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TEST YOÜR BAKMPOWDER TO-DAY! Brands adTortined as absnluteiy puro COWTAIW -VII.M_Iri-A.. THE TEST: I1!" a can top down on a hot stoYs ntll heateri.then ¦ move i ii" oorv aml inwll, a nhtmlal wilt uoi b rw 1 to de ter t the prwwnco of ammoni. LtH Rf.CCT MAQ &, SIK'1 & DOES NOT CONTAIN AMMONÍA. m nummnoH ua never bkes qisstiosid. In a mlllfon homes for a quartor of a cantury lt haa ¦1 Um rmisumers' ruiiable tent, THE TESTJ)FJHE OVEN. PEICE BAKING l'OWDER CO., iiAKFRA or Br. Pricc's Special Flayoring Extracts, Dr. Price's Lupulin Yesst Gems .I, H..IH1V llr.-:ul. The Bet Xrj II p n tha Worji FOR SALE BY CROCERS. CHICACO. . ET. LOUIS. IS SPECIAL I nnucT ISEXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE Purest iitid strongest Naturnl Fruit Flavors. Vanilla, Lemon, OraiiRe, Almond, Kosp, etc, flavor as del Icately and nat 11 rally as the f ruit. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., CHICAGO. 8T. LOUIS. Invalids 'Hotel I Surical Institute BUPFALO, 3ST. -5T. Organized wllh „ rilll Hl;1(r or eehtecn Experleñced and skllirul Phyalcians and Surgrons for the trratment of all bron ie DiBcasc. OUR FIELD OF SUCCESS. riironir Naaal Catarrh, Throat and I.1111K Diicaso, Livcr and Kidnry Oiseasen, Bladder Uitieatirs, DiaraHes of Wonit-ii, Bluod DiNeancs and .orvons Alforiioiis lurt-d her or at home, withor without ving the patiënt. Come and ee us, or sond t (.-ents in stamng for our "Invalids' Gulde Kook," which givea all particulars. p_ __ IVcri-oti nobilitr, ImponniniTP tcucy, Nocturnal Lossen, UELIGATE and all IHorbid ConditioiiZ ¦ : oauied by vomiitui FolU SFISFS lieH and Pcruicious Soli0L0' tary Practiccs are eneedily mm tu perinmifiitly curt'd by our Specialista. Book, post-paid, 10 ets. in stampa. -_i__ Ruptnrc, or Breach, radiI n...... I ca" cured without the knife, I KUPTUHE I w'ho"t trussca, without pain. I "ur"""" an,i without danjrer. Cares "¦ Ouaranteed. Book sent lor ten cents in Rtumps. PILE '¦'!.. MUKS and STHICTl'HFS treated under guarantee to cure. Book sent for ten cents in Btamps. Addrcss Wori.d'8 Dispknsaky Medical Association, 663 Main Street, ButTalo, N. Y. ibbo The tiviitiiii'iit of nmny iiionoro fir thousands of cases of those UISEiSES OF diseasea peculiar to WniiFM "voivEiïivr nUltlL"' at the Invalida' Hotel and """" Surtfical Institute, has afforded larpro experience in adapting remedU-s for their cure, and DR. PIERCE'S Favorite Prescription is the result of this vast experienee. It Is a powerful Roloralirr Tonlc and Norviue, imparta viifor and stn-nirth to the system, and cures, as ir by maerie, Lcu corrhca, or "whltes," cxcevsive flowtuK, pul il f ii I menstruación, 1111natural hu pircnUii, prolapsnt or lallinu of iln uleruM, weak back, unti'i i riin, retroverNloii, bearingdown - nsat Lm., clironic ronucxlion, and iileeriKion of the wiiiiih. ui inminntioii, pain and tcndcrnrsN in ovarle, iim irual heat, and "female weakness." It riromntly relieves and cures Nausea and WeaknexH of Stoma, h, IndiecH. on, It]., Kuit, Nervouw Crostratlon, and SleeplessucsH, in either sex. PDIPC t I fifi OR 6 BOTTI.KS rnlüC 5I.UU, ioR $3.00. Send ten centa in stampa for Dr. Pi'creo's larsro Treatise on Diseases of Women, illustrated. World's Dispensar Medical Issociation, 663 Main Street, BUFFALO, M. T. gL SICK-HEADACHE, ItllioiiN Headache, vL. Tpe ItizziiioHN, Convtipai5vA'fe' lion, Ind ifeeatioii, ïÈi C and "I"011" AttaekN, Y V&LmZbF prnmptly eurpd by Dr. #& V' PlcrceU Pleasant ¦Jim. Wr Purgativa Pellets. L IW. cents a vial, by Druggists. MMUNlTYfromANNOYANCE 1" I ;r I f V M 0C " Pat. 03t. 3Oth, 1883. jj Made only ofthe flnrat and bstqnal' lty of .Iuns lor wlttaHtaudluK heat. Every good thing ia Counterfeited, and consumera are CAüTIONED against IMITATIONS oí these Chimneys made of VERY POOR GLASS. See that the exact label is on each chimney as above. The Pearl Top is always clear and bright GHass. .Man iiliu (nr il M.V bv GEO. A. MACBETH & CO. Plttsbnrgrh I.end Olnui Works. FOR SALE BY DEALERS. '


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