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BHltlIIC THE PEICE IN OUB CIÉ Dep Ant 27 Seal Plush Sacques, 42 Lnches long, Satin Lining.Seal Ornaments and Chamois Pockets, at $18.00, $25.00 and $35. Positively worth from $5 to $10 more on each garment. No lady who thinks of buying a Plush Sacque can afford to make a purchaae until she sees the above sacques. It is certainly worth your while if you want a LowPriced Cloak, to examine the following Numbers : $5 buys a good Newmarket or Russian Circular. $6.50 buys a handsome Newmarket or Russian Circular or street Jersey. $8 buys a Berlin Twill Newmarket, trimmed with Astrachan, worth $10. $9 buys a an elegant Silk Circular Jersey or Berlin Twill Newmarket, worth $12. $10 buys a handsome Short Wrap, worth $14. $21 buys a lovely Brocaded Velvet Short Wrap, worth $27.00. W0NDERFUL VALUES IN OUR SHAWL DEPARTMENT. Persian Shawls, $1.50, $2, and $2.50. Plaid, Striped Square Shawls, $1 and $1.50, worth $2Doublé all-Wool, lar ge size Shawls, $4.25 and $5, worth $5.50 and $6 One case each Cotton Flannel at 5c. and per yard9-4 Sheeting, 18c, worth 25c. 42-inch Pillo w Cotton, 10c-, worth 15c. 5 Pices, Real Kinky, Curly Boucle, 52-inch Dress Goods at $1.25, worth $1.75. One Case Ladies Merino Vests and Drawers at 39c. worth 50c. One Case Children's Shirts and Drawers, all sizes, 25c.worth 35c. It will pay every lady to come ten miles and realize the candid fact that the cheapest house in Ann Arbor for Cloaks, Goods, is the Cash House of D. F. SCHAIRER. THOSE WISHING GQOD FHIT1 CHEAFp UAN QET BED ROOM SETS,: CARPETS, BEDDING, CROCKERY STOVES, ETC, At rare Bareains. The fnrnitnre of the 81. JAMES, biit recently new, is bcing disposed of at prívalo sale. Apply at THE COURIER Office where the Goods are showii bctwoea lla. m., and 5 p. m. THE ANN ARBOR nu mm Are now reftdy to recelve appllcatlotiH from partles desiring to use water. For this 8eason the Company wlll the Conneetlon i Ui the Main and JLay Pipe to the SiiI.m .-¦¦. l.imFRBE- Applications Hhould be made at tbe Illrr Of .a_. "w. n-vriXiTOisr, COR. HURÓN AND FOURTH STS. U'ISÓWS ATTITrjT Sond ix cents for portáis. I II I ƒ Ij and receiïe free, coMly box F II I P of Koode which wlll help yo lll l.tomoremoney rieht away than x"k"J-lianythlD( elue In thi world. All, of elther sex, succeed from firt huur. The broad road to fortune opens bclorc the workers, absolntely are. At once address, Trui & Co., Asgueu, Malne. III IT T for werking people. Sond 10 cents I Ij I llpo-tJii.'c. and we wlll mail you free a ri ft I rojal, valuable sample box of goodt I that will pnt you in the waj of maktu more money in m few dayB than you ever thought poenible at any buelnegs. Capital not reqnired. loa can live at home flnd work in spare time only, or all ths time. All of both sexet , of all agee, grandly succenful. 60 centa to $5 eaaily earned cvery cveniog. Tbat all who want work nirty toet the buelnefe, we make thidnnparalli'lfd offer: To all wbo are not well satisfled we wlll scnd $1 to pay for the trouble of wrltlng uu. Full partlcalare, dlrectiona, etc., eent free. Immense pay abiolutely pure tor all who start at once. Don't üelay. Addroa Btinbon t Co., Portland, Malne. J. A. Brown, the State st. procer, has 100 barrels of line snow apples for eating to sell by tbe bushei or barrel. Tffimied ,000 AGENTS, MEN AND WOMEN, 'or JOHN B.OO1'Sciitirrly new bixjk- Justpuhllhbif lia'" LIVING TRüTHSafndHHeeaart John B. Gough can pnlnt thrm. It gires, in perj&ípM: ist htiriniK an-olotO8, ttïetliM ÉT'r jaA,-! nh iniinifolu cxperiencesanil pr ffcv 'aSnÊÊ p"nri1 ''nnuwenc. never before ' ISt r V publiahed. ToetemUTnr or hii 'In ijKUM 1' itltu-t imd tho pjilra of hin humni W.TBdííWM are limU irresistible. AininnIH;jffiHMB cent líoyal Octavo Volnmt'. mn i VRHB UuiilRK nearlT 700 p(s n-J er. ¦Bt[I'WtvS 'Superh EiiKravlngs. BÍ?-ES WC UAUT 1.00monfntrprin ifC ff All I ing, lnte)Uut cetn J tnn of thousanás nho aro wnitlng for It. Nocompptition, and itls nowont-sellinfi all ether 10 to 1. Minlaters, hditors, rrltlos, etc., arivit th n Mn-jimlii'fil eiulorvument and iriih lt iodspeei. Agentx, nu ir u vuur time to makt vtotuy , and at tho saine time (WTvhfi n thoroujhly ftrtt.dati 6. ExrluRive territory and Yerj Spooittl Terins iflTen. Snd for lrtr' ilhistrated cfrriilan rontalninc fuJl nartlculors. Aíldrens A. O. NETTLE TON OO.. Pub., 07 N. OUrk Si.. CUigaO, IU


Ann Arbor Courier
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