
THE LINE 8ELECTE0 BY THE U. 8. COVT TO CARRY THE FA8T IWAIL. It is the only Une with its own track (rom CHICAGO TO DENVER, Either by way of Omaha, Pacific June, St. Jcscph, Atchlson or Kansas City. It connects In Union Depots wlth through trains from NEW YORK. PHILADELPHlA, BOSTON and all Eastern polnts. It 1$ the principal line to SAN FRANCISCO, PORTLAND 4 CITY OF MEXICO It traverses all of the slx qreat States of ILLINOIS, I0WA, MISSOURI. NEBRASKA. KANSAS, COLORADO with branch lines to all thelr Important citics and From CHICAGO, PEORÍA or ST LOUIS, It runs every day In the year from one to three clegantly equipped tlirough trains over its own tracks befwoen Chicago and Denver, Chicago and Omaha, Chicago and Council Bluffs, Chicago and St. Joseph, Chicago and Atchlson, Chicago and Kansas City, Chicago and Topeka, Chicago and Coclar Raplde, Chicago and Sioux City, Peoría and Council Bluffs, Peoría and Kansas City, St. Louis and Omaha, St. Louis and St. Paul, Kansas City and Denver, Kansas City and St. Paul, Kansas City and Omaha, For all points In Northwest, West and Southwest. Itsequlpment Is complete and first class In every articular, and at all Important polnts Interlocklng wltches and Signáis are used, thus Insuring comfort and safety. For Tickets, Rates, General Information, etc, reqarding the Burlington Route, cali on any Ticket Agent Inihe United States or Canada, or address T. J. POTTER Ist V.P. 4. Gen. Mor., Chicago. HENRY B. STONE, Asst. Gen. Mor., Chichoo. PERCEVAL LOWELL, Gin. PS8. AQT., Chicaoo. Estáte of George Kinur. OTATEOF MICHIGAN. Countyol Wasliten,s At a nesslon of the Prohate C'oort for thn C'onnty of Waihtcnaw. holden at the Proimtu office, Ir the city oí Aun Arbor, on Tneíday. the twentyiM-litli day of July, in Ihe year one thouwind etj;ht bundrud and ciijhtyflve. l'retu-nt, VS iliiani D. HarriiiiHn, .liiilKt' of Probate. In the rrmin-r of the entute of Ooorpe Kinc deceaaei. Qeorge W, Balluy, the exicutni of the Ihi will and tratamafit ol eaid decrased, cunn-p Into court ftnd repre!elit8 ttlAt he ÍB liow prrpanra to nnder hts flual account as euch exi utor. Thersoponhu orderefl, tbat Tucsday, the twenty-llfth day tf Aauat next, at ten oVlock tn the rori'noon, be ftMiSBad lor ezamtnlng and altowinR such cooant, and tliat the devineec( legatee, and heirs at law of nutd decefited, and all other pcrsoriK Intereatéd in sald estáte, are required toapwarat a ef-sioo oiwaid court, then to be holden at the l'rnliate (jtllce, in tlie city oi Ann Arbor, in nnid ciun;y, and nhow caute, if any rherc bet why itie aid acejunt t-tmuid not be allowod. And it is lurthur ordëred, that nald exec tor trive notlce to tbe perron lOMnttai iu Kald estáte, of the pendency ot said account, and the huaring thereof, by raurtng a copy of thip order to be pobnahCNl In the Ann Arbor Vourler, n ncwgpaper printed and cironlatecl in aid cttunty, two ucci-milve weeks previou to (aid da ol hearlni. ( A trne ccpy.) WILLIAV. D. HAKKIMAN, Judce ol Probate. WM. (i. 1OTY. Probate HaateMr. 68 l-i.O Estáte of Naiicy Wheeler. S TATfi OH1 MICHIGAN, County of WasMenaw, 88. At a session ol the Probate Conrt lor the County ol' Washtenaw, holden at the Probate inVe in the oitv oT Ann Arbor, on Wednehdiy, the llMi day oi August in the year OOG thousand ctghi hundred nd eiuhtj-nve. PreMOt, WlUüun U. UarrimuD, JudL'e ot" Probate. In the muttcT of the cstute of Nnncy WheeliT, dicea-ed. Calvin Hliss execnt r of the last will and testament nf Mtd dcceftfeed, comea hito court and representa lliat he in DOW uretmred to render hie ïiintl account as such executor. Thoreupon it is ordered, t hut Tuesday, the ]5th day oTISeptembir next,at lOo'clock il the foren on be aesigned Tor ihe eranining and allowing ol said account' and thttt the ccvideef, leyateet, and helrs at law ol said de e&Aefl, md allotlu-r pernoiis tnterested in said estáte, are reqnired to appcur tit aoettiun of taid court, theo tu be holden at tbe Probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and !w callee, if any tbere be, why ttie prioer of the petitloner shonld not be ranted. And it ie further orderea, that caid executor cive notice to the peroni intereated in taid utatefoi the pendency of naid petition, aud the hearing thereot', by causing a cbpy of tlils order to be publirhed 111 the Ann Arbor Vourler, a newnpaper printed and rircnlatini,' in taid connty, tbree succefsive week previou tosaid day of hearintj, A trnecopy. WILLIAM D. HAHlilMAV. Judye of Irdlate. WM. G. DOTY, Probate Regtitr. li7ü-'3. Estáte of illiiiiti latson. