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mimoxm; dikectoky. Axn Arbor Comwandkky, N'o. 1'! mepts tlrst Tuesday of eaeli mout!), W. G. Doly. E. C: W. A. f oiehard. Keeorder. WashtenaW Ohaitku, So. (i, H A. M.- Meet flrst Monday eaeli montli. Isiiac Huudy, H. P.; "Í. itoath, SecreUry. BUSINESS CARDS. V. H. JACKSOK, 33;iEsiuriiiriii!isiiTiL OFFICE : OTer Baeh & Abel's Dry Good Store. Entrance next to National Bank. W il. II Wl HERZ, House, Bign, Ornamental and PRESCO PAINTER! Paperlni?, Glazlng, Gilding, and Calclmlnlnc, and work or every descrlption done in the best style, and warramed to give Mtiffactlou. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St„ Anr. Arbor. W. W. & A. C. XICHOLS, Rooms Over Aun Árbor Snunc Bank, Masonie Temple Block. GAS or VITILIZED AIR Administered for the palnlei-t extraction of teeth. JOSEPH BERRV, The Practical f AILOR A!VD CUTTBR, Of the late Brm 01 WINANS BERRY. bas located bia place of bnelness at TJD. 7 HÜRON STREET, WITH A FI.'LL I.INK OK Suitings and Trouserings, And would ay to hl old Wend and new ones that if they wam a GOOD FIT and a NOBBY FIT at REaSONABLS PUICK8, cali on him and ihey will be sure Ui Ret one. CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE Í $29,000,000. ¦ Security held for the protectlon of the pollcy liolder. CHRISTIAN MACK 'Bepresent 'h fnl'owlnï firxi-cla- cirnp:'nief, of whkh one, the .Kt i.n. han alone caid t5fi,UllO,000 Ure I 1omk in Blxty-ttve year: Etna. Of Hartford $ 9,193,64 1 Frankttn ot l'hilailt'lpliia 8,IW,T18 Germania, N. Y 8,700,729 ¦Geiman American, N. Y 4,063,968 London Aspurance, Lomlon.. . [.416,788 Michigan F. & M., Detroit... 28T.608 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y J,56,6?9 National. Hartford 1,774,505 Phoenix, Brooklyn 3.759,U:6 Losses liberally adjustcd and promptly paid. IPolicics issued at the lowent ratcs ol premium. ïiöitr LUMBER! LUMBER! LUMBEE! If you contémplate building, oall at FERDON Liiiei lm! Corner Fourlh and Depot Sts., and ;c our figures for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Lumber and guarantee AERY LOW PRICES J-Give us a c.ill and we will make it to your 'interest, as our lare and well graded stock fully austains our asscrtion. Telephone Connections with Office. T.J. KKECH Supt. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop BISSOLÜTIOM OF PARTNERSH11'. VTOTICE is hereby Riven tlmt the partnerJl shlp heretofore exlstiii{ betwepn Harvey :ornwell, Henry ('ornwell and Wllltiun H. I'rench has ueen dissolved by mutual conent. Crelltors of nakl flrm ure hereby requ8tp(l to preMent thelr claims for payment on or before Satunlay. Heptember óth, l(v-.i, at the . fflee of Cornwell Bron., at Koter'n. In the TowiiBhip of Ana Arbor, Washtenaw (,'ounty, Michigan. Dated August 24, 18SS. 81gneü) HARVEY rORNWELL, HENRY CORNWELL, WM. H. FKENCH. ! ¦. UNIVERSAL fcü-.v.piwS B V B A T H U " '""h ' ' L' W in'r' Í Wu)m#VX(i7. OW Bathi Rmcwl. ? f 84 fbr ciKkn. E. 1 KNOWLTON. Ann Arbor. Mich. A COMPLETE ARUAEÏfOMEXT TOR ftyiiciia aai Families. Neiter ud Cheaper AND 3IORE TIIAN A STATIONARY BATH TÜB, WITH NO EXPENSE OP BATH ROOM AND FIXTURKS. EVERY LIVE MERCHANT IN is ARBOR. Should advertise in THE COURIER. I TITiTriTl S"tifl ilx cents for poKtHec f! I II I ƒ Ij and rocelve free, a coiily box U ffj ƒ H of Koodi wtaich will holp yon XX J 1 1111 I. to moremoneTright awav than 'anythlnu' êlié in lhi wrvrld. All, of elther iex, aseceed from flrat hoor. The broad road to fortune opens betore the workeri, bfiolntely eare. At out addrut, Tav Jk Co.. AuguiU, MLu.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News