Benton, Minn., Captain Jacobson, of Chicago, and his nephew, John Oleson, were drowned. A CLOUD-BURST on the 2óth near Plttsburgh, Pa., washed away thirteen bridges, flooded twenty-two housea and drowned a large lot of live stock. Thk report of the niurder of three Americana and eight MMexicans by Apaches at Basacbuca, A. T., was conflrmed on the 2öth. Minnesota's population, according to the census recently completed, is 1,118,450, an Increase of 337,713 in flve years. Heavy thunder-storins on tho 25th uear Hartford, Conn., damaged the tobáceo erop to the extent of $150,000. A saloon in New York was wrecked on the 25th by the bursting of two whisky barrels, and two men were fatally injured. Frosts were reported on the moruing of the 2óth in portions of Wisconsin and Dakota. 8. J. Calvin was arrested on the 25th at Beaver Falls, Pa., charged with embezzling $10,000 from tbe Loan Association of that place, of whicb. he was Secretary. A cyclonk swept over Charleston, 8. C, on the morning of the 25th which unroofed one-forth of the houses in the city and did much damage to tha shipping. The loss was estimatsd at $1,000,000. Great havoc was also caused along the entire Southern Atlaatic Coast. At Savannah, Ga., great damage was inflicted upon shipping, and tha loss of life and property was large. A Vermont sportsman who was accidentally eaught in a bear-trap was reseued a few days ago at the end of thirtysix hours in aperishing condition, having existed during his impriboumeut without water, with but little air, and no food except the raw meat with whieh the trap was baited. Adticks of the 26th state that the path of the cyclone which receatly visited Charleston, S. C, presented scènes of desolation and ruin scarcely less appalling than those which followed the bombardment during the war. A local Journal estimated the aggregate loss at $1,123,000. The damage to crops in the Connecticnt Valley by the recent storm was on the 26th estimated at $500,000. At Harvey's Lake, near AVilkesbarre, Pa., snow feil at intervals during the 26th. Henry F. Sandman and Charles Farman, inembers of the Knights of Pythias, in camp near Cleveland, O„ were drowned on the 2(ith while bathing. Light frosts were reported on the 2öth from varlous points in Wisconsin and Iowa, the daiuage to cropa being lnconsiderable. The weather was exceptionally cold for the aeaauu thruughout the West Corporal Ross Hallis, of Company A. Twenty-fifth United States Infantry, stationed at Fort Meade, D. T., was lynched on the 2(íth by a mob for shooting Dr. Lynch, against whotu he had a grudge. A oioantio scheme for the counterfeitine of Brazilian treasury notes in this country has been unearthed by Government detectives. Lucius White, the supposed prime mover, was on the 26th placed in jail at St. Louis, and several alleged counterfeiters were arreated at other pomts. A sea turtla elght feet long and weighing nearly nine hundred pounds was landed near Boston on t he 26th. The Chiet oí the Bureau of Statistics at Washington on the 2(tth reported the total value of exports of beef and porie products for nine months endad July 31, 1885, at $7,70(i,092; dairy producta for three mouths ended July 31, 1885, $4,031,710. The total value of the exports of breadstuffs frora the United States for the geven months ended July 31, 1885, was $35,508,1 M. Fuhther details on the 27th of the deBtruction wrought by the recent storm on the coast of South Carolina and Georgia state that scores of vessels were totally dismantled, and the ocean from Charleston to öt. John's bar was covered with wreckage. The crew of the pilot-boat John Btoddard were lost, and a uumber of sailors in other craft were drowned during the gale. Trost in Virginia on the 27th did oon¦iderable damaee to late crops. At Fossil, Ore., Rer. James Young killed his two children on the 27th by giving thi'in accidentally an overdos of medicino, and a little boy living ncross the street from Young'g residence lot hit lifa by driuking concentrated lye. Snow feil at Lock Haven, Pa., on the 27th. Hknrt Burnett, a colorea murderer, eighteen years old, was hauged on the 27th at Lonoke, Ark. Albkrt D. Swan, a wealthy cltlzen of Lawrence, Mass., was shot dead on the 27th by Henry R. Goodwln. Business difficulties led up tothe murder. Thb receipts of cattle on the 27th at the Chicago Stock -yards- 12,500- were the largeat on record, and the market suffered a decline of ten to twenty-flve cents, closing veiy weak. A passenger train ran off a bridge on the 27th near Jackson, Miss., the engineer, fireman and one brakeman being killed and eight men injured, two of thera dangerously. i A CAMP-MLïTitto held by Northern Methodists (colored) at Piney Hill, N. C, was attacked on the 27th by