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BY_THE Mapetism of Low Prices! MACK 8CHM1D purehased during the recent dull time and depression a very large and teanabie ttock of Fall and Winter Oood. We succeeded in getting bottom prite, on eterytking. Houtekeeping Ooods, Talie Linen, Napkint, Toteéis, Bed Spreads, Lc Ourtains, fc. Our ttore is filled f uil with an immense toch of Woolcn Oood, Ncv Stylt f Suitingt, Fancy aU-uool Dra Oood, Black and Colorea all-cool Dret Ootd, Cashmeru, Satin Berbers, ele. Cloakings, Cloth, FlanneU, Blank, h, WotUn Tarns, etc. AU bought before thé advance in wool. We are prepared to give tur pairen bargaiu neeer before offered. Bleached and Broten Cuttons, Sheetings, Tickinf, Cotttn Plannd, (te. We also bought before the advance and are ojfering them it pricte mueh lovnr than ever quoted-" We Gnarantee to Saye You Money " on Black and Colorea Silkt and Satins, pktin, Brocade, Checked and Striped Vehets, Black nd Cotored Phiihes. Our eloak room it futt of the latest style of ladie' and children' ntttide ganntntt, Fedoras, Ncvmarkets, Plith Sacques, Plush Silk and Worsted Vrap, Ladie' and Children' t Jertey. Please give our ttock and pricet an inspection. We itant your trmde and lolicit it on ttrictly business principies, vit.: Oood Ooods Plenty of Tkem, Low Priees and Ilonest Dealing. MACK & SCH1VIID


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News