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' Th' best ui earth1 can tmly be snld l Orífgs' Ulycerine Silve - :i spredy CU re tal tri nl ;ill skin tniitions. 'i iV Rni wm uOl heuler. 38 cent. Guaranteed. An Important IMscoyery. The most important L)icovtry i that wl l"h hrinjis the moet rood tn the ireatisi number. Dr. King's New Discovery for CmiMitnptioii, üough, d C'olds, will pretervfl Uu' healtfa iml save lili. ;uul lm boon to the itfflloted. Not only il o-itively cure Consuniption, but Cougli?, ('i)I(ls, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, A-thnfiH, Mud all Rffecttbns of tlie Throat, i in rt, lid Lnnjn, yield at once to lts wondeiful curetive power. It' ymi duubt tlii?, get ii Triiil Botile, Free, at Eberbacb & 8ou's drug store. " Ye, salí, I tuck i'e chicleen. I was frwliitter mnke gome cuiclcen pie, and I luck rle roik-book i lic] read de correck-li uns, :ind hit Siiys : ' Tnke one chicken.' Ui; (lim'l siiv huy ose chicken, or bony in chlckiD, but it lava take one chicken. Hit doii'l y wliosc chicken ter take, M I 1 nek rle tnsl one I couhl lay niy lian's on. I Colli red de correckshuns, sah in de book." (atarrh Isa vt-ry revalcnt and exceedingly di.aürrriiblr (iiseiisc. liable, if neglected, to develop Into mrrlmii nttniniBBtlnn, Baiag ;i conatitutlonai dlsenoe, it requires a constilulional remeily like Hood's SarsaparilIh, wliicli, ncting thiough the blood, reaches evcry part of the syNtein, efieuting a radical and permanent cure of catarrh In even it.s most scvere forms. Prepared by ('. I Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. An Enp;lish celen tist says the eartb's surface is slowly changing, and what isa valIcy to-day inay be a mountain a million yenra henee. A man who; coiitemplatea erecting a residence in the valley ihould remember this, and be prepared to flnd big i on the top of a high mountnin in ihe year 1,001,885.- Norristown Herald. An End to Bone Scrapln?. Edward Sbepherd, of Ilarrishiirg, 111., saïs : "Havinjr r ceived so much benefit trom Electric Bitters, I teel it my duty to let suSering Immanity kuow it. Hnve had ii running sore on my leo' for eijjht years; my doctors told me I would have to have the bone scraped or leg amputHted. I naad, instuad, thrte bottlcí of Elvctric Bitters and seven boxes Bucklen'8 Árnica Salve, and iny eg ík now eound and well." Electric Bitten are sold at riliy cents a bottle, and Bucklen's Árnica Salve at 250 per box by Eberbacb ifcSon. Bucklen's Árnica Salve, 'l'he Bent Salve in the world for Cuto, Mruises, Sores, Ulccru, Salt Kheum, Fever Borea,TeUer, ühappad Hand., Chilblains, Gorus, and all kin Krnpiionx, and poailivelv iiires Piles, or nopay required. It is (Tliaranteed to ;ive perfect gatistaction. or moiii-y icliinded. l'rice 25 cents per liox. For Sale by Eberbuch & 8on. TÜE AUN ÁRBOR SAVINGS BANK, ANN AHROli, MICHIGAN, Transacts General Banking Business. CAPITAL, $80,000. Orpinized under the General Banking Ltw of thin ö;nt , it; etockholdora art' indivMnallv Jlable fur an additloiml umount eq nal to the utork held by th.'in, itu-ri-iy TfrtHiif a unurantee Pond Tor the bpnclV of Depoeüit rs of $100,000.00. Thnv per cent. Intereat la nllowed on all Barlngf Dt-polN of ont1 dollar atid npwariU, accordlne to Ihe rnlei of the Dank and Internet compinndert ínml-annnnlly Koney to Loan on anincumbred re:il entufe nnd othi'r ;ood security. DIRECTORS: CHRISTIAN MACK, Wit. D. HARRIMAN W. W. WIJTK8, DANIEL niSCOCK UII'"AMI)TAonIIí.Rl'B-íiMITkÜFFICER8: 0. MACK, Pres. W. W. WIN BH, Vlc-Pr. 0. K. HISCOCK.Clil(.


Ann Arbor Courier
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