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Short advortisementa not to exceed ture Iiiu-M, of Lost ami l'mni.l. Houscs for Sale o, Want, etc.. luserted three week U LS cent. sitiiallons wanted, freo. 'I'K.N' urn s kim1 land wlth good house an i_ other bui iilnii: near Dexter, to sell or ex bausa for A nu .rbor City property. Appl to O .li Mutlhcws, ltenl Estáte Ageucy, An Arbor, Midi. 3 A LAWYER WITII $1,000 CASH Totakelmlf interest In Luw, Land and LM business in new Coiiiiiy sent Towu Is waulei AcMrcsH OLD LAWYER, II as kin 8, Dak ota. fV'l.'IlNIÏURE- tiood bnrgatns In bed room JC suit, ueddlng, etc, at tlie CoUBiaB offioi A HOUSE and lot for sale vi ry cheap o Klrsl slreet near Huron. Iiocated lier it wlll alwmyi rent. Apply to Matttiew's tlaa Küluif Anincy, Aun Arbor, Mleh. 6- AKcw lino Krjuh' llolsteln Calves for sale by Mills Hroiliers, Aun Arbor, Mioh. 2r rC wanted at 6 ppr cent on god rea f)UU estáte security. Those deirlng to loan or borrow moucy should cal! al iny ofliee. O. L. Mattliews, Atl'y, Anu Arlioi Michigan. B LOST. a bag contalulng a tent. Flnder wil lic nwardtd by leaving tbeui at 49 Ii Liberty 8t. 8 A LL WAR CLAIMS promptly attended to A. Many pensionen are eulltled to lncrease umi can hxve lt by nmklnti applloatlon to cover tiie case properly. No fee unies suc cessrul. Apply to .O. L. Malluews, Pension Ageut, Auu Arbor, Mich. FOK SALE- House, Barn and out DQlld lugs wlth 2 Lol, cheap. Or wlll sell the buildings witli ono lot. lluius Cate, No. i Maynard st., Ann Arbor, Mich. íft,0(X)to loan on bet real estáte securily íji and lu amoiinuof }SUU or more. J Q A. ScsBlous, National Bauk Block, Auu Arbor, Mich. 17V3R SALE or Exchange for city property 1 10 Aeren ol land aboulone mile from the Court House. Address P. O. Box lil. T OANING-Money to loan on flrst-class I 1 Real Kstat Mortgage at Current ratea Interest. Satlsfactory arrangeraents made wltli capltalists deslrlng snelt investineiils Kvery conveyance and transactlon in abstract of titles carefully examined as to legal effect. '. 1'. KlNli. Ann Arbor.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News