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Kobert liarriíon of Pittsfield, lias pone to B.ittle Creek to work. Miss Kate Gorman, of Chelsea, has gone to Jackson to clerk in a store.. Misa Bolle O. Tnttlp of Uliulttea, and Cima. Delevan, of Alma, married Oct. 2Ut. Religlous meetings are bcing beid every evenlng at the Baptist cliurcli, Moore ville. The school in Roberts' district, Pittsfield, will be taught by Miss Fleming the coming term. Dexter's city physiclan ia making sore arniB now-a-day. Betti-r Bore arms than sore beads. P. J. Swayne, of Ypsilantl, bas returned from a visitof several weeks to friends in Kngland. Will Hall, of Saline, has jfone to Lever!ng, Eramet Co„ to live with hisuncle, A M. LeBaron. The Chelsea house is bclnff re-built, much to the joy of Chelseaitrs and the tra veling public. The pay car and the viiccinatiou car have each come and gono along the line of the M. C. in this county. A. A. Buckelew has rented the Queal property, on Fourth gtroet, and will soon move into town. - Dexter Leader. The friends of Frank F. Taylor, of Oexter, gave him a surprise and a happy " end off'' to lus new home in Luther. And now Nora has got :the Japanese wedding craze, and the event will come off Oct. 29, at tho York Baptist cburcli. Hon. Kstbert P. Harper, of Lodi, has jone to Tennessee for a stay of several weeks, staying principal )y at Chatanooga. You can't get a postal card at the Saline )ostofflce. No more can you atany othcr Kietoftice. The goveriimeiit is out of the supply. Wayne Sangree of Mooreville, raised a 00 Ib. pumpkin which beisexhlbltlnA to he curious. Oh! my ! What a pie! Chat pumpkin would umke ! Rev. M. W. Fairfield has accepted a cali otheCongregalionalchurchin Ypsllantl, and announced the formal acceptance last Sunday morning from the pulpit. The Chelsea school board lias added a line air pump, and listares to the philosop bical apparatus of tbe high school, together with a Ürst class microscope. Accordiug tothe Observer, Justice Webb of Saline, sent Geo. V. Morton oí York, o the county jail for 00 days for assault 111(1 h)ittrv il Tin r Kio u One of the eventa at Cheleea, was the marriage of Edward J. Foster to Miss Amelia Staffan, at St. Mary's church, ruesday, Oct. 13th, Rev. Fr. Du bic offlci.iting: Wm. Blrkett bas seoured the contract 'nr carrying the mail daily from Dexter to Jirki'tt. The route to Pinckney, via Birtett, was discontinued last Saturday.- 3exter Leader. A farmer notmany miles from Chelsea, las put np a scare-crow in hls orcbards, that is said to be so lifelike in its appearance that his neighbors often address it, and depart in a rage at not receiving any reply.- Echo. A little chlld of C. Schmldt, of this vilage, went to sleep last Saturday morning and did not awake uatil Sunday night, a erlod of about 36 hours, and then only y vigorous efforts of lts raother to brlng t to consciousneas. - Saline Observer. Mrs. Amelia Leinmon, died at Oakland, jêX„ Oct. 7, aged 83 y cara. Deceased was one of the pioneers of this county, coming tere In 1830, Bettling in Lima, where she ived uutil 18(30, wbea she went to Calibrnla. She aswlsted in organizing the ïaptist chureb in Dexter. Saline ís a greater raarket for produce, te, than any one lias an idea of. During ust four niontus past Geo. J. Nissly bas ihipped from hereand neighboring points, 1,027 cratesof eggs(30 doz. to the crate,) and over 700 pacfcages, aggregating 24,187 pounds, of butter. - Saline Observer. The councll at a recent session, decided on the building of a sewer on River from Main etreet to the river, but as there is not aufficient funds in tbe treasury for the urpose, and only one special assesiment acr year can be made, it is not probable ;bat the sewer will be built this year.