an armed body of Zion Methodists and flred into. The Northern Methodists fled in disorder, yen of them being wounded. Cattle in Erle County, Pa., were on the 27th said to be dyíng by scores from Texas fever. All the'iron-mills In the Mahoning Valley had on the27th gned the Amalgamated Association cale, and operatlons were being generally resumed. Southern Wiscowsrs tobacco-groweri decided on the 28th to Bfitltton ConBrMa to protect tlieir Intereses agalnat tne Sumatra product, and ask that lnorts fruiii tho lutti'i' ishiml be mado to pay tliu full duty of seventy-Üve conts. Assistant Ticket Aoent Riplkt, of the Monon Route, decampad f rom Lafayette, Iud., on the 28th with $1,000 of the company's funda. Ir was learued on the 28th that three pilot-boatsand fourteen meiubers of their crowa were lost off Beaufort, 8. C, duriug the recent cyclone. The revised estímate of the losses in Charleston f rom the cyclone foot up $1,690,000. The British bark Víctor arrlved at 8avatiuah, (ia., on the 28th with fourteen of the crew sick with yellow fever. Adviceb of the 28th to Bradstreet's reportod that tho general trade situation throughout the country coutinued to improve. I.kíht frosts occurred ou the 28th In Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Ne braska and Kansas, but the crops sufferod no damage. The Post-offlce Department at Washington on the L'Sth orderad the fumigation of all Canadiau mails in order to prevent the Introductlon of small-poz. Exkcutions for murder took place as follows ou the 28th: Samuel W. Collins, at Bowling Green, Mo. ; John Waizman, at Duluth, Mimi.; Charles Townsend (colored), at Huntsville, Ala., and Bhelby Montgomery, at Talladega, Ala. Al I.i " kik, who murderod six persons recently, including his daughter, brother, sister-in-Iaw and another relatlve, was taken from jail at Blanco, Tex., on the 28th by a mob and hanged. i Twenty children were made orphans by Lockie's murders. Joseph Fosslebkn, agedj twelvo years, shot and killed his nlne-year-old niece at Shrlliy ville, Ind., on Ithe 28th vtitb an old muskot he was playlng with, and which he did not know was loaded. It was stated on the 28th that ten thousand ex-soldiers and sailors of New York State had joined the O. A. R. since the death of General Grant. The membership of the order ín the Empire State is now about flfty thousand. A train ran through an open switch on the 28th at Rome, Ga., killing one man and fatally injuring three othors. In the United States and Canada there were 154 business fallures duriug the seren days euded on the 28th, against 199 the preWoua seven days. The distribution was as follows: Middle States, 83; New England States, 23; Western, 47; Southern, 20; Paciflo States and Territories, 23; Canada. 8. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. 1 A resident of Fhiladelpbla nsserted positively on the 25th that he met and converged wlth C. Arthur Preller in that clty sinee the dato of the latter's alleged murder In Si. Louis. Ex-Govkrnor Rküben E. Fenton died suddenly on the afternoon of the 25th at his desk In the Birst National Bank at Jamestown, N. Y. He was slxty-slx years of age. The New York Republfcau State Central Committee on the 25th selected Saratoga as the place for holding the next State Convention, and September 22 was uamed as the date. In a lectur at Chautauqua on the 25th Rev. Dr. Newman comparod General Grant to Wellington, and said hls Intellect was one of the greatest the age has produced. General Butler on the 2Tth denied that ho had writteu a letter indorsing th Administration, and clalmed tobe en tirely out of politics. Thb Pennsylvania Prohibitionists met ia State Convention on the 2óth at Harrlsburgand nominated Barr Spangier, of Marietta. County, for State Treasurer. The platform advocates prohibition of the importation, manufacture and sale of lntoxlcatlng liquors; indorses the Women's Christian Temperance Union, and disfranchisement as a penalty for corrupting the ballot. The Pennaylvania Democrats in session on the 2Gth at Harrisburg nominated Courad B. Day for State Treasurer. A. M. Kkilet, the rejected Minister to Italy and Austria, arrived in New York on the 2Cth on the Rhynland, accompanied by his family. Henry Ward Bkicheb will deliver th Grant eulogy in Boston, by inTitation oL the City Council. General John A. Looai and wif and Mr. and Mrs. (i. B. Marsh, who are suinmering among the Thousand Islandg, whileposingiu a boat on the 36th for th benefit of an itinerant photographer, wer capsized, and had a narrow escape from drowning. They were rescued by boatmen who were near. At the Iowa Republican State Convention at Des Moines on the 27th the following lickot was nominated: For Qovirnor, William R. Larrabee, of Fayett