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THE ANN ARBOR II lïïli W Are now ready to recelve appllcatlons from partles desi ring lo use water. For tlnss.'uson llie Company wlll Xakr the ('onuerllon iili the .Mttiim and Lu) I'li.c to the Mil.-w nik Line TTIT3 I_."T7" ApplIcatloiM should be made at the office of COR. HUROX AD FOÜRTH ST8. 126ÓWU Estáte of Abigail L. Majnard. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Coonty of Wathtenaw, M. At a uuaalon of the Probate Court for the County 01 Waahte-naw, bolden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tnesday, th twenty -niaiii day ol September, in the year one thousand elght hundred and elghiy flve. Present, Wllliam IJ. Harriman, Judye t Probate. In the matter of tbe estáte of Ablgail L. Mayiiard, incompetent. On readlng and fliinii the petltion, dulT verlüed, of Francts K. Lana'.ng, suardlau, praylng that he raay be licensed to nell eertain real eetate beloni:in_' to said lucompetent. Tbereopun lt ík ordcred, that Thursday, tbe 29th day of Oetober next, at ten o'clock In thi1 ftirenoon, bi aeaiened for the hearing of -.ifd petition, and that tlie nextol kin of said tncouiptftent and all other persone Intercsted in said estáte, are rt'qulred to uppear at a senion of aaid court, then to be holden at the Probate Ofllce. in (he city of Ann Arbor. in said county and show cause,ltany there ln-t why tbe prayer of the petltlooer should not be granted And it is furiher ordered, that said pttiiiomr give notlce to the persons intcrested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petltion. and the hearing tbereol, by caasln a copy of thie order to be [ublished in tbe Ann Arbor 6'ounVr, a newspaper priiited and circulatin tn said county, three sneretMve weeks prvionn to said day ol hearing. WILI.IAM D. HAKRIMAN. (A trae copy.) Jadee of WM. U. UOTY. Probate Reíister. 14W5-1J8 ANN ARBOR SATINGS BANK, s ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, Transacts Qeneral Banking Business. CAPITAL, $60,000. Orcanlzed onder tbe General Banking Law of thla Siat.-. the stockholdore individaally Hable for au additional amouut equal to thestock held by them, thereby creatina a Gaurantee Fund for the benefit of Depositora of $100,000.00. Three per cent. interest is allowed on all Savlnes Oepootti of one dollar and upwards, accordiDK to the rule ol the Bank and Intercet compmndfil senii-annaally Koney to Loan on unincumben-d real ustate and other ooó security. DIRECTORS : l'IIKISTIAN MACK, Wm. I). HARRIMAN, W. W WiNES. DANIEL HISCixK, WII.LIAM DKHBEL, Wll.l.AKU B. SM1TH. DAVID RIN9KY. OFFICERti: C. MA(JK, Pre. W. W. WINES, Vice-Prfs. 0. E. HISCOCK.Oaahler. T WK WANT 1000 MOKK HOOK AGhiNTS VVU THE PERöONAL HltjTORY OF Send for ftpniat 'ltrmt to Agent, or secure agen er t once ty sendlng ;) et in tiu foroutflt. AdilrtsK KOKNI1KK Je Hi-W %K IV CinaiDnati.O. Vil II Senán5cantipoiita(!."nd Y U J W U U Talue, tliat 111 sun yw I" work that will at once brins tou in mony tol" than anythinK else in America. All abnot ihe .W,IKX) In prwenta witb each box. Aecrti "ted ieryhere. of either !ex, of all aifes, l"r all 'i" time, or spare time only, to work for ds at Uie'r own bomen. Kortunos lor all workers absoluteiy esured. Doa't delay. H. Hí & C0„ Poand, Matne.


Ann Arbor Courier
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