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Amusements, Entertainments, Etc.

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The Ladies' Benevolcnt Society of tlie M. E. cliurcli i8 to give au entertainment on the evening of Nov. 16th, at the M. E. Church, the miisic for wliich will be furnished by the quartette of the Central M. E. Church of Detroit. Thll will be one of the entertaining entertainments of the se aso n. The Knights of the Macabees buil and reception comes off at Hangsterfer's lf;i!l to-morrow night, and a grand time is miticipated. WK, CS & CO. The above title is novel to say the least, for a play, and we are lead to believe from critlcisms of the presa that the play is as novel as the title is. Manager Sawyer announces this attraction for Friday evening, October 6lh, at the grand opera house. Here is what the Urooklyn Eagle, which 6 ruost excellent authonty, siiys ot' the play: Every seat in the Brooklyn Theatre wan occupied last night. All the avaliable standing room was llkewtse In use. The Incentive which drew an audlence so large, and as rultlvated and appreciatlve as it was vast, was the desire to enjoy Mr. W. A Mestayer's new folly: "We Us Co." H'he farce Is wet iu the offloe ot twoquack doctors In New York, and in the second and third acts tlie scène is transferred to Hot Spring. Tlie excuse of health-seeklng enables new songs, new funny business, new dances, and new mnchaiiical eflects to be lntroduced. Every actor is an expert humoriKt or vocalist Sivtral are both. The extravaganza is In advance of anythlng vet prodnoed on the line opened up by "The Tourlsts." It ha an asKurance of long lile and abonndlng popularlty, wlth an elastlclty which wlll ndmli of uew devloei and attractlons ad libilum. Of heallliful, happy, incessant latighter the plece Is a guarantee for two liours; and fvery artor catches the spirit of Mr. Mestayer, who Isnotonly at hls best, but able to make tlie others be al thelr best. Tho farce is to be wltiiesne.i every nlglit thls week and a matinee performance Is appolnted for to-morrow afternoon aud Saturday. Tlie invitations and programs for tlie grand ball to be given by Arbor Tent, K. O. T. M'8 to-morrow eveuing, are out and the foruier have been giren out. Tliere will be a bazaar held at Fireroan's HH, by the Udlt of 3t. Thomas' tHUIOUC L'IIUi UU, Lvnuiu...a -- -.. . and lasting one week. RINK NOTES. Each lady attending the Rlnk Friday evening, Nov. 13, wlll be presented witli the "Princess Schottische,'1 as a souvenir. It was written for the Princesa Rink and dedicated to Mr. W. W. Watts. Tlie Polo club was organized Monduy evening the following inembers: J. L. Sullivan, luw. "86, pres.; J. E. Dutly, lit, '89, vice-pres. ; J. M. Dufoe, treas. ; George Keek, Sec'y; C. I). Wriglit, med. '87, capt.; Colby Dent, '87, sub-capt.; Barker, Comb, Doe, Gordon, Hand, Hollands, Kelly and Tuttle. If the state league is t'ormed they Intend to enter. Mr. Wyman is having two medals made for the link. One for gentlemen, to be contested for weeklv, on Friday evenings in a two mile race. The winner each week will be barred from competing on the following week. The winner of each trial heat is eutitled to wear the inedal for the following week, which also passes tilm to the rink during that time. Those winning threu tiial heats will be entitled to a season pass; also to enter the flnal race wnlch will be on the second Friday In Marcli. The winner ot the flnal race will become owner and champion two mile skater of Ann Arbor. On Saturday evenings three judges will be appointed to select the best ladyskater present who will be awarded the ladies modal, which entitlcs them to the same privileges as the gent's medal on the same conditions. The lady winning the medal the greatest number of times before the second Saturday iu Marcli will become owner.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News