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Troyaüps"? Ji POWOER Absolutely Pure. Thls powdernever varíes. A marvel of pari tv. strenuth and wholesomeness. More economlcal tban the ordlnary kinds, and cannot be Hold i m competition wlth tlie multltude of low test, shorL welght, aluin or phospliate powders. Sold only In cans. Koj ui Ifuklni' Powder Co.. 1OO Wall st., N. Y. (uticuTa A Posilive Cure forEvery Forin of Skin and Blood DUensc, from Pimples to ScrofUla. D1SFIGURINO HUM0R8. Humillallne, Eruptions, Itching and Barntne Skin Tunaren, Luathtuiini! Sores, and every species of Itchlng, Scaly, Pimply, Inherlted. Scrofulous, and Contalons Dineaaoí of the Blood. Skin, and Scalp, wlth Los uf Halr trom infan y to oíd age, are positively cured by CtjricrjRA I'. .ohm, tbe New Blood Hnrifler, lnternatly, and Cuticuiia, the ereat Skin Cure, and Cuticura Soap, au eiquisiie Skin beautitier, eiterually. KrZRMA CURED. I was afllictcd wlih Ec.ema on the Scalp, Fce E:irs and Ni-ck, whlch the Drugsiët, where I got your remi-di.f, pronounced oce of the worxt caaes tbat had eome unrtrr notlc:e. Ile aii vi-rd me to tr? your CUTICUka Hkmkdiks, nel alter flvo dny-' nsc niy scalp and part of my face were entirely cured, and ;I hope in anottiir wei-k to have my neck, care, and ther part of nJV face cured. UBKMAN SLADE, ISO E. 4th St., New York. SC A BS AM SORES. I have been udlctcd ince last March with a Skin dl4easo the doctuni called Eczema. My lace was carena wlth pean 'and sores, and the itching and bnrniiig were almoet uiibearable. tieeing yuur Cuticuka Remedies so htghly recomraendod. 1 concluded to trive them a trial, uin; the Cuticura and the Cnticura Soap externally, and Kesolvent internally, for four months. 1 caïl mytelt cured, In gratitude for which I make this public slati nliMit. Mits. CLARA A. FIÍEDEIÍICK, Broad Brook, Uoiin. Cuticuka Remedies ate unid everywhere. Prlce, Cuticura. 50c; Ke-olvent, #1.00; Soap, 25 cents. Prepared by 1'ottcr Dbdo and Chemical Co., Úoston, Mase. Si-nd lor -Huw to enre Nkln Dluaici" ¦pTTWTli -¦ Blackheads Skln, Blemlsues and Baby X ilVi Humors, ase Cuticura Soap. "ClirCK IX THS BAVK," stltch In the side, cramiiK, abontln? and vharp palnp, rheumatic, fb neuralgic. and sciatic pains, and every I IC3a externa] pain and ache soothed and Ij jCn expelled wlth wonderlul celerlty hy ¦rlBf 'tifttnpw original, elegant and speedy 5 ÍH antidote to pain and inflammatlon, the "1 W Ccticura Pi-astek. Warranted the pertectlnn of elegant external remedies, and vastly superior to all othe plairers. At drugeists, 25 rents; flve ( r $1.00. Malled free. Pottkk Drüo and Chemical Compant. Boston. CATARRH That pare, sweet, safe, and efTective American dlstll ition of Witch-IIa.el, American Fine, Canada Flr, MarlKOld, and Clover-Blossom, called Sanfnr'IV Radical Cure for Catarrh, with one box Cdtarrhal Solvent one Sandford's Improved Inhaler, all in one package, mav now be bad of all drng gists, for$l. Ask for Santofd's Kadical Cure. Complete Local and Constitutlonal Treatment for evêry lorm of Catarrh. from a Simple Cold or Influenza to loss of smell, taste, and Hearing, Coogh, KrniichitlH, and Catarrhal Consamption, Ín every packager (IcrE) -mi-n, VoctUíntM, And public speakers without number owe tbelr present asetulness and success to Sanpord's UadICAL ITiit for CATARItH. Rev. Dr. Wiggln sas : "One of the best remedie for Cataarh - nay, the best remedy we have loand in a lifetlme of surTerlnc- le Sanfobd's Radical Cure. It clears tbe head and throat to ttiunui;h]y ihat, taklntr each morning on rising, there are no dieagreeaole hawklnif daring the entire day, but an anprecedented clearnes of volee and reunlratory organs." Sold by all druggists. t'rlce, 1K)O. rOl LírVe Weirysnfftrerfrom RheuCy"l'ir matlfm, Neuralgia, Weak V0LTA1C BBI"00 and, Weák Back, PieTÍft& Weak Stomach and Bowels ¦ ASTfav' Dyepepula, témale Weak nees, Shooting pains through the lolns and back, try these piasters. Placea over the pit of the Stomach, they prevent and enre Azue Pains. Sillona Collc, Liver complalnfr, and protect the tystem from a thousand Hls. 25c. Potter Drug and Chemical Co., Boaton. W. TREMAIN, .i:m:ki. llURANd lm OFFICE, 07er Casper Rínsey's Grocery Store, COR. HÜRON AND FOÜRTHSTS., North British Insurance Co,, Of London and Edlnburg. Capital, #13,000,000, Gold. Detroit Flre and Marine Insurance Co., Cash Aseets #600,000. Springflcld Ins. Co. of Massarhusetls, Ca.-h Asscla $1,800,000. Howard Ins. Compauy of New York, Cael Assuts #1,000,000. Agrlcultural Ins. Co., Watertown, If.T., Cash Assets #1 ,300,000. Lostee Llbcrally Adjusted and Promptly J'aid.


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