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POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thlspowdernever varíes. A marvel of purlty, strciiKtli and wliolesomeness. More economical than the ordlnary kinds, and cannot be solii li. competltlon wilh the multltude of low test, Bhort welght, slum or pnoaphate powder. Sold only In cang. Koyal Balling Ponder Co . 100 Wall ut., N.Y. (jiticira A Posllive Cure for Every l"orin of Skin and Blood Discatic, IV in Pimples to Scrofula. "TklSFlGURING HUMOH8, Huinlliaüne, KrupJ tlODB, Itching and Burnini; Snin Tortures, Loathgome Sores, and every npecies of Itchtng, Scaly, Pimply, Inherited, Scrofulous, and ContaClou Diaeaaes i the Blood. Skin, and Scalp, wlth Los of Hafr Irom iufnn y to oíd age, are potitively eured by Cu icura H MiLuVfNT, the New Blood 1'unfler, lnternally, and Cuticuka, the ereat Skin Cure, and Cuticuka oir, an exqaisite Skin beautitler, externally. ECZEMA CDBED. I was afflicted with Eczema on the Scalp, Face, Eare an.1 Neck, which the Druggtst, wbere I got ynui remedie?, p-onounccd one of the worpt cases that had come undt-r hln notice. lie advined me M trv your Cuticuka Remedies, aud after flve days' nse my calp and part of my face were entirely cured, and 'I hope in anothtr week to have my nuck, eais.und ih ¦ ither part of my face cured. HEKMAN SLADB, J20E. 4thSt.. New York. MCABH AM HIIHKN. I have been amtcted since last March with a Skin diMaaa the doctoro called Kczema. My tace wat cuvt-r'd wltb ecabf 'and sores, and the itclnng and burnlng uere almost uubearable. teeiug y.iiir Cuticura Rehkdies so higblT recommended. 1 conclnded to RÍT6 thera a trial, uslng the Cuticur nd the Cuticura Soap ezternally, and Kisolvent internally, Tor four montht. 1 cail mytell cured, in gratitude for wbich 1 make this public statement. MUS. CLARA A. FREDEKICK, Broad Brook, Conn. CuTicui.A Remkdies are pold ererywhere. Price, ('iitiiura. 6Uc; Re-olrent, $1.ÜO; Soap, 26 cenU. Prepared by Forrea Druq and Chkhical Co., ttottoa. Maan. &end lor "lluw to care Hkln Dlsemse' nTIUrp'es, Blackheads Skin, Blemlsbetand Baby XJHL Humors, use Cuticura Soap. - "CUIUK Ih THB BAVK" atltch in the side, crampH, abomine and harp pains, rhenmatlc, f% iicuralrlc. and aclatic palns, and erery I IClfjA external pain and ache soothed and l JttW expelled wlth wonderful celerlty hy ¦rniHf ihatnew original, elegant an4 Bpeedy "H antidote lo pain and inflammation, the H W Cuticura Flastïk. Warranted the pertectlon of elegant external remedies, and vastly superior to all othe piasters. At drueeists, 25 cents; Uve fot J1. (JO. Malled free. Potïbr Urdo and Chemical Company, Boston. CATARRH That pare, sweet, safe, and effectlre American dlstllation of Witch-IIazel, American Pine, Canada Fir, Mari,-o]d, and Clover-Blossom, called Sanford's Radical Cur for Catarrh, wlth one box Cttarrhal Nol vent one Sandford's Improved Inhaler, all in one package, may now be had of II druif gistg, for $1. A8k for tSANronn's Radical Cur. Complete Local and Constftutional Treatment for every lorm of Catarrh. from a Simple Cold or influenza to loss of mei!, tante, and Hearing, Cough, BronchitlH, and Catarrhal Uonsumption, in every packager ilorc) men, Viir.'illHta, And public speakers without number owe their present nseiulnees and success to Santord Radical Cohï for Catarrh. Rev. Dr. Wlggln says: "One of the beat remedie for Cataarli- nay, the best remedy we have lound in a Ufetime of sufferlng- is SANroBD's Radical Cikk. It clears the head and throat o thorouiclily that, takiog each morning on risine, there are no dlagreeaDle hawklne durlng ihe entire day, bat an unprecedented clearness of volee and resplratory organs." Bold by all drugülets. r'rice, tl KW. _M I flUa WerysurT rerfrom KhenCy.n'S matlsm, Neuraluia, Weak VnlTilT aBainiCnBO nd 8"re Lunir". Coiiglu VOLTArC ggJtUeiñTO ,I)d, Weak Back, til i.-il)4 Weak Siomnchand Bowels MS T ijy Dyspepsia, Female Weak ness, Shooting pain through the loins and back, try these piasters. Placed over the pit of the StomHCh, they prevent and core Acné Palns. Bilioos Collc, Llver comnlainf . and protect the system from a thousand Hls. 25c. Potter riniK and Chemical o , Boston. W. TREMAIN, OE1VERAL, Imrancb IgbncyT i ii OFFICE, Oyer Casper Rinsey's Grocery Store, COR. HÜHON AND FOORTUSTS., North British Insurance Co,, Of London and Edlnburg. Capita!, ?13,000,000, Gold. Detroit Flre aud Marine Insnrance Co., Caah Aacets #600,000. Springfleld Ins. Co. of Massachasctla, Cash Asscts $1,800,000. Honard In. Company of New York, Cub AiHti 11,000,000. Aurlcultaral Ins. Co., Watertown, 5.T., Cash Asasta 1,300,000. Loum Llberallr Adjusted au4 l'rouiptly Paid.


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