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Council Proceedings

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Monday night the council met n reguar scssion, with the following absent: Alda. Hudson, Iluinzman, Keating, Poind and Warc. PETITION8 ANI COMMUNICATIONS. Of D. K. and L. D. Vins for a sido valk on tho south side of Washington treet, between State and S. Thayer ste. Rcceived and referred to sidewalk cotnmittee. Of Chas. Dietas, Henry Murphy, Zenas Sweet and 15 other property owners and Mídante of the 3d ward, for a sidewalk on the cast side of N. Second street, f rom Catliarino to North street. lteceived and referred to sidewalk coniniittee. The following conimiinieatlon was rcceived and referred to thc general fund coinmittee: Asi Ardor, Michigan, 1 November 2, 1885. ƒ n the Mayor, Ricordtr and Couneil of the City of Ann Arbor : Gkxti.f.mkn- I lierewlth rerommend and irge tliut your honorable body order all thc lluron rlver wttUiu city lralU to bt nt once thorougkly repainCed. Ilrspcctfully, J. B. DA VIS, City Knglueer. Aid. Hiscock, from tinance coramittee, reported the following bilis allowed for he month: BKCAPrirLATIO. 5 w.?rd ::::: gg 4th " .'.V.'.rfbV. r0 ieneral streetfund 33 30 General fund J Ai Contingent fund 681 ¦ Total $1,054 63 Aid. Martin, Irom sidewalk committeo, reported adversely upon the petition of Theo. F. McDonald, for a sidewalk on the north side of Orleans street, because the petition was not leïally si(jned. Aid. ilenderson from conimittee on fire department, offered the following: Resolved, That the Recorder be authorlzed to druw a warrant in the sum of $75. In favor of Albert Son-, foremati of the Fire Hteamer, as pay for the eompauy's services for the past year. Which was adopted. Aid. Henderson, from the same coramittee reported that a new stove was needed by the ñre department, and, On motion of Aid. Lawrence the fire department committec was authorized to inake iuoh purchase. The Recorder .reported the nction of the license conimittee In reference to the auction business of W. J. Dunstan.and the report was received. Also reported progress in reference to leasing land for a wood market and was granted further time. MOTIONS AND RESOLUTION8. Aid. Henderson moved tliat the meetinesof this council hereafter be held at 6:30 standard time itistead of7o'clock. Which motion prevailed. Aid. Martin, by request, offered the following: Kf$olved, That in the adoption of Standard time as the legal time It Is understood that all drlnklng places in the City of Aon Arbor, be closed, as lieretofore, at ten o'clock local time- or nlne o.clock and thirty-ftve minutes p. m. standard time. Which was carried. Immedlately upon its passage, Aid. Luwrence, who had been otherwise engaged, called for the reading of the resolutioii, and moved that the vote by which it was passed be reconsidered, givinií hls reasons therefore, and his motion prevailed. The original motion was then lost. Aid Biggs called attention of the council to the constant breaking of lamps by boys or others, and recommended that the council offer a reward for the apprebensipn of any one damaging such lampa, Aid. Henderson offered the follovring; Retolved, That the Common Council, of the City or Ann Arbor, offer a reward of 850 for the arrest and convlctlon of any permm breatelng or carrylng off any of the Htreet lumpsof thlsclty. Which was adopted. REPOKTS OP CITY OFFICKRS. City Treasurer Watts made the followIng report for the month of October: Amonnt received $ 606 00 Amount disbursed. 2,009 78 Amountou hand 9.716 77 Balances represented as follows: ronuneentíVilrf.r.r.r...'...í?.f.Sa _ General Fund, overdraft 774 40 (ieneral Street Fund _.... 151 03 Ist war.l Fund '¦ 2d ' ' overdrawn 137 OS M " " _ 615 47 4th " " 122 53 5th " " _ 248 90 th " " 10 30 City Cemetery fd, overdraft 24 K7 üo tax fund 100 00 Delinquent tax. overdraft c4 il Water Works Fund 4,000 U0 City Marshal Fall repoitel the following distributioti of the pooi1 fumls for the innnth : lst ward $ 18 70 2.1 " li 16 Sd " 20 17 4th " _ 60 88 5th ' _ &5 14 Total _„ f 170 05 The City Marshal also reported the followfng arrests: Oct. 24- Wra. H. Camplon, drunk and dlsorderly, second offense. Before M. II. lirennan. Guilty. Hemeneed to hIx montlis In the Detroit House of Correotlon. Oct. '27- Paul Allen, assault. Before M. H. un miiiii. l'liiiiii 1 11 dld nol appear, defendaut paylng costa. Oot. 29- J. G. Laubengayer, drunk. Before E. K. Krueauff. Guilty. Flned $10 and costs. Oct. 20- Robert Tlsdell, drunk. Before E. K. Frueaurt'. Guilty. Bult adjourned for 20 days. Oct. 31- Clayton J. Standart. Dlsturblng the peace. Before E. K. Frueauff. Guilty. Flue and cosu, $7.40. Oct. 31- Thos. F. Holton. Disturblng the peace. Belore E. K. Frueauff. Gallty. Flue and custs, tu.40. The City Recorder reported the follottlng balances on hand according to nis book9: Contingent fund, on hand t 6,393 48 Geueral fund, overdraft 1,553 06 General street fund, overdrait 42 65 lst ward fund on hand 42 11 2d ...„ 161 4S 3d " " " " 199 57 4th ' 193 89 5th 371 SI 6th " " ' 63 City cemetery fund, overdraft 27 14 Dog tax. on hand 100 00 Delinquent Tax.overdraa 854 31 Water Works 4,000 00 Adjourned. We cannot too strongly urge upon our reader the necessity of subscribí ng for a family, weekly newspaper of the first class - such, for instance, as The Independent, of New York. Wcre we obliged to select one publication for habitual and careful reading to the exclusión of all others, we should choose unhesltatinaly The Independent. It in a newspaper, magazine, and review, all In one. It is a religioHS, a literary, an educational, a story, an art, a selentifie, an agricultura!, a fitiancial, and a political paper combined. It has 32 folio pages and 22 departments. No matter what a person's religión, politics or profegsion may be, no matter what the age, sex, employment or condition may be, The Independent will proye a help, an instructor, an educator. Our readers can do no less thau to send a postal for a free specimen copy, or for thirty cents the paper will be sent a month, enabling one tojudgeof lts merits more critlcally. It yearly subscription is $3.00, or two years for $5.00. Address, The Independent, 251 Broadway, New York City. _ J. A. Brown, the St:ite st. grocer, has 100 barrels of fine snow apples for eating to sell by the bushei or barrel.


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