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'Tis nreet to knock at your swcctheart's door, When tile bees have ceased their liuminuig, And hcir the buil dog jjrowl response : 'Oh, ) es, old boy, l'in coming." Court will meet ajraiu one week froin next Monday. Pleannt weather is predicted froin now uutil fair time. The rains have delayed the sowing of wheat somewliat. The school board will organice at their next regular meeting. The pumpinK machinery for the water wmks is expected next week. John Dolt was admitted to citizenship by the circuit court, Saturday. Can't you come to the county fair and bring soinething to help along the sliow ? The water Works reservoir is all excdvitti], and tlie bottoni. is now beinr constrncicil. Slilts are now the raee, and Mie boy who can't walk two feet in air is just uo boy at all The salvation anny eommence storming their stronghold of sin to-night, at ( ropsey'i hall. "Ali ! tiirrr : my sic ! " cxcitedly shouts onr Thtir.-day iiiiilcinp. "Don't mention il," Bro., "such a more trillo, ye knaw ! '' The oflieers of our Arncultural Society are worklllg hard to make a aocoeuol inr oomiDg fair, oomawnciDg Sept. 29tli. Kev. Mr. Morgan, of Saginaw, preachcd ut the Methodist cliurcli last Stinday, and liis efforta rere appreclated by the audience. The manner in which the trench dij;gers and pipe layers have pushed things the past weck hasn't been - well, it hasn't been slow. As beautitul a light as can be seen aniu iieie it tlio oew electroller "iíosey" has iu his temt window, witli tí difurent COlored shades. Whal abluí standard lime? Will the couneil adopt it, and conform t the state lawf Or will we trudge along wltfa time divided agalubt Iteelff Rev. Fr. Fierlc acts is a sort of superintendent of the ncw school building being erected by Sr. Thomas' parish, and it kecis hiin buey as a bee. There to }p a popular feeling in reference to tbe appokitnient of a eommission to examine into the safety of several old buildings in the city. Tbe early frosts have turned many of the maple leaves lo brilliant tints. ind lovers of the beautiful are {?athering them for adornments to their homes. Yes, both are due, in Ann Arbor the game day: The ten ernt letter delivery System, and the new tower clock in the library building. What date? October lst. The services at St. Andrew's churcli ncxt Sunday will be as follows: Momin;: prayer and sermón at 10:30. Litany and Sunday school at 3 o'clock p. m. Evening prayer and sermón at 7:30. The evening services being again rcsumed. The incandcscent electric lights are constantly winning favor and customers. The following merchants have lately thrown out gras and the are lijjhts and adopted the better system of lighting by electricity: W. F. Stiinson, Chas. Warner, H. S. Saxton. "Rosey," J. Heahan, Dr. Nichols and Fa!l & Hendrick. The Ann Arbor Commandery Knights Templar have decided to have a separate opening of the new temple, subsequent to the dedieation, and not later than October 15. Tlie services will include a reception, and ball in tlie evening. There will be present not less than six visiting commandi'rios from various parts of the st.ite, and the Knisrhts propose to make il an cviiit thut tliey will be proud of. Rfv. IInbcrt W. ftrown, now located as a missionaiy at the City of Mexico, addressed the young people's meeting at the Presbyterian lecture room last Sunday evening. givinr tliem some very interest - ing fact8 to liis field of labor. Mr. B. confldent, that by the protection now given by tlie Mexican givcrnment to protestant missionaris, thm cnuntry will sooii advance to a more enlightened christianity. Jmlo Jcislyn came to the county scat Saiurilay, and In-Ui an adjourned term of the ciicnit court, hearing the followlng (imi. Otborn vs. Nancy Osborn, ilivoroe. decree granted. The People vs. Justns BeaborOi larcony, arrslgned, picad not gullty and committed in default of ?200 ball. ErneMtne Roebm vs. Geo. Hnciiin, divorce, decree irmnted. The People vs. Jiiscjili V;ix and Krank Wcndland, larceny, arralgned, plea notgnilty. and committed in default of $500 ball. The last peneral conference of the M. E. cluirch effected a chance in the constltotlon of their societies, allowing to each thirtecn stewards, four of whom could be women if so desired. At the animal qiiiiiterly conference of the M. E. church of this city. the new law was adopted, and upon nomination of the postor, Rev. R. B. Pope, the following were chosen : C!hM. H. Worden, W. V. Whedon, A. H. Roya, V. A. Tolchard, .T. E. Beal, E. li. Lewis, Geo. Renwick, E. A. Phillips, ii'o. A. Douglass, Mrs. Theo. Royer, Mrs. Iii'iij. Day, Mrs. J. X. Bailey, Mr?. II. W. Rogen. H s lirmly believöd that this nomination will be productive of good to the church. "AU aboard for the state fair," is tli cry tliis week. That fine roadster of yours ought to b entcred at the county fair. Rev. R. B. Pope will occupy the pulpi of tlie M. E. church next Sunday. If you have a prize chick biing it to the county fair, and lat everybody see it The county fair folks want you to bring along those stsers and take the premium. Owing to ill health Miss Louise Taylor lias been obliged to abandon her schoo in the 4th ward. The M. E. parsonage is being repainted and put In nice order for the new pastor Rev. Mr. Ramsey. Ainong the last list of patenta published ¦we find the following: "B. B. Morgan, Ann Arbor, car coupler." Thad. Thompson lias been appointec deputy by Sheriff Walsh, and would be pleased to serve any one deslring his services. The labor statistics wnnted by the State Labor Commissioner, C. V. R. Pond, in :this city will