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A3NUAL TAX SALES. Auditor Gbnebal's Ornen i IíANSINO, MlCHIUAN, Jl I,V 1, 18 80 mnoh of each of tue followlnic desrrlbe tractfi or paroeJs of Land, slluati-d ni th (. ounty of WiKlitpnuw, tfllnciieiit for un pal Taje os, lor the y tai h mentioned helow, na wi besnfüclent to pay thu laxes, Interest, an rlmrgoi thereon, will be snid ty the treafi urer of aid Couuty, on I ha llrsi Tuesd I 1 'i-lnht-r noit, ut such public and oonvODlen place as he thall Mleot Ín Aun Arlmr, th county Feat o( sald oouoty, Aooordlog to th ¦taime Ín mu-U cuse made and provtded, W.M. ('. si EVENS, Auditor lieuernl. 1K80. CITY ()F Y1SI1,ANTI. ï 2 & -a m 2 2 xa o h 5 u E W}4 of a párcel or lnnd corn. o e ror of w of i w4 ec 10, t 3 1 r 7 -, ttiunce w 20 tmis. iheuce 12 rudo, thenre o 20 rodo, thence 12 rod. 6.51 3.01 .00 10.7 1882. Totrn 1 Sovth, RanijeG Eatl. ¦i 4 i % i 'é I Isa ai S fc m O H 8ciofwllü. 8 40 1.10 .88 .00 2.05 7buwi 4 tiouth, Rangt 7 fiítt. N pt. oí a w W. 7 75 3.17 1.01 .00 4.7 Wí"eJ. 80 1.41 .4(1 .(W 2.50 Ett 'ie),. 24 80 1.44 .48 .60 2.ó( KU" ueï. IA 80 1.44 .40 .60 2.50 Wí("ie!í, 25 so 1.44 .4Ü .10 .í SeofseH. 6 40 6.4 1.74 .60 7.80 S w ü ot n w ü. 36 40 0.24 1.99 .10 B B CITY OF ANN ARHOR. LoUll, 12 and 13,blk5, e.r. 3 ¦. 4.04 1.39 .60 5.93 About 4 acrot of land on the W, aide of Man" M., bonuUed n. by J. D. Duncau's land, e by Manu at., i, by Cafvert'8 and w by J. M. Wueeler'a land. 5.33 1.70 .60 7.6'i S S' of 7 aeree of land, bomided s by Millerave. w by Mili race and e by Alien' i r, rk uid n by atreel. 13 S3 i. .0 18.18 Lot boundtd n by Utiubb rond . by H. U, a by Iliacock'a land aud Wost bv C. Sturm'a 1 md. 'a.6fi .85 .00 4.11 A plrce of lniul booadad e by Wilniz lunil. ¦ Ijy Cbubt)'(j ro id ai. ti w lu a po:ut, aud ti by II u.ilio at. 2.00 .01 .80 3.21 llrown's and f'uüi r's AdíiUiOn. A pie e uf land coui. ti ít. s w alun' Bmadway Irom tbt; s tí córner ol nt 1, blk. 7. Theuce g w ítfl.loig lruadwnylo alore No. ) ; thence n w aloiií; ihe Uní' oí aaid store 60 le; therce u e parallel tu Broadwuy ii lt.; tliuncu a i' (W it. tu pluce of beKiuniui', blk 7. 190 ,88 .0 2.18 The n w!4', tr. ln width off s e4ft. iu lengib ol tlie ii c üO ft. wico ui lot 1, blk 8. 1.91 ai .00 8.12 Ingalt't Addition. Mld. % uf K.ts 7, 9 aud l(i, blk 2 n r 15 e. 3.42 1.09 .00 5.11 MuynarJ and Morgan' i AdMI'wn. Lo:e E. U. and J. 4.92 Ü3 .00 I li ltrír$'dge's Additlon. Lot 15, blk 4. .90 .28 .60 1.78 " 9, blk 8. .411 .15 ,(i0# t.M R. S. Umitli Jrd addition. Lol.iUlkl. 2.32 74 .80 8.60 CITY Oí' YPSILANTI. Pimcl of land liouuded w by land of J. Rosa, u by Uuton river, e by an alley, e by laLd or .1. Koan. 1.5a .50 .00 2.80 Original liat. Lot 40. 1.20 .38 .110 2.18 Bartholomew's AddUion. Lotí 109, 110. 112 and 114. 4.68 1.4J .00 8.77 Davú Addition. S Hof lot 22. 