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MOST PERFECrMADÍ IrcparfI with ppocial rvard to hcaltb. No A-nr.i.niia, I-imoor rium. PRICE BAK1ÏJ3 POWDER C0.. CHICAGO. ST. LOUIS. ¦fS ]L SPECIAL J IMextracts MOST PERFECT MADE Purpst and ptrontr-t RfttVTs] Fniir Flnror;. Vanillft, UDOO, Ormw. AJmond. Rok, Ma, lUror ns dellealely atid uurallv u. th lt alt tuit..o. Pricc BakincPowdorCo. ST. L01I8. CURES ALL HUMORS, from a eommon Bloti 11, nr Rrnption, to the worst Strolula. Sal t-rhriini, "Fover-sorcs," Scalj r Kotigli Skin, in short, uil di I bad blool are i nmiuered by this powerful. purifyinir, and inviíforatin medicine. íJroat F.atiiig 11or riiidiy Ik al under its henign inthionir. í;-.Mviallv bas it manifested its potoDcy In curtag ii'iicr, Kosr Kali, iioils. Cartuinde. SorE EjT6% Nrrol'ii !ms Bom and Bwellinnk Joint Di ao, White Swellluv, Goltre, or Tliick Ni'i'k, and DnlarROil (ilandi. Bend ten ci'iits ín starajis for a lárice trcatjpo, with mj1ored plutrs, on Skin DiaéaseSt nr the same arnoiutt torn trentise on ScrofuluuN AfTrctinp "Tlli: ULOOD IS THE LIFE." Thoroutfhlv cleanso it by usintr Dr. Pierre' .oltlcii medie] Discover}, and good l BcKtiou, a fair skin. bnoyant Kpirii, ital -ii -onctli, and oundiiesH of E oimtitutioii, ivill bc cEtablislifd. CONSUMPTION, which is Scrofulons T)ivca' of the linie, is prompUy and ccrtainly arrested and curi'd by tlús God-pivon rouiely. if taken bef ora the last stages of tho disoascarc rcachod. From its wondorlul power over this terribly fatal discasc, when ürst offcrinp thig now eet ebrated remedy to the public. Dr. l'micï thoutrht seriously of calfing it his "Conmi m pi i on t'll re," hut abandoncd thnt namias too liiniud for a medicine wMob, from its wonderfulcombinationof tonic. orstrengihcninp, nltcrativc, or lilood-cleansinir, anti-bilious, p( ctoral, and nvitritivc projHTtiep. is unequaied, not only as a remedy for consumptiou of the luiigs, but for all CHRONIC DISEASES OP THE Liver, Blood, and Lungs. r If jyiu feel dnll, drowsr. debllitated, hare ¦ülow color of skin, or yellowish-brown spots on face or body, frequent headache or dizzinrs.e, bad taste in month, internal heat or ehills, altirnatinir with liot tlushes, low spirits and ifloomy borcbodlngs. Irregular appetite, and i tongue, you aro sufferinp from Iiuli(i'Mimi. Dy spe pala, and Torpid Li er, or "Bllloasueas." In many cases only part of these syniutoms are experitneed. As u reraeay ror in bucu nm-n Sí. -t,t.- Goldcu jncdical Uiscovery faas no equal. VorWoak Lililíes, SpittiiiK of Blood, SliortllCMH of llrcalli. llrom hlU, Severo onuliv, ( oumi niplioii, and kindreU affectiois, it is a sovereúrn remedy. Send ten cents in stamns for Dr. Pieree's book on Consumption. Sold by Drngglats. PRICE $1.00, ?VsTS World's Dispensar? Medical Association, Proprletors, CC3 Main St., Bctfalo, N. Y. EfcVCOS LITTLE lkOOXS PILLS. ATI.BII,lOrs and CATHARTIC. Sold by ItniKsiNtN. 25 cents a vial. bJ$500 REWARD HH is offcred by the proprietore Bk j if Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy í for a case of catarrh whichthey y i annot cure. I f you havo a discharfrc from È0f the nose. offensive or otherwiBo, partial losaof smell. taste, or hearincr, weak eyes, dull pain or profifiiro in hrad, you nave Catarrh. Thousamls of casOF torminate in consumption. Dr. Sajre's ('atarkii Kemedy cures the worst cases of Catarrh, "Cold in he Head," and Catarrhal Headache. W cents. MMüNiTYfromANNOYANCE l Pat. Oot. 3Oth, 1883. I 'ff I f HaIc onlvof tilO flnest and bestqnality of Glas for MillisluiitliiiK beat. Evory good thingf is Counterfeited, and consumera are CAUTIONED against IMITATIONS oí these Ohimneys made of VERY POOR GLA SS. See that the ex act label is on each chimney as above. The Pearl Top is always clear and bright Glass. Kuuuraetnred OXI.T by GEO. A. MACBETH & CO. Pttttburgh I OI- Works. FOB SALE BY DEALERS. WK WANT )000 MORB BOÜK AGF.NTS FOR TUI. PERS' i.NAh HISTOHY OF TT. S. GrLAJNT. SimiiI for Spfcial lertn to Anrniit, or secure agencjat onoa bywndlng oo ets In stamps for outfit. Address FOKNIIKK A Hi-WIKIV ( Ineiunati.O. hAfl fnnin presrnti, given away. VIII I I Scnd "" 5 centi. poBtiic.-.Hiid t! I I II b? mlvil Ja w11' f?et fr" (jjúUjUUU ¦Thn?u,rrt'y„aurfne work that will at onc brins you in mony faater than nythinti elie in Anirrfca. AU abont the $200,000 ín presenta with each box. Agent wanted I .re, of eilher ox, of all ajcen, for all the 1 time. r riparc timo only, to work tbr us nt their own homcH. Fortunf;e fnr all workern ahsolntcly sanred. DonH deJay. H. Uallïtt & C,, Portand, Maine. f


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News