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Readthe poem "Our County Fair." Court meets aguin Monday, 111 adjourned sussiou. On auü after Oct. 1, the P. O. wil! close at 1-M p. in. The Ilaniilton bloek is beina fltted up wiili water pipes. The suin of 138 ira raised Sutiday morniag last at st. Andrsw'a cliurch for forvign ml&sions, J. C. Bird of Ann Arbor town, harrested (: busbela of oats to the acre tliis fall, cousldered a guod yleld tof tliis year. Tlie W. O. T. U. hold a cïiitennial celebratlon at The M. E. church tliis erenlng, tlie exercises lo be dcvollonal and historiftil. Several oí the Ypsilanti Good Templurs wi re up to Ann Arbor last nigbt, in Ht'mdance upon the centennial celebratillll. Dr. W. W. Rarosey wil] occupy the pulpll ut the M. E. cliiirch next Sunday and appearanuea indícate a royal welcome. IJ.iine.-s ol' all kinds is revivlng in our city, ukI oiir merchaiits are ri;rl" on thelr tapa t. incieaae the volume "I tlielr trad thia fall. Tlie man who shot thiough the pi ite wiinlow in Store Sunday nighl, diil a deed be alioulit' be punished aeverély for. The Infai i ':.= - .4' the H. K. Sunday school is lo hare a picnic Suturday alterdoos ;! Mr. Clougli's resklenca on W. Hnron sliwl. Rev. Htiiiy Buddenbauia was at the conference of Hie Germán M. E. churcli held last week In Columbas, ohio. 11e was n lurucd tu thi.s jjlice. Bter. .M P. Gordon, of Milwatikee,preaehed at the LJnitarian cUurch last 3 ibbath, and will till the pulpit Rgain next Simdayllr Impressed the cougregatiun fuvorablyLouis Bctz, an employé of Eberbach & Boa, druaglats liad liis i-yc-sirht nearly If not quite ilestroyed Bunday by some purtlcle ol lime Qying luto them trom a piucea he was la(¦killg. The M. C. R. H iil run a spreial train tu Detroit Satarday, on account of the races, leavlng this city at H:ö:i a. ra., and return ing leave Detroit at 7 p. m. One tart1 tor the round trip. Augusl MarshaU, li ttle, homeless orphan, from Freedomj with no fathcr, mot her or frlends, was gent to the state pablic Bchool at Coldwatér, Monday, by order ot Jiulge Hiirriman. Patrick Nasi), oí Dexter, a .-ober, industrious man, who hail been in the cm ploy ol the f. C. K. Ii about 35 yeara as a sectlon band, was killed Momlay by belne run over by the nis, octween Cheleen and Francisco. He was 05 years of age. "A Citizen," In Ihe Courier turns hls cold wuler-woiks, om the proposeil Edenlo l'Hrk for thai cuy. He sluiws iliat some other tliliiRs, wwen for Inataooe, are w.mtel. more t lian h park. C'ilizen is eusihle.- Ypsilanti Seiillnel. We'll gob.ick on voor A. A, & Ypsi. St. R. scbeme, if yoa don't let up on our park. Upan the first jiae will be found the frraml utterances of Bishop Merrill on the tempérame qaeation. Also a letter from P. a. Dewey, of Leoawee eouuty, rcail at the recent pioneer meeting, tbat will be intereating to miny of our older readers. We regret to leal n that Regent Chas. R. Whltman was sevefely Injured last Saturilay by mi untoitiin alè accident. Whilc ritling with a compauion at Ypsilanti, the forward ajleof the carriajíe broke.throwing Mr. Whitman out, dlslocatlng his elDOW, cutting open his kneeand scratching his lace badly. About the happiest man In the city to day is B. 13. Moigau, who has rtturned from the great test of car couplurs held in Buffalo, la-t week, in triumpb. The coupler of whlch he is the inventor stood every test it was subjected to, and did n)t have i polnt sc(,rt(l againat it, while of the "u or 00 othera tested uil but two or three were lllgcarded as ii. g. After quotlng the CoüRIBB'a friendly notice of a recent issue, tlie Adrián Record pats us on the back in tliis way: "A compliment ükc the ahovefrom a paper which alwayt glves credit for wliat it uses from oor columns, and fnrniühes origina,! matter worth copying, is egpeclallj gVatlfying. The Reeord will malntain its present standard of excellence unlcss the 'gO7ernor belt ' gfVei way." Geoi;ie Jacoljua has been digging a well on his preraiaet on Observatory st., nd tells ua tbat at a depth of 70 feet he found a plece of elm bark, at 72 feet he found a piece of grape vine, and at 80 feet ¦i piece of maple In good state of preaerTatlon almui o inchea thick, tawed at one end and b roken off at the other. These Were all m sulid blue clay. Water was track at a depth of 90 feet. Mr. .Jacobus has preaerred these specimens as a Tiiicleu3 for a museum. Jacob II. llicks, of Lodi, onc of the very eurly pioneera of the county and state, li'il Monday evenlng, at Jackson, while vi-iting frlenda there, of heart disease, remaina