be gathered by Albert Qardner. Fred. Sipley's brother, Chas. W., who resided at Lansing, died of typhoid fever recently.and his remains were brought to this city for interment. Mr. Leraon of Hamburg, was in the city last week inaking sale of his hop erop. He raised 1,500 lbs. of very superior hops on eight acres. We nlways take pleasure In looking over the Adrián Record. It is one of the good papers of this state. Alvvays bright and entertain ing. Long may it continue so to be. Simeón Davis, a very worthy colored nun of this city, received notice Monday that his pension had been allowed, and ie is now one of the huppiest men in Michigan. If the editor of our Thursday contemporary would be as fast to lind out the icws of the city as he is to carp at his ïeighbors, he mijrht give his readers a )ett r paper. Chailie Qibson went down to Detroit esterday, to purchase an outfit for his lew tonsorial palaee which is being fitted ip next door east of the Farmer's and feohmto' Bank. The port-hole on the starboard side of Sheriff Walsh's future county craft, is completed. It aims up Ann street, and will be a meny look-out for star-cliamber boarders consigned to the attic. The Detroit Evening Journal is rapidly gaining; pnpular favor in Ann Arbor Jright and enterprising, it has a peculiar way of its own of rplating what happens, and it is a very taking way, too. Who'ze goin' to the excursión to Whitmore Lake to-morrow? That's the quesion. The Toldeo & Ann Arbor give t, int) 75 ppnts pays your faro. Train eavps at OrHO and returns abottt the same our at night. W. J. Dansten, of Charlotte, hns rented he vacant store in the Hangsterfer block, nd is to put in a stock of Judies' dress rr.od of pvery species- the same to ennat of Onmel's halr shawls and likc imorted fineries. The givernment bas sent postal eards o eaeh O. A. R. post oommander to disribute among old soldiers, who are reupsted to write the commlssioner ofpenious on the same, so that their signatures i.iy lip on file in the pension department o prevent Draad. A good idea. If you moved into this state (then teritory}, of Michigan previous to May 14, S2U. Hip Grand Haven Ilerald would ke to have you buy a postal card, write ts namp on the ohverse side. your name nd adilress on the reversp sidé. and drop lip same into the post-office. Try it. Next week the Ypsilanti fair will be ülllBft thp farmer and his wif, his er, and his son wlth some otlier farmer's auelitcr, to view tlie h pumpkin?. i!)TP(i,and qimslics, and other vegetables ogether with tha usual "rncnitunil hoss rot. They are all down on the bilis. Jas. Ilnrris. one of Dexteri hardy pioneers, 75 years old, walked from Dexter o Ann Arbor yesterday in three hour?, vit hout any extra exertion. simbiy for tlie xercise. Calling at the Cocrier office, e 8(emeil as spry as many of ihe men we meet who are many years his junior. After the announcement had been inde (on what was deemed excellent uthority) that Frank Jonea would bc he next postmaster of Saline, a turn eems to Imve been made in the tide, and ow John Gillen comes to the front and akes the plum. He was appointed last aturday. The Owosso gas company, composed argely of Ann Arbor capitalista, of which Orville F. Webster is superintendent, has ecured the contract for lighting the treetR of Owosao for a period of three car. The company Is meeting with renarkable success In lighting private ïouses and business blocks. This evening at 8 o'clock, at the reslence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Irs. Hcnry Cornwell, on N. División treet, will occur the marriage of Fred T. Stimson and Miss Nettle Cornwell. The ouple will leave for Omaha, Nebraska, n the 11 o'clock train, where their future residence will be, and where Mr. Stimson will enter the grocery trade. The Va?htenaw Mutual insurance company, has jast ordered an assessment for 30 loKf, aggregating $5,350.93. The rnte per cent. will be 17%e. on the $100. Of these 88 losses 18 were caused by lightninr, entalling a loes of $2.475.57, and 18 reralted from fire from other causes, agfrregatlng $2.885 36. Secretary Fairchilds informa us that the issessment circulars will be out as soon after Oct. lst as possible. Mack & Schmid have just made a sale of over 300,000 pounds of wool to an eastern party. This amount will make from 32 to 35 car loads. As this is probablythe largest single sale of wool that was over made in the county, and as Messrs. Mack & Schmid have sold at a handsome advanoe from thelr purchasing price, they foei quite happy over the same. Mr. Mack thinks wool will advance to at least 88 cents per pound. Mr. E. Goodale, living ncar the city, wlio has 100 colonies of bfe?, reports a large erop of honcy, of excellent quality. He says that although a large number of bee raisers lost their warms by the long severe cold of last winter, he saved his by wtnterlng part of them in a cellar of an even temperattire. and encafing the balance in boxes stuffed with wheat chaff protecting the top of the hive with cusliions of the chaff.

Walter Kendall, whose unfortunate accident at Cornwell's mills was referred to in our last issue, died from the effects of the same Thursday followini. He had been foreman of the mills for the past fourteen yeare, and the accident which proved fatal was the result of carelessness on the part of another employé, it is said, who took away a box covering a nest of cog wheels near a door, and Kendall not noticing the removal, stepped into the wheels and so lost his life. He was a man highly respected, and the sad affair causes much sympathy for the wife and family In their terrible allliction.