- Milan Journal. A farmer who lived north west of Pinckïi'y, named Isaac Brokaw, had been at Dexter trading last VVedneaday, had started for home at about 5 o'clock, and in attempting to crose the railroad track west of the villaje, was struck by a spe:ial train and instantly killed, as was also one of the hoi se he was driving. We see by exclianges that there is a general feeling by clerks in favor of having merchante close their places of business at an early and uniform hour. Why not our merchiints and clerks talk tho matter up, aitd and follow snit, hy glving our clerks a little leisure time in the evening. - Chelsea Echo. We Kcholhat sentiment, yes, and ru-Echo it. The great success that bas attended the inany instances of drilling for natural gut throughout the country, and substitutlng it tor tuel in dweiling house and faetones has attracted the attention of gome of our capitalista, and they have been dlscussinj the question of drillinc; a well in tbe limestoue ridge, several miles from the city,and in cae gas was fotind in quantity and quality suffleient, convey It to tbis and other towns in the vicinity through pipes. In Pennsylvania the gas is conveyed for practical purposes 30 and 40 miles, and 10,000 tons of coal are now being saved dailv in Pittsburg through its use. Mr. C. A. Nims, who drilled our three mineral water wells, and who has liad practical experience in the gas-well business, bas been consulted, and gives it as his opinión that a paying flow of gas could be rrached in th locality mentioned, near Milan probably. - Tpsllantian. Whitmore Lake Item. School will open Nov. 9th. Ducks havo been very numerous on tbe lake. Mrs. Fulton, who left the lake about fouryears ago for Beaver Lake, Is visitiug at Mrs. Elliot's. The Whitmore Lake literary society reorganized last Friday ovenin, The following officers was chosen for 1885-S6: Rev. Mr. Bird, president ; I). A. Pray, vice-pres.; Miss Ida Pray, secretary; F W. Rane, treasurer; Miss Mabel Stiles, critic, and John Bheffer, marshal. The Örst recital will bc given Nov. 6tb. The Ann Arbor papera are busy In dlscusHltig the lawlessne, disorder and general hoodlumlam prevalllng In that city. The Coirier, without at all dlapuüug the facUt alleged by the others, declares that they ought to keep HtiU about the matter, and not let the world flnd out how bad a place Ann Arbor 1. Tal I ahoiit the logic of the CouKiER'a protest, nud t does not seem tobe good. The mout effeotl ve way ol suppresslnc any erll dolng whlch the aulhoritleH fall for any reaHon to suppress, Ib to glve lt the clearent publiclty; and the suppresslon of evll dolng 1 more Important to the welfare of a oomniunftythan thenameoflt.- Vpsllantlan. Thls sounds very much like the unfairness of tbe Ypsilantian in olden times. It was hoped that a ehange would do away to a great extent with tliat paper's antipathy for Ann Arbor and its people, but it doesu't seem to do so. Nothlng good can come out of tbis place in the eyes of tbe Ypêilantian, it seems, and our reputed evil deeds are magnilied a9 with a poweiful glass. The Cottribr did deny and does deny that Ann Arbor is a bad place. It did deny and does deny that In Ann Arbor thcre Is any more wickedness going on at sny time of the day or night than there is in Ypsilanti, or in any ether city in the state. The COürieb did assert that there is not a better place in Michigan, morally speaking, than is Ann Arbor. [t further asserted that there is not a city of lts size in Slichlcan, or in tho northwest, where ladies can go to and return from lectures, concerts and entertainment8 at any hour of the eveniig, unaccompanied by a gentleman escort with so linie fear of molestatlon, ns in Ann Arbor; in fact, we do not heliere there is another city in the state where ladie mke a practlce of attending evening enterlainments without escort. If our frlend ot the Ypsilantian would read what the Courier said, In a fair frame of niind, it would flnd that there wa no desire to cover up any wlckedness or wrong doing. It did prote9t however, againstgiving a wrong impression abroad. [tprotested and still protesta againstpickng up rumors and gossip and heralding hem to the world as evldence of wickedness in this city. It protested and still )iotest againsts putting lnto the hands of ust such writers as above quoted, a lot of malí u.}iirli a aa nti.t-r .... ., ating, to ciiitinually fling at this city. Whilo uiucli of the " stuff " that ias been written about Ann Arbor has been written thuug Iitle8aly,(niore with the dea of getting news, legitimately f posBible, but getting news any way,) it has besmirched the reputation of tho place ust the same, and unjustly besmirched t, too. The Coürier is wilüng to have the wickedness, and the goodness of Ann Ar)or compared with the wickedness and ;he goodness of Tpsilanti, or any otlier city, any day in the week, and 'has no 'ear of the result.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News