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One of the many attractive fcaturos of tho wonderful spectacular drama of the Streeta of New gofk, Saturday nlght, at the opera house, will be tne moft! üssgntft cent Ure scènes ever put upon the stage. It will be under the commandant! charge of the fire company of tUe city of Ann Arbor, who will appear upon the stage with íire entines, hose, etc. A mistake was nmtle iti the last Courier ia aniiouDciiig WeiUling Bella for Mouday evenlng. It will be pioduced Frklay eveninc. Kememlxr wliat was said of the McDowelIs last week, and just add this to it, taken from thu Montreal Gazette, Sept. 19 : Those old Montreal favorltes, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. McDowell, have evitlently a strong altractlon thia season In "Wedding Bells," George Fawcett liowt-'s new plece, whlch they have been pluying al the Urand Opera house Otlawa, to bii business. Tlieir company Is an excellent one, and the play Is admlrably put on the stage, severa! novel features belng lntroduced, such as a living representatlon of Bartholdl's statue, whlch 1h extremely eflfectlve. .Mis. .McDowell has a part whlch shows In a marked degree the ver8ataüty of her talent, and she has never perhaps looked more eliarinlng or dtsplnyed more l'ully that winning mannerand ïldellty to nature whlch so emlnently dlstlngulslied her than In the earller scènes us tlie brlght. loving, noble-rolndd wotnan, Xor has slie ever showa more real power and depth of pathos than when later she 19 the strlcken mother, ever aearchlng ior her lost llttle one. Mr. McDowell, too, as Jack Uromley, K. N., Is enabled to display not only those qualities whlch have won for him such favor, but aUo powers of burlesqne, and inoreover In the last scène, of rapld adaptatioii to obangea, whlch showed hls taleut In n wlder range than heretofore. STREKTS OF NEW YORK. All theatre goers know without onr telling thein that when the great lioniface comes it tneans business. On Saturday of this week he will ])roduce the popular play "The Streets of Xew York," with a car load of scenery giving a correct picture of Union Square N. Y. by moon-liglit, the Old Tenant House in Baxter St., and one of the greatest lire gcenes ever witnessed. Mr. Bonifuce will be supported by the eame company as at the Chicago Acadeniy the past week, where he appeared to the largest business that has been done the past Matón, hiindreds belng turned away at every performance, unable to gain even stamlmp room. Keserved seata are ready at Post Office at popular pnces.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News