will be broaghl here to-morp" and funeral take ]il ice from the Baptist cliurch in the afternoon. Deoeased eameto thla county in 1830 from N. Y., ;'nd hi en h prominent man of the eonnty. He owned a larm of 380 acre, U cbildren living, and was 01 years )( age. He had polieies on hls life mountlng to it;,ooo. Baturday night several metnbers of the Detroit Ilkycle club carne to Ypsilanti on tlie cara where they were met by suveral ''t the Ann Arlr.r club, who ro.le with Wem hei e. Tl. e weie, Pros. L. .1. atea, Herbert 8now, J. 11. Johnson, W. ¦ Knapman, A. W. Ives, J. H. Amen, ¦na John llanley. Sunday, with memwraol the home club, they rode toS""' n"u ïpsilantl, whence they had din'er, ihenee to Detroit. The r"idiiiK time or the 28 miles was two hours and forty '"iinitis. Itwasaplcasanttrip. The October term of court bids fair to have plenty of business. Those colored incandescent liglits are greatly admired by the passing crowds. The bowling alley of A. C. Bliss has been re-opened, 011 Fourth st., next to Wilsey's muslo store. The September issue of Science contains an account of the Ann Arbor meeting of the Science Association. A big lamp has been erected at the M. C. depot where the backs and busses stand, a thing passengers appreciate. Superintendent A. V. Robison informs us that the stables, stalls and pens are nearly all engaged, the propects biil fair for in excellent exhibltion this year. Wm. Karhberg was brought up Monday before Justice Brennan and bound over to the circuit court on a charge of embezzlement preferred by J. J. Gibson. Anyone desirlng to look over the tax s:ile6 In nny counly In tlie state can flnd the liles of the saine at the counly treasurer'i ofBce, and Mr. Belser will obligingly show them. It is stated that Capt. Chas. H. Manly lias been tendered a position in Washinííton :is "Captain of the Watch" in the interior ilepartment, at Washington, but he has not iccepted the same as jet. Mrs. C. B. Lyman is giving a course of health lectures to ladies In the Baptist choren. A large class of the leading ladies of the city are in altendance. Tomnrrow afternoon at 3 p. m. She will give a private lecture. A horse shoe adonis the front end o'f one of the sprinkling carts. It bas not been deeided yet whether it is for luck In thrnwing water into the earriages standing on the street, or in making a mud puildle on the cross walks. "Ishould think Dr. Nlchols would be an awful sad fellow," remarked one of the St. James corner loungers, the otlier day. ' Wliy ? " askeil an inquisitive pard. "Because lie's always looking down in the mouth," was the reply. And then they adjiurncd to Iiosey's. A circular to one of our prominent dry gooda houses showu us yesterday, coramencea wltll this paragraph: "A most unexpecled and unprecedented deniand has prung up for goods - nothing equal to it since the time of our civil war." This looks encouraging, jrtainly. Marlin Clark has received an invitation to attend the exercises celebrating the 2üth anniversary of Eastman College at Poughkeepsie, X. Y., on the 25th and 2?lh hut, also to attend the reception Satorday evenlng, giren by Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Gaines. Tliese invitations are engrayed on steel, and are very elegant. Ou the 24th day of September, A. D. 1835, Calvin Bliss and Miss Esther D. Hillings, botli of Ann Arbor, were united in marrlage, the ceremony being performcd by Kuv. John Beacb, the tirst Presbyterlan pastor ever installed in Ann Arbor. To-morrow Mr. and Mrs. Bliss will have been nianïed tifty years, and it is propoMd by their children that the day thttll be uppropiiately observed. Of the cuildreti who are to be present to rroiv to asMst tliis aged conple in obMrvlng tlielr golden anniversary, will be: Mrs. A. T. HUI mul fumily, of Fourth ave, DetTttit; Mrs. A. JobntOII and son, of St. Paal, Mimi.; Mr. W. Bliss and wife, of Kansia Ci y. M).; Qllbert Bliss and lamily, of Ann Arbor. Hale llliss, of Cliicago, the only child not present bas been detaioed becaiise of licknoM In lus tamily. Airs. Paul Jlinnis, a sister of Mrs. Bli?s, will also be present. For a halfeen tu ry this couple have resided in our City; Imve ri-ared a fumily of cliiklren and geen them scittered through many state:.; have seen chauges that at tin; date o( tlnir man iage the most visionary dreamer never thought of. To-day they are honored and rtspected members of our comnniiiity, and with their children many cltizeue will rejotee tbat they have been periuiittd to celébrate their golden wedding- a privilege granted to but few.