
MA MACKINAC. The Moit Delighlful SUMMER TOUR Palaoe Steamon. Low Raf, Tour Tript pr Wek Betwotn DETROIT AND MACKINAC And Bvery Wolc Day Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Writ for our " Picturesque Mackinac," Illustrated. Contains Pull Particular!. Milsd Frn. Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. C. O. WHITCOMB. Gen Pass. aot OETROIT, MICH. GIMIEKT BUSS, latmt. Rose Leaf, Fine Cut, á? Navy Clippincjs p andSnuifs AK1 AYËR Agne Cnre ontalns an antidote for all malarlal dl. ordert which, ao f ar as known, is Uied In no other remeily. It contaius no Qulnlue, nor ny mineral nor deletrloui ubstanco whatTer, nd consequently produce no Injuriou effect npon tlie conatltution, but lcnvea th ytem u Lealtliy as t was before th ittack. WE WAERANT AYEB'3 AQUE CÜEB to cure eyery of Fovcr nd Apie, Intermlttent or CUill Fuvor, Kniittciit Ferer, Uamb Ague, Biliotis Tover, and Uver Coiuplalnt caused by malnrla. In i-:iso uf (allure, Aftor due trial, deilers Are nutliorized, by our circular dated Mi} lst, l.---, lo rcfuud th xaoaej. Dr.J.C.Ayep&Co.,Lov,J?,Mass. ÜBSCRIBE for the COÜBIEB.
Ann Arbor Courier
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