County f Lieutenant-Govornor, James A. T. Huil, of Polk County; Judge of the Suprem Court, Joseph M. Beek, prttent incumbent; Ruperintendeut of Public Instructions, John A. Ackeru, pres ent incumbent The platform adopted protest against th Union soldier ha-ring one ote uil töe rebel soldier baring twof criticises the President for the character of his diplomatic appointments; opposes the Democratie policy of a tariff for rTenue only; indorseg Civil-Seryiee reform; favors the creation of a National Commiision for the supervisión and regulation of State commerce, and declares for a fair and thorough trial of the existing Liquor law. Th Secretary of the Interior decidel on th 28th that the County Judges of Colorado may admlt aliens to citizenship. Dr. D. H. Gbboo, of King William County, Virginia, who was recantly found dead in bed at a Richmond hotel, left charitable bequests to the omount of $50,000. FOREIGN. f The Federal Bank of Melbourne, Victoria, was on the 25th robbed of $H,000. Advicks of the 2öth from the Soudan report that a mixed expedition of BritUh and native Egyptians, on steamer, ttacked and degtroyed the vlllage of Skinat, on the Red Sea, killing many hostil Arabs. A vessel loadeil with pilgrlms war wrecked in the Gulf of Eden on the 26th nd one hundred passengers were drowned. ADVICES of the 25th state that an epidemie of yllow-fever was raging in th State of Chlapas, on tha Guatemalaa border. The fevr tru of a vloUot type, destroying entire families. Details oí the recent great flood In Cauton (China) and viclnity wera receired at Washington on th 20th. More than tn thousand persons losttheir lire, and a far greater number were left in a starvlng coaditlon. EnWre rillages were lngulfed. Mr. Johm Küskin, the Eaglish art eritic, who has been dangerously 111, was able to go out walking on the '20th. Memorial services in honor of General Graat were held at the City of Mexico uu the 27th, under the auspiceg of the Mualc ipal Government, and were attended by all the leading dignltarles and oclety people. Ai armed party was on the 27th reported to have sailed from Cuba for the Florida keys for the purpose of organlzing fllibusterlngexpedition to overtbrow th Cuban Government. AoRARlANoutrages were lncreaslng oa the 27th in County Kerry, Ireland. Th Earl of Devon offeredi to sU his tenant their holdings under the provislons of th Land Purchase Lili. John Rdssbll Youmo, recently Minister to China, says that all the emigration from that country to the United Btatea comts from the city of Cantón, via Hong Kong, which is under Britlah jurisdictlon, The Chinese Government can not prohibit lts subjects from going to Hong Kong, and onoe there they aro beyoud its control, and their departure for America can only' be prevented by the Eugllsh authoritle. Thï number of new cases of small-pox reported in Montreal on the 28th wa greator than on any previoug day sinca the outbreak of the epldemlo in that city, Skvkral thousand unomployed workmen assembled lu London on the 28th and demanded that the Government should asiiit thm to eml grate. ¦Thirb were 4.580 new cases oL cholera ana i,zo aoatns m apara aunng cno twonty-four hours ended at six p. ni. on tho 28tli. ín Franca sixty-eight iloaths were reporteil. The Captain and twenty-one of the crew of the American whaling brig Isabella, whirh was lost in the ice in Hudson Htraits in July, 1884, arrived at Halifax, Nova Hcotia, on the 28th on a stenmer from Liverpool. They were found last September at a sottlemont cal led Acaller by the whaler Eira, and taken on board. As extenslre inanufactory of surgical instraments and drugglsts' sundrles in London was burned on the 28th, causing a loss of $200,000, and depri ving four hundred men of employment. LATER NEWS. is Spain on tho 21) th uit. thoro were 1,171 deaths from cholera. On the same day 01) persons died at Toulon and 63 at Margedles from the disease. Since the outbreak of the scourge the total number of deaths in Spain isgiven at 81,489. Aratahoe Indiana were on the 30th uit. committing depredations on the cuttle ranges In the Big Uorn Basin and elsewhere in that section. A MTSTERioug epldemio, wlth the symptoms strongly resembling oholera, was prevailing on the 30th uit. in Clay County, W. Va. A SENsation wascaused on the 20th uit. in Wilkosbarre, Pa., by a report that Preller, the supposed victim oC the St. Louis murder by Maxwell, had been seen there. Comhissioner Atkins on the 29th uit. issued an order for the remoral of settleri from Crow Creek Reservation, in Dakota. BIt was announced on the 21) th uit. that an expedition would ba sent out from London to search for General Gordon, many of whose military frlends believed that he escaped alire from Khartoum. Dcrino the seven