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W AROYAÏ. 'ËSK-'JÏJ Jh B POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tlnsjiowdernever varíes. A marvel of purity, Mrenuth and wholesompnesR. More ooonomiral ilian the ordinnry, ;id cannot !"¦ Knul In competillon with the muitltudo of low test, Hlmn weluht, aluin or phoRphate powders. Solil only In cans. ICoyal Haklnir Powder Co . 106 Wall ui.. N. Y. CKIM T0RES i O I I ! 1 BL0G3 HUMORS I HL'MILIATiNO ÏEruptiond, Itching and Burnine Sitio Tortnreê, LoathAornu Sores, and every epeciea of ltchlner, Scaly, Piraply, Iuhrifil. Scrofuloup, and Con'aloue Dfoeases of the Blood kin, and Scalp, wfth Lote of Hairfrom infíin -y to oíd age, are poitiveiy cnred bv Cutí cuba the graat Skin Cure, aud Cuticura soap, au exqaieite Skin beautiflrr, oxternally and Cuticura, Rksolovínt, the New Blood Parifier, intenially. COVEHEI) WITH SORFS. I have been affltcted nince test March with a SUin dlaaasfl tha doet rn ralled Eczema. My fare wu covered wlth Kftbu'uid nores. and the itching and bu rn ing were almoflt unbearable. tieeing your Cuticuka Kkmediks so highly recommended. I concluded to írive thera a trial, uslrtg the CuticurH and the Cuticura Soap externtlly, and Rih lvent internally, for four montht. l caji my-el i' cnred, in gratitude for which I mak e thie public Btatt-ment. MKS. CLARA A. FHEDEIÜCK, Broad Brook, Conn. SCALP, FACE, E ARS, AND 'ECK. i i.4 íflt,{W!.rHVtl, reTTgót your temedie?, piqnounoed otE uf the worpt case th:it had coinr un-1' r hti notico. He adviped me to tr? your COTfCüitA Kkmcwbs, and fter flve dnys' ne my hc.'i'p hikI pnrt of ray fnce were entlrely cnred, and 'I hope in anothtr week to have my Deck. eare, and thj other part of my face rnred. HEKMAN SLADE, 120 E. 4th 9t., New York. ITCHISO DI8EASES CTJRED. Cuticnra staml at the hi'adjof lts clan, c-pecla'ly Is this thf rlin the OÖUcaia soap. llavf had au uminuaüy aood tale thts iiimroer uwlna to the prnvalence of nu aggmYtted form of Itch Ihroagh ome localltlet in the country, in which the Cutlcnrn remedies proved atisiactory. W. L HAKD1HG, Druooist. Union Town, Ky. CURE lí EVERY CASE. Your Cuiicura lïe.ncdies outell all other medicine I kiep Tor skin diFeaeee. My onslomers and patiënte iy th'-y liave efferted a care in every inRtance, where other remdi" hsve faiijd. H. W. BROCKWAY, M. D. Franklin Falis, N. H. CUTICURA REMEDIES. are sold by all druRi;its. Prtce: Cüticur, 50 C'b.; Rkkolvkx't, il; Shap, ï."ct". Prepared by the Potter DRrG and Chemic-ai. (!o.. Boston, Ma. 9end for ' llow tu Cure kin Liiea6e." T3T? A TT1'IFY thc f'omp'fïi011 nd Skin by SjEjJX U uwinz the cuticuha Soap. CATARRH Completo Trratnicnt, witli Inhalcr, for Every Form or Catarrli, $1. SANDFOBD'Í 8ADÏCAL CÜRE w -- ysj Ilcad CoMs, Watcry DlB $C HN i "7 ctmrsi'fl from the Nos1 " '&iii .Jp&f- "'"' Kyc. KlnKttiR Nolso Vwi 'v. 1" ""¦ Head, iii'roun'l SAJ1 -TMj'-iH'-sdai-hc nd Kevrln5r-Cv Mllr ( (rr jHÖ ChoWnKlBni-lldilllllndPil, - V " 'V &V mcmliranc cleanncd and fS) _r2L hcalcd, trethiwcr tened, s H & auu'll, tanti!. and hi'arfns rcwtort'd, an(i ravages i-h'ck'l. i;„M]i, Hronihltl, Dropping lnto the Tbroat.I'alne in the (h. Kt. DyKp.-psla. Wasttng of Strtngth and FlMh, Lom of si.i p, etc. iwt One liadical Curo, one tiox Ctrfh4 Solvent andoni' Hr. Sanford'l Inlüiltr, in ono paokagi', of 11 drugglüt, tot. Aak for Bantord'l Uadlcal Cure, a purcdltlllatlonof Vtlich llutl, Am Plne, Ca. Kir, MiirltroUt, l lover BIOMOmi, -tc Puttek Dki n xn l'HIMICALCO., lilWton. Potter Iruie aml tlu-mli-al o.. Boston. . KI1NI'V PAIXH.-' aiid th„t VlKI vi nry sciiKStion everpreent wnth thoje ML of palnlul kidneyj, weak back, oyerE M woik or worn out by KtandicK, walkinK. !¦ or the owing machine, cured by uti Jci'a An Püx Plastïk, a new orlKInal.eic-unt and splynntidote to pain and infUmmatiun. A t druist... 2Bc ; Uve for $1.00. Mlled Iree. Po tkk ükuu and Chemical Co-, Boeton. jj. A ) flllcc! direct ly L HrS ShItiie pump JSPJ Wathout Liftjl. fiWBtfJ t)i flllinittuli IGOOdI ofanrLamp. mru iirU Thl" " th" ever oflfered to FAMILY OIL CAN. EVERY FAMILY 8H0ÜLD HAVE ONE. MANUFAGTURCO 8V fflintlëd ifiljanufadurinu %c, No Dropping Oil on the Klooror Tablo; No Fm?cet toieaE or Mt k noohedoMn to waste Contentsorcausc Explosión. No .orkn to u'se Oospk rcrfectly AlrTtght. No Leakaie-No Kvapnrntlon-Alwolutely gafe. For Sale lu Aun Arbor by 0 C. Warner, 8. J. Baumgartner. Hen'ry WeUcli. C. Kberbach. H Q.Horí R O.Behlelcher. Klnsey ASeabolt. ym-V24. SÏÏBSCRÏBÊlor Ik CQÏÏRIEB.


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