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I K0EI1M & l Illlilli. JSWELERS AND OPTICIANS, IMPORTERS OF DIAM0ND6, WATCHES, CLOCKS BKONZES, MARBLE 8TATUAKY, ART FOTTERY, ül'EHA OLASSES, FANS, BRIC-A-BRAC, ETC. JOBBERS AND RETAILERS OF ELGIN AND WALTHAM WATCII ké STERLINO SIIA'EKWARE, AMERICAN CLOCKS, THIPLE PLATKD BILVERWARE, FINE CUT GLASS, KTC, KT, (7MBRELLAS. 110 WOODWARD AVE., DKTROIT Ol'ERA HOU8B BLOOK. DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN. BOLK STATE AOBKT8 TOR PATHK.l PHIUPPB COs OBLEBBATED WATCHES. 1 THE BEST Halr restoratlve Ín tho workl !s TUtL'8 H air Iíkn kweu. It cures all (lisea-sos of tbe scalp, and stimulaten thc halr glands to healthful action. It topa the íalling of tbohair; prevenía Hs turnlngray; cures baldnes, and restores youthful color aud freshness of appearaneo to heada already whlt with age. Tho íollowing are u lew illustrations of wbat U done by HALL'S YBgetablB Siciliau HAIR RENEWER: W M rs. HtTKSRZRRT, S44 Frantlin Ave., Bnoklyn% K. }'., after a severo attmk of Eryatpelaa ín tho head, fonnd tacr huir - alrraay gray - fnlling off ao rapidly that abe soon becama quito bald. Ono bottlo of Hali.'s Hair Rkkiwir brought IC back aa soft, brown aud tliick aa wbea abo waa a girl. f Mr. KESLrKO, an oíd farmer, ncar War$atc, Ind., bad acarcely any bair left, and wbat linio thero waa of it bad oeconie ncurly white. Une bottle of Hall's Bair Kknkweb atopped Ha falhng out, and gave )itn a thick, lumriant bead of bair, aa brown and fresb aj ho ever bad. Mrs. A. T. Wall, Greevjleld, Chtihirt, Zng., writcs: "I havo found tho atreateat ben. eflt from tho uno of Halls Hair Keniwcb, it having rcBtorcd ray bair, wbich waa rapily Cali íují on, and returned iu original color." fía. Emú. bíip, jjetroit, íicA., eertiflea tl.nt "IlAl.L'a IlAIIt Uenkwir la cicellent for hair f rowinjf, and glvea back tbo natural color to faded aud gray hair. $ff Mita. S. Tt. Ei.i.iott, GltntttU, W. Va., saya: "Ono bottlo of Hall's Haib Rihiwir restored ruy hair to iu natural, youthful color." Ko Injurlou iubatances enter tnto tho compositlon of Hall's Hair Kknewer, and it íh not a dye. Its vegetable ingredienta render It intho highest degreebencfn-iiil to the scalp as a preventiva of ilisease. Its effecta are natural and lastin, and it does not make the dry and brashv, like the so-callcdrestoratlvcs compounded with alcohol. Buckingham's Dye FOB THE WHISKERS Is, In four respecta, superior to all others. lat - It will produce a rlch, natural color, brown or black, as desired. 2d - The color o producetl la permanent, cannot bc waued off, and will notioilanything with whlch it comes in contact. 3d - It in a single preparation, and more convenient of application thau any other bair or whisker dye. 4(h - It contalns no deletertous Ingredleuui, as do many preparatloiu offercd for Uke use. PREPARKD BV K. P. HAIJi & CO., Nashna, ?í. H. . Sold by all Dealen ia Medicines. 1 BURDOCK bTIc 5d ""BTTflRS! Burdock Blood Bitters That Ache 'in Small of Back. Burdock Blood Bitters IEMEVIS Weary, Aching Bones. Burdock Blood Bitters CRB DysPepsia. DMPtpiU. Gewts:- I feel it mv duty to sayrespecting Burdock Blood Bitters, that it ia the best medicine I ever took. I guffered two or threeyears from stomach troubles and dyspcpsi,as well as from liver and kidney complaint. I was not able to attend to my business. My wife was afflicted in much the iame way. We read of your Bitters ia the papers and made up our minds that we would iry them. The rcsult is my wife and I began to improre at once, and 1 am now able to do more hard work than before in ten years. It relieved mv kidney troubles as well. We botb. wi tou, Üwj makers of it, Godspced. JObEPH LANDON, Chelea, Vt C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 South Main StM Ann Arbor. The oldent ageney in the city. Establlahed over a quarter of acentury ao. RepreMentlng the iollowiug flrHt-clus compauis, wltl over $00,000,000 Capital and Act8. HOME INS. CO., of New York. CONTÏNKNTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA INS. CO., of New York. QIRARD INS. CO., of Phlladelplila. ORIËNT INS. CO., of Hartford. COMMKRCIAL UNION, of London. MVKRP00L, LONDON and QLOBS. WA.sill.NHiTDN VlBMt aud MARINE of Boston. Ratei Low as the Lowest, Ixses Liberally Adjusted and promptly l'iiitl. C. II. MILLEN. p P P'S Popular Pullman Palace Parties SVBiSCRÏBE FOR THE The Aun Arbor Courier.


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