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MVSOMC imii.i rom.; A!" AkbobCosimasdkiiy, No 1! meets nrt Tuesday of eacli mouili, W. Q. Doty, K. C; W. a. Tolchiirü. Recorder. VfuuriiAvr Chavtku, No. h, K A. M.- Uaeti flrHi Mouiluy etiel month. Isaac H.uuly, H. f.; Z. ltoulli, Secrelnry. BUSINESS CARDS. W. II. JACKSOX, ÜilESIIKTIITIIIllSIITIL CXK'F'ICK : Oyer Buch & A bel 's Irj Good Store. Entrance next to National Bank. _ WIL.LL4J1 iii:kz. House, Sign, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! PaperiDK, Glazinfi, Gilding, nd Calcimininc, and work of every dexcrtptiou doue in the bet stylc, and wtrranted to give atlsfaction. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Ann Arbor. W W. & A. C. HICHOLS, Kooms Over Ann Arbor SnTings Bank, Masonic Temple Block. GAS or VITIIiIZED AIR Adminlntercd for the palnlesa extraction ot teeth. IOMIII BEBKV, The Practical TAILÜR AM) CI1TTBB, Of the ilrm u. WINANS HKIÍKY. ha located hi iilacr ( bmllWM t NO. 7 HURON STREET, WITH A Kl'I.I. 1.1NE OF Suitings and Trouserings, And would eay to hin old friends and new onej that if they wam a Ooi) FIT and NOBBT FIT at BKA8ONABLK PKICKS. cali on him and they wilt be aurc to jfet one. CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Scurity held for the protection of the policy hoeders. CHRISTIAN MACK Ueprearnta the followlne firsKlacB compnnies, of whica one, the .Ktna. ha alono paid $5ti,ÜUO,0üO lire Iomi'b in nlxty-flve years : JEtna, of Hartford % 9,102,644 Kraiikliu of Philadelphia 3,118,713 Germania, N. Y 2,700,729 Germán American, N. Y 4,066,968 Lomion Assurance, London... 1,416,788 Michiitan P. & M., Detroit. . . 287,608 N. Y. Underwritera, N. Y 2,596,679 National, Hartford 1,774,505 Phoenix, Brooklyn 3,759,036 I.osscs libcrally adjusted and promptly paid. Policies iisued at the lowest ratcs of premium. llVHf lumberTi LUMBER! LUMBEH! ir yon contémplate building, cali at FERDON Lui lm! Corner Fourlh apd Depot Sts., and ge our figures for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Lamber and guarantee AERY LOW PRICES 4L-Give us a cali and we witl make it to vour interest, as our large and wi-ll i; stock fully su&tains our assertion. Telephune Connct-tions with Office. T.J. KEECH Supt. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop NOTICE. MSSOLUTIOM OF PARTNERS Hl JP. "VfOTICE Is hereby glven tliat the partnerXl Mp heretofore exlHtliiK tn-t wfen Harvey Oornwell, Henry CornwHl and Wtlllam H. Frencli haa been dlssulved by mutual coneut. Credltors of sald flrm are hereby requested to present thelr claims for payment on or befor Huturday. September 5th, I8S.1), at the odlce of Cornwell Bros., at Koster'. In the Townahlp of A ii u Arbor, Waslitenaw Couuty, Mlohlgan. liltl AugUHt U4, 1885. (Signed) HARVEY CORNWELL, HKNRY COKNWRLL, WM. H. FUBROH. É Wkalflïé'ïLtaxl. Oíd lUthi Rtm-mrá. f % n for circuUn. E. J. KNOWLTON. Ann Arbor. Mich. ? COHPI.KTE ARKAENOMENT TOR Pijsiciia iü Families. Neiter aai Cheaper AND HORS CODtTVEISriEITT THAN A STATIONARY BATH TUB, WITH KO EXPENSE OP BATH ROOM AND FIXTUKES. ÈVÈRY LIVE MERCHAÑT n ANN AKBOR. Should advertise in THE COURIER. 1 TinTrm Senfllx cent for posUge. A I U I ƒ L and recelve tree, a cootly box H I 11 I P ' Kod" which wlll belp you il I I I II I J-tomoremoneyrlghtaway thn anythinit dei: la Ibis world. Alliofeliher nei, nccccd from flrut honr. The nroad road to fortnne openn beloru the workcni, oolutely ure. At oncu addreas, Tku & Co., AuifUBU, Malne.


Ann Arbor Courier
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