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POWOER MOST PERFECT MADE Proparprt tiv u'dt, luhcuiiu. Ho Ammonla, i - ¦ i - o or Ahua. fr '8SY SCÈNE IN rBANCE "%C Gathering Grapes for Mukinp Cream of Tarlar for DR.PRICE'S CREAM BAK1NG POWDÍR KJ SPECIAL iÖEXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE Pnrest and Itrongeat Natural Fruit Flavors. VanlUa, Lemon, OraDge. Almond, Rose, utc, Bavor as dellcately and nuturally :is the fruit. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., ciiicago. ir. Louis. CURES ALL HUMORS, Trom a oommon Rlotrli, or I'ruptioii, to the worst M rotula. Sal I-r li. u m, "l'nrr.Mip-," Bcaly or R on ){li Skin, in snort all dlseaaei cauaod by tad h]od are conquered lv thl powerful, purifying, and In vlyoratlnir medicine. Sreat laiiii; II. -rr rupi-li v hcal under iis bonitrn bmuence. EspoHally lina it manlfetted tta potonry in uurtng 'IVIKt, Ronc Kash, Bolín, Cv lm iicli-, Sorc Eyr, ScroruloiiN Korea and su Iliny. lifu-Joiut Dinc-nnc, uiilio Surelllnga, Go Ure, or Thick N k, mul lulu: ü 1 ;laiitlx. s. nd ten . in Rampa for a large treattoe, wttb colored plnto6, on! Skin Discascs, or tbe eamc itniount foratreatise n Sci-dfulousAffootions. "Tlli; III. OOIt IS THE I.IFF." Thorfniiibly cteanw it by usinir Ir. Pierce wolden lrlii al Discttvrr), and fEOOd l u-stiiu, a fair kin, buoyaiit pirIts, vital -li -ruuili, aml HouiiducHti ol iMistiiutioii, will Líe esUfblislied. CONSUMPTION, which is Scrofulou DiHear of iho l.iiiigM, is promptly and ontalnly arrestod and oured ly tlus Qod-olven remcdy, if taken p fh insf sfavr of thedisease are reaohed. From lts "wondrrlul power ovit una w-muiy fatal lüM-usc, wheo Ont otleriiiB this now eet ebi-ated remedy to the pabilo, Dr. Piehci thought aeriously of tiilliiiK it his "C'ouHuniptlon Cure," bnt abandoned Ui ut name as too limited for a medicine whicli, from its WOtkdorrui combi nation of tonio, oretrttniiirthciiitiK. alteratJve, or btood-deanainff. anti-biliuus, ¦iai, and nutritivu properties, is unequaled, not mly as a rpmedy for consuinption of the lungs, but for all CHRONIC DISEASES OF THE Liver, Blood, and Lungs. r lf you feel dull, drowsv, debllltated, have Hillow color of skin, or ycllowish-brown spots on boe or body, frequent headache or dlzziness, bad taste in mouth, interna] heat or chilla, altotnatlng wito hot ilashes, low spirits and ííl'Kiiiiy tHn-eboóüngs, irregular appètitc, and ooated tongua, you are euffpringr trom lndiïiiiioi. l M'iia, and 'l'orpid l,i r, or "H IHoiiniickn." In inany cases only part of these symptoins are experieneed. Ab a remedy for all sucn cases. Dr, PiercO' ;ldcu medical Discover} has no equ&L Kor AVcak I,ii lig, SpiltliiK of Blood, Shortneaa of Hrealli, Hroiirliitis, Severe ('nuclis, ihi iil and Undred affft-tiuns, it is a sovereigrn remedy. Sinil Usn cents in statnps for Dr. Pierces book on Consumption. Sold by Drugglstii. rnlliL 3I.Uu, ron $0.00. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Proprietors, &ÏJ Main St., BcFFALO, N. Y. KVxfcVCS LITTLE 'ifjLX O a s a ví t t VER. "Vewöi pills. tM'MIII.UMS and CATHARTIC. Sold by llruettism. 25 cents a vial. %$500 REWARD mrit4 offtTi-d by the proprirtors Vmi "f Ir. Safre'" fatarrh Remctly ƒ foracaseof catarrh wblch they _yi amnot c-urc. 4 'm 1 f }'"U have n dischnrfire f rom Mk Èy '10 noe, offensive or otherr wise, partial lossofsmcll, taste, OT hearing, weak eyes, dull pain or pressiire in head, you have Catarrh. Thousands of OB06Í termínate in consumption. Dr. Safre's Catakkh Kemedv cures the worst casis of Catarrli, "Cold in the Head," and Catarrbal Ileadacbe. 50 cents. MMUNITYfromANNOYANCE Pat. Oot. SOth, 1883. J f Made only of (hc finont and bontqnallty ( 'UlaHH fur witliNtuudiiiK beat. Evory good thingf is Counterfeited, and consumere are CAUTIONBD agaiiist IMITATIONS ol these Chimneys made of VERY POOB GLASS. See that the exact label is on each chimney as above. The Pearl Top is always clear and bright Glass. BEunul'nctured OLT by GEO. A. M ACBETH & CO. Plttabargb l.entl OIuhm Wurkn. FOB SALE BY DEALEBS.


Ann Arbor Courier
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