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W (KROYAL. 'K.iJ Ji B POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thls powdernever varíes. A marvel of purity, streuütli and wholesomeness. More ecouotnical tnan the ordinary kindH, und cannot be sold In cumpetillon wil h the multitude of low test, Hhorl welght, aluin or phosphate powders. Soldonly In oans. Itoyul Baklng l'owder (o . 100 Wall it., N. Y. SKIN'BLOOD HieM from Pimple to Scrofiila Cured by Cuticura. HUNDHEDS of Letters in our possession, copies of htch may he had by return of mail. repeat tliifl story: - I have been a terrible sufferer for yc ars from Diavase of the Skin nnd Bluod ; have bein obliged to ahun public places bv renon of my dihütfurlnx humorfi ; bave h id the best phaictai'B; n ivt' fpi-nt hundreds of dollars and j;ot no reliel untll I ued thu (.vticuba hEMEUiB-, whlch huvc cnred mn and left m .skin and bluod as pare au a chitd'8. COVEREI) WITH SAM' RHEUM. Cuticdba HirnKUiKs are the ureatest medicines oneartb. Had the worst case of Salt Kheum in this country. My mother had it twenty yeara and in fact died from it. I believe C'utioori wnald have sa? d her life. My arms, breast and head were covered lor three years which nothlnit relievod or cured until I used the Cuticuka Risolvent, Internally, and C'uticuka and Cut.cuka Soai', exterually. Newark, O. J. W. ADAMS. HEAD, FACE AND BODY RAW. I comnenced (o uce your Cuticura Remedies lat July. My head and face and some parts ol my lody were nlmost raw. My hend was covered wlih scaiis and sores, and my sunVrtng was reartal. I had tried ev.rytblng I bad heard ol In the b.Ht and West. My case vu coni-idered a very bad oiic. I have uow not a partiële Skin Humor ab'int me, and my ca e I considered wonderful. Uecatur, Mich. MBS. 8. E. WUIPPLB. ECZEMA FROM HEAD TO FEET. Charles Kavre Hinkle, Jersey City HeUhu, N. J. writMi "My MU a lul Of twclve yearf, was coinpli'tely cured of a terrible cne of K..emaby the Cutickka Reühmks Krom the tup of hU head to the soles of nis tet was one massol scabs. Every other remedy and physlcians had been tried in vain. NOTHINtt LIKE CUTICURA. Th hall has not been told of Cuticura Rvkdibi- I hve paid uandred of dollars lor mcdt cine to cure disea-es of tne blood and akln, and never fonndanjtulüg yet to equal the Cuticura R"ov.ld"llco, B. I., CHAS. A. WILLIAMS. OUTICIJBA RKMEDIKS. Cuticui a Remedies are cold everywhere. Prlce, Cuticura. 50c; Ke-olvenl, 1.00; Soap, 9 cent. Preparad by Fottsk üruq and Chbmical Co., tíoston, Mase. ¦senil for"IIow to cure HUla Iee __ TTT)C pimple, Skln Blemlchus and Baby Uit U JjO, llumorij cured by Cuticura Soap. SNEEZE ! SNEEZE ! #bNEFZK untíl your head se ms rcady to fly off; untíl your nose and eyea di cliaree eitcosive quantitles "f thin, irrllallnii watery fl[ild ; untll your head achea mouth and throat parcheë, and blood at fever heal. This i an Acote Cnarrb, and Ib stantly relleved bv u Blu'li! dose, and permanenllv curert by one bottle of San !Kmi-T RADICAL C'UKE forCatabkh. Complete Treatment with Inhaler, $1. '¦The only absolute xpeclflc we know Mtd. Times "The ct we hye found n a llfetlme of nuflerinir."- Rn: Wiggin, Boston. "After a loniftrii""le ith Catarrb the Kadicalí üre his conniuTe(l."- t. 3. W Monroe, Lewisburg. A. I bnve nit f'Mind a cani'thal it (lid not relieve at once."--jlir; Lee, Manchester, Masa. Potter líruií aml lieinlral o ., Boston. HOW'S YOUR RlIEUMATlZt is a quentlon that appuaU to every tortured victim of Kheuma tiirn.who flnd the ordlnary piaster and linimL-nts powerlei8 to rt-ltt v hirn. To mich the -M (_,Ttk üba Anti Pain Plastkb Ií JU an clvant and never l'nlliili; "urce ot f W relief, banishlug rhoumatlc, neural);ic. lw -ciatic, Budduii, íharp and nervou Jl#pain a ny mngic. New, original, a'iciy, -ali-. At druifriKtB, -te.; flvo for one dollar, malled free. Potter Druo and Medical Co't, Hoi-ton. W. TREMAIN, GENERAL [nsürance Jen! OFFICE, Oyer Casper Rinsey's Brocery Store, OOR. HURÓN AND FOURTICSTS.. North British Insurance Co., Of London and Edinburg. ICapltal, 13,000,000, Gold. Detroit Fire and Marine Insurance Co., Caab Aaeeti 600,000. SprlngflMd Ins. Co. of Massachusetts, CwhAMets Í1.800.000. Howard Ihs. Coinpany of New York, CUAB6ts $1,000,000. Agricultural lus. Co., Watertown, N.Y., Ch Aeta 1 ,200,000. Lom9 Mborally Adjunlod od Promptly Pld.


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