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County oí Washte naw, . At a ecialon of tbe Probate Court for the County ol Wanhtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the twenty-fourth dy ol AuifiiRt, in the year one thoupand eit'lit hun dred od elghty live. Present. William 1). Ilarriman, Judi;e ol Probate. In the matter of the eatate of WilMam I.atson, deceased. Philip Bach, ibe truutee of ald estáte, comes into cmirl and reprprnt ihüt he Is now prepared to render his final account a tui h trustee, Thercupon It is ordered, that Frlday, the llth day of September neit, at ten o'clock in the forenooD, be assiirned lor t'xamlnlne and allowin such account and tbat the devisces, letalees, and hetrs at law or said deceased, and all other pereont interested in said estáte, are reauired to appearata sesslon of said court, then te le holden at the Probate Oftiee, in the city of Ann Arbor. in said county and show cause, if any therebe, why the said account should not be aliowed. And it Is further ordered, tht said trustee glve notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of snid account, and the hearing thereóf, by causins a copy of this order to be poblished in the Ann Arbor Courier, a newspaper printed and circulaitnt; in said county, two euccessive weeks previous to said day of hearing. (A true copy.) WILLIAM D. HAKRIMAN. „. Judije of Probate. WM. G. DOTY. Probate Register. 1:01-1263 lili NO FEE!! 1 isTiBLiSHED isst. f Morrlll UNTILBETTERJIETROIT,MICH. lock. S ""j,. L ThBígul, Old-Ectablished Á lll PHYSICIAÏi & SUEGEON L SK1LL AND 8ÜCCES8 YOUNGmen,middle-aged men nd 11 persons who by their own acts of ImprnJcnceorl'-ollyatRnyperiod of lifc havebrought npon tlicmsclves, t!ie evil efíeets following clusely upon the hccls of transressinn of tne Uwi of nature, shoulil consult the cclebratcd I'r.Clarke t once. ltcnicmhcrlNrnou dUenses(with or vuhoutdreams)or debility and loi-s of ñervo powor treated scientifically by new mctlinds witli rever failinsj succrs. -j-It inakes redifference wüatyouhivetukeiiorwlioha:; íailcd to cure you XfThe tcrrIMopoIsonsofPnhllnial bad bloud nd s'..iu d! oasen, complclclv eradicated without mercury. lie r.ltun Ior tinson horrible dlsoaso, if nc;!rctcd or improperly treted,caret!icrrcsc:itandcümii-.ggcneration ,PAH nnnntnral c!:;c',-irr:"; currd promptly Without h:rn!rance totfntlne '.. Nr experimente. Both sens consult cpnüilcntliílly. jigoand oporioncoimp rt:mt.AviviUoiirnar!inteo oí curo givou la cveiy caso undertakeu. t'í-Scndt-voslampsfroolobratedwork on Ciironlo, Kcrrotjs.and I).. liento ]ieases. Vou have anexhaua: ivoeyaiptoniatolop;y by which to study Juur nrnur, C'on-.iltition.person. lyorby letter, íco. ornees arul pnrlorg pnvnte. íledicinesrriitrv ryvhere secure from expo5UPc.Iloura,StoS;:-ijnJay,9to u, Addieu: F. D. CLARKE, M. D. MFRRILL BLOCK, DETROIT, Mlch. "CANDEE" Ordinary Rubber "Hooïq ftiTlilrWffnB always wcnr oul llr=t c:i llJJ0??6wWB the buil. Tlxv.l,. B51 riJWÜIMBI Boots are doul.W i '; i fftwLl ' T l7h on tbc buil, and gnu rlulTrWUE Itott econotnicalllnhh.T tDEffiWU ïflTM Boot n tlie niiirkf.. 3PfHb9SprTTÍV I.Hsts lonrcr ttriti uuy I1limEPÍRIÉBv other boot and tho JBmÍÍ' M l J' vTMr PE1CE SO II1GUEK. B fijTtiÉsf Cali and exjUWí hÉÍH nniino the j!(wH 5 (gPFOR SALE BY Kor sa Ie to I) ¦ t! it: - i - R. & J. CUMMIN(,S& CO, ' Detroit.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News