1.57 .50 .60 Í.8J Iluntei's Addition. LO181. 1.57 .50 .00 2.67 II. W. Larzdciïl Addilmn. Lot 38. l.W .1!) .60 l.(i Norris and Croas' AddUion. K'Aol lotSBT. 4.72 1.51 ,4D Í.88 WenUrn AddUion. Koflot6. 4.78 1.52 .00 ü !H) VILLAQE OF C1IEL8EA. Town 3 South, Range 3 Aut 12J crcB, s e Í4 of n e 4 bounded n by Mili cieuk, e by Vau Ordau'a laúd, s by M. (J. K. B., w by ilucu'tj laúd. 12 11 50 13. 40 4.28 .60 18.48 Land bounded n by Miil creek, e by bcuuun'u land a by M. U. K. K,, w by Cnnty'8 lund. 12 2.oo .lió ü'j ;;.3i VII.LAOE OF DELHI. Lot 5, blk i. 4.35 l.W) M B.84 VII.LAÍÍK ÖP DKXTEB. ImI 0. blk :. . 2.64 .81 M I BS 12, bikaj. .43 .18 .0u l.n. V1LLAOE OF MANCHESTEE, Oranger ana Morgun's AddHion. Lola 1 aud 2, blk. 2 6.02 1.92 .00 8.54 VILLAGE OF SïLvan. Lot 13, blk 9. .45 .14 .80 1.19 SlcCormick't J'lat-l'own 3 South, Jtaiyr 7 Kust. Lol 3. .Wi .9) .M 1.S0 Pa.tee't AddUion- Toun s South, Range 7 Kust, Lot7, .04 .17 .00 1.81 UN. Town i South, Rar,ge 3 Eat. 10 acres oft" tbe a md of w '4 ol n u J4 of n e .. M 10 2.45 .49 .00 3.54 Town U Souli, Range A East. S e 't ni i" u '4 except 10 aerea fouih tñdc. 13 30 2.10 .42 .0J 3.12 Tawn 1 íáouth. Range 6 Kast. A plece of land bounded nonti by Granara' lamí, e by hlgbway, a by Cioae'a land, und w by üruham'a land. 5 .20 1.18 .23 .00 2 01 8ei,orwlH. 6 40 .60 .12 .00 1.32 Town 1 South, Range 7 East. Wjíofiwü. 35 79 625 1.25 .60 8.10 Town t, South, Range 7 East. E!,olne(,. 25 80 2.16 .43 .IR) 3.19 Wjíofee. 25 80 2.16 .43 .00 3.19 S e oí a w , 32 40 9.09 1.81 .60 11.50 CUY OF ANN AKBOH. Lot 8 boDiidi'd n by Miller ave., e by School lot, s by 1. Godlrey'a luud, aud w by Jauiea Kttaon'a land. 25.60 5.12 .60 31 32 Lot 9, blk 5 s r, 8 e. .18 .u3 80 si " 1, " 7 a of 11. St. H. 12 e. 40.63 8.12 .0 49 35 " 11, 12 and 1.'), blk 5b r 3 w. 3.82 .70 .60 5.18 Lota 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 2J llnka ofl' lile sortnaideof 6, eiciípt the ilght ut way of T. A. A. & G. T. R. H. blk 4 a i 7.01 1.52 .00 9.70 A piece of laúd bounded n by Mudi.-on '. a b} 'i'bompaon at. h ruuuiu to a puiut, ' by Packard ai. blk ti a. 3.01 .00 .60 4.24 The a )í ofTacreeofland.boundid s by MiHerave , w hj Mili race, u ly Allau'e Creik, n by t'elch st. 12. 80 2.5t .6) 15.96 Lot boandfld n by Chub's road. e by Hailrcud, by lliacock'e land and w by Siorm'ü land. 2.56 .51 .00 3 (,7 A piece of land bounded e by Wildt's and, s tiy Cnul) road, w to polnt and n by Uamliu lt. .28 .05 .80 .91 Brown and Fullers Addition. A piece of land 25 í. by 100 ft. out of the n e corii'T ni lot 9 blk 8. 1.39 .27 .00 2.26 A píete of land com. 22 ft. a w alunj; Broadwai fiomtbe e e comer ot lot 1, b,k 7, thence ¦ w i ft. along Broadway to atore Mo. , tlience n w aloiiij tlie lino oí caid store 00 ft., tornee n e paral el lo Broadwuy 22 lt. ihc-nce e lili lt. to place of fcnjghmlHL 1.39 .27 .60 2.26 Davidton and Quitau's Add.iujn. Lot S, 4, 0, 7 and 8, blk 2. .68 .13 .00 1.41 " 1 i, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 nd 12, blk S. 1.53 .30 .lio 2.43 " 3, 4. 5, 7, nnd 8, blk 6. lis .1.) .lio 141 ' 1, 'i, 4,5. U, 8, 9 aud 10, blk 7. 1.03 .20 .00 1 82 JWriilge's AddUion. Lot 15, bk 4. 1.04 .20 .00 1.84 " 9, blk 6. .56 .11 .60 1.27 S. 3. Smilhs Srd Addiliun. Lot 3, blk 1. 136 .27 .0 2 2! CITY OF YPSILANTI. Parcel of land bounded n by land of S. II. Astrnnder, e by Platt at., s by land of H. H. Brinkeholl' w by laúd of S. II. Aatrandcr. ÏM M 60. 2.95 Parcel of land bounded n by Oongreaa at., e by Biver at., a by Street, w by land of II. Bishop. 13.20 2.04 .00 Hi lt Original Plat. Lot 40. 9.84 .46 .60 3.40 Barllwlomew'ii Addition. Lot 98. 2.31 40 .60 3.40 JJavit' Addition. N, ofLot22. 147 .29 .00 2.36 Lot S2. 2.20 .44 .60 3.24 Follell, VougU and Holmes AddUion. Lot 606. 29.97 5.99 .80 36.56 (Jilberft East AddUion. Lot 18. 3.87 .73 .60 5.00 J. W. lUmplUWt AddUion. Lot 11. .93 .19 .00 1.77 Hatíter'e AddUion. Lot 81. 2.20 .41 .00 3.21 " 83. 4.42 .88 .60 5.90 II. ir. Larzelere's Addition. Lot 38., 1.55 .31 .60 2.46 Mor AddUion. Lola 18, 19, 40 and 41. 1.9Ö .39 .00 2.95 Morse Addition. Lot I. i :n i; .on 8.40 " 40 and 41. 2.34 .40 .00 3.-1U Morse and lialUntint, Lot 6 and e i rod iu wldth of lot 5, blk 3. 11.26 2.25 .60 14 11 Norrif and Crots AddUion. K'Aot lot 287. 4.62 .1)2 0D 0 14 3 roda in wldth off a eud of lotK 301, 806 and SM Í.S0 .46 .80 3.3K Lot 319. 23.4!) 5.S .80 32.38 VILLAOE OF CHBLSEA. Land bonnded n hy Mili crcek, w byj. Baife'n land, a by Norlh et., e by quarter Sec. line on s e ü of n w }4. 12 8 83 4.83 .0 .80 6 39 Land bounded n by Norlh et., w by K.-lly road ¦ by W. C. K. R., aud e by W. II. Olark'e land ön ¦ Kwiw),! a 4 61 6.80 1.10 .0 7.56 VILLAGE OF DEXTER. Lot ii, bik 3. 3.03 .60 .110 4.83 VILLAGE OF MANCHESTER. Lot 8, blk29,stc. 2 2.29 .4.i .00 9 84 VILLAGE OP 8YLVAN. Lota 12 anü 13, bik 9. 4S .08 .60 1.10 Bennett's Hat - 'Jovm 3 South, Ranee 5 Eatt. Lot 30 36 35 1.01 .20 .60 l.M Mcüormick's Plat to Ypsllanti-Town i South, Range 7 Eael. bol ;. 1.17 Jt 60 a.oo Pallee'i Addition to Ypnlanti-Town 5 South, liange 7 Eatt. 1.OÍ7. .6T .13 .60 1.40 AV'ASIITKNAW C'OINTY THKASUKEK'S 1 ÜFfKK. Ann Akiiiib, Ai.-oi;.st Oth, 1885.1 NOTICE Is hereby glveu, that the nle of limdsiii Wiislitcnaw Couiity. dvertlsed by 1 1 ¦ A ndltor General, ¦ delinquent for taxes of 18H.Í (aud prcvlous years) wlll be held at the Uounty Tnnsuier's In Anu Arbor, Mich., i in' oounty sent of sald connty, commencing on Tiu'silay, the lilli day of October next, at nlne o'clock a. m., and continué from day to day (isuudays excepted) uut 1 1 the same shall liavc been atxposou i aooordlng lo law. FREDERICK II. BEL8EK, County Treasurer.


Ann Arbor Courier
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