months euded July 31 the number of immigrants arriving at the geren principal ports of this country was 281,178, as against 276,690 for the oorresponding period of last year. Snow to the depth of one inch feil at Mount Washington, N. H., on the 29th uit. Thk funeral of ex-Governor Feutoa at Jamestown, N. S, was attended on the 29th uit. by a large concourse of people. All business was suspended, and niuuy distinguished men ia public life were present. Rev. Dkwitt Talmaqe, of Brooklyn, N. Y., addressed an (assemblage of forty thousand personf at Belfast, Ireland, on the 30th uit. Heavy rains on the 30th uit at Charleston, S. C, ciiuse 1 uiucti discomfort and damage, particularly to houses which had been unroofed by the cy clone and not y et covered in. Adviceü of the 29th uit. state that hundreds of Hungarian and Polish coalminers were leaving Pennsylvania for the Northwest. The Marysville stage-coach was robbed by burglars on the 20th uit. near Helena, M. T., of 112,000 iu bullion, butofflcers.captured the highwaymen soon afterward and secured the treasure. A terrible storm raged over the British islands a few uights ago, detaining vessels and doing great damage at various places. Exchanqes at twenty-six leadlng clearing- houses in the United Htates during the week ended on the 29th uit. aggregated $644,818,584, against $768,696,808 the previous week. As compared with the corre¦ponding period of 1884, the decrease amounts to 8.8 per oent. - One scarcely thinks of coral as growing under the ice-swept and foggy seas of the Newfoundland banks. let on the eastern slopo of Banquereau is an area of bottom, several milea in extent, so covered with a growth of coral that trawls set upon it are rarely recovered. The fishermen cali it the "stone fence," and avoid it as far as poañble. - A boy was caught stealing currants, and was locked up in a dark closet by the grocer. The boy commenced begging mo3t pathetically to be reJeased, and after much persuasión suggested: "Now, if you will let me out and send for ray father,, he'll pay you for the currants and lick me bosides." The grocer could not withstand this appeal. - Chicago Htrald. - The body of the elejjhant is nearly naked, but the mammoth. an extinct species, had a covering of long, woolly hair. Elephants live in large herds, and subsist on foliageandgrass. There are but two living species, the Asiatic, with long head, concave forehead, small ears and short tusks; and the African, witb round head, convex forehead, large ears and long tusks. - Dr. Marey, of Paris, has succeeded ín measuring the motive power of tha human body as developed in every movement. As one of the results of his studies he showshat something U gained in the power of walking by quickening the pace from forty to seventy-five steps per minute. But tho latter number ia the extreme limit; with a greater number of steps power is lost instead of gained. - Until recently only pearls and diamonds were considered consistent with the spotless purity of the bride's attire, and in France even diamonds ar interdictad as too glaring and showy, pearls being considered the only suitable jewelry for a young girl to wear at the altar. But an Earl's daughter, recently married in England, ( wore a magnificent parure of sapphires and diamonds, which, of course, opens i the door to anv innovation upon old and unwritten laws. - N. Y.Tribune. - In the little standing army of two ( thousand ad six hundred policemen, ' it may not be generally known that New York has one solitary Chinaman. c His name is William Ah Sin?, and one uiuiuiufí vmjiain Drougñthis lirst prisoner to the Tombs Pólice Court. The latter was one John Haley, of 25 Cherry street, charged with disorderly conduct, and the Mongolian, it woulil appear, did not secure him without a tussle. The magistrate fined him ten dollars, and at the same time had a word or two of commendation for his captor, as if by way of encouraging him to future good deeds when dealing with the "dangerous classes." N. Y. Mail. -Sheriff Bishop, of Cloverdale, Cal., recently started to Guerniville, to capture a prisoner. On the way he met a person who asked for a ride. He as. sented, and in a short time was coníiding his misión to the stranger, and wound up by asking him if he would get the prisoner drunk. The stranger agreed, and after tappfcg the Sheriff for five dollars for expenses in securing the required "drunk1 took his departure, with the understanding that he would meet the Sheriff at an appointed time and place. The Sheriff was tbere at the appointed time, but the stranger was not; and a very good reason he had for not keeping his appointment, as he was the very man whom the Sheriff
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News