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sliurt HclvortlsemeuU not to exoeed three linea, of Lost ana Fouud, Houses for Sale or Krul, WanU, etc., inserted tliree weeks for 25 centa. situatlons wanted. free. FOR SALK- Four Lnls un Ana treet, or exchange lor a small house. John Kehoe, l'üst Otlice Barber hop. WANTED- Two boys wlio wlsh to learn sli.irtliaiul and wlsh to pay their tultlou by a few luiurs llglit worlc eacb week. tí. A. Moran, 4l E. I.lberty street. W ANTEO SITUATION tu sraall famtly to dogeneral Houework Ín or near the City. AddressP. ü. Hox. 2U72. FR SALE OR BENT- 2 housen, 1 new wlth 9 rooms, sou Ui of the campus. One near the M. C. R. K. depot. Iuqulry No. 19 N. Unlverslty Ave , S. D. Alien. THE BARRY HOMESTEAD Kor Sale or Rent whole or In part. Centrally locati 1 ('oiivcnliiit to the Unlverslly, Public BobooU, Mark.ts and all part of the City. For Abstract oi THle and oluer Information, apply at the premlses. AFIne 320 Acre farm good buildings, near lii.'iss Luke to Heil or trade for smaller farm. O. L. MhUIu-ws, Keal KsUte Agency, Anu Arbor, Michigan. 6- U.M' IliMSIIKIUnmt r. m.Wtth cIohi''i'ond llK)r, for rent. Furuace heat. wlth or without carpct.No. 12S.ThayeraU,near High .School. Í.1OR RENT- The Henry C. Waldron resi1 dence on Kllïabeth Btreet. Iu the best repairs and as Kood as ncw. EnquIreofJ. i. A. Sesslons, Real Kstate and Insurance Agent National Bank Block. 8w ANY ONE deslrlnga place for Ilght houaektping, can flnd a deslrable locatlon in the rooms over No. 5 Kast Huron st. The lurnllure In the aparlinents can be boughl or . ented lf deslred by a respouslble tenant. I i'iulre at the offloe of Egan Imperial Trusa Cxmipany. -3 WANTKU Tlireo or Kour Rooms foryounï marrled couple wlth or without convenlence for Ughl housekeeplug. Addreas Loot Box a,WML T70R SALE- Three Stoves and quanttty of Jj l'lpe. One extra laree Goal Stove for Store. One medium lzed Coal 8tove and one Wood Stove. A. L. Noble, 35 8. Main st. 1jURNlTURE- Uood bargalns In bed room ' guit, bedding, etc, at the C0URir.1t office. A HOUSE and lot for sale very cheap 011 First street uear Huron. Located wfiere lt will always rent. Apply to Matthew's Real Estáte Agency, Ann Arbor, Mlch. 6- 4 Few fine grade Holsteln Calves for sale by JV. Mills Brothers, Ann Arbor, Mlch. 8 LOANINO- Money to loan on flrst-class Real Estáte Morlgage at Cnrrent rates of Interest. Sattsfactory arrangement made wlth capitalista deblrlng such lnvestments. Kvery conveyance and transactlon in abslnict8 of lltles carefully examlned as to legal effect. Z. P. KINU. Ann Arbor. 17OR SALE OR RENT- Barry Homestead, No. a 4th street. Apply